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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 28, 2000

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Two Mount Ayr Community high school seniiors have received recognition in the 2001 National Merit scholarship progrm. Janice WEDDLE of Mount Ayr has been named a National Merit semi-finalist, and Elijah TERRELL of Maloy will receive a letter of commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program. WEDDLE is the daughter of Dr. Daniel and Kristy WEDDLE of Mount Ayr, and TERRELL is the son of Brian TERRELL and Betsy KEENAN of Maloy.

Monte STARLIN was named school board president when the board reorganized and several policies dealing with the athletic participation were discussed when the Diagonal school board held its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 18.

The Mount Ayr Depot Museum held an open house Sunday afternoon with 75 to 80 people visiting the structure. Bill RUSK engineered an electric train exhibit shared by Daryl HOLDEN of Mount Ayr. The open house is the culmination of more than eight years of work to preserve the train depot in Mount Ayr for the future.

A Ringgold county 4-H member was interviewed recently at Iowa State University in Ames as part of the ISU Extension 4-H youth development state recognition program. Amy HYNEK of Beaconsfield was among 96 4-Hers who were nominees for a state project award, national 4-H congress trip and/or national 4-H conference trip.

Winning the Go-Kart Grand Nationals in Norfolk, NE this year is just one of the accomplishments for drivers Jeff HAUGLAND and his son, Blake HAUGHLAND, of Mount Ayr.

OBITUARIES in September 28, 1960 Mount Ayr Record-News:

Alice Marie REEL CHARTER   Donald A. TYLER

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2010

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