Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 28, 1940
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Loretta HOBBS, who has been associated with Hazel's Beauty Shop in Mount Ayr, plans to open a beauty shop in Clearfield this week. Miss HOBBS
recently graduated from the Iowa Beauty School.

W. H. McFARLAND has been reelected superintendent of the Mount Ayr schools and his annual salary was fixed at $2,500, the same amount he received last year.

MALOY - Roger NOLAN was given the work this week of taking the mail to and from the post office to the train. The position was vacated by
John MULLIN, who has done it for a number of years, but who left this week to make his home in Davenport.

NORTH MIDDLE FORK - Mrs. Bessie WALTERS and Mrs. C. L. NICHOLS acted as judges at the reading contest held Friday afternoon at Sand Point School.
Patty HUMPHREYS won first place.

TINGLEY - The high school vocal contest, under the supervision of Miss RUSK, was given as a part of the P.T.A. program Thursday evening. Those who will
represent Tingley in the district contest are Ardena EIGHME, soprano; Jean BRECKENRIDGE, mezzo-soprano; Roberta JOHNSTON, contralto; and the girls'
sextet. Mrs. Miller CHRISTIANSEN, of Mount Ayr, served as judge.

HATFIELD - Mr. and Mrs. Wayne COULSON announce the arrival of a new son, Harold Clayton, on March 8.
Born, March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin MERCER, a daughter, Janice Elaine, in the Decatur County Hospital in Leon. Weight,
seven pounds.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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