Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 28, 1988
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Jerry NOBLE was named the Mount Ayr Community high school Arion award winner. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin NOBLE
of Mount Ayr.

Grand Valley, Lamoni and Mount Ayr Community school districts will share up to three vocational education programs in the
coming school year in a program being run in cooperation with Southwestern Community College in Creston. A computer
assisted drafting program will be hosted by the Mount Ayr Community school district, a child care training program will be
hosted by Lamoni and students from the three districts may also have the option of a multi-occupations program which would
provide on the job work experience as well as some classroom study in job seeking.

Kristy MOE of Mount Ayr tied for first in a math contest for sixth graders from across the state held in Fort Dodge
Saturday. The state contest pitted the top three individuals and the top three teams from each Area Education Agency in
the state in a contest where some 180 students took part. MOE had advanced to the state meet by placing second in the
competition in Creston. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mel MOE of Mount Ayr. In the state contest, the team from Atlantic,
coached by Bruce HENDERSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milt HENDERSON of Mount Ayr, and which included HENDERSON'S son, Todd,
placed first in the state as a team.

Vanette HUNT, a junior at Iowa State University, is one of two recipients of a $500 scholarship sponsored by Iowa's
Independent Rural Agents and the Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa. HUNT is the daughter of Lois HUNT of Diagonal.

David McFARLAND of Ellston is one of 50 semi-finalists in the Iowa Lottery "Cowboy Contest." The contest, sponsored by
the Iowa Lottery, is searching for a cowboy looking like the "wanted" posters placed around the state. As a semi-finalist
McFARLAND won $100 and he now goes on to Council Bluffs Saturday, April 30, to compete with 10 other people from this part
of the state.

Ronnie LANDPHAIR set a new Rebel Raider Relays record in the high jump and tied the school record set by David McNEILL in
1969 with a leap when the junior high boys and girls hosted the meets here Tuesday, April 19. LANDPHAIR jumped five feet,
3 1/2 inches to become co-holder of the school record.

Rev. Doug HARDING, for the past two years pastor at the United Methodist churches at Kellerton, Beaconsfield
and Grand River, succeeding the late Rev. Walter ZARR, has agreed to take a new church appointment. On June 15 he
will be on assignment at Blairstown-Norway charges as their pastor. These communities are some 15 miles west of Cedar
Rapids. At Kellerton HARDING is on the city council and is president of the Ringgold county Ministerial Association.

OBITUARIES in April 28, 1988 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2013

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