Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 27, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Two vacancies remain on the faculty of the Mount Ayr Community school district, as no applicants have qualified for the
positions, according to members of the board of education.The position of high school librarian and Spanish instructor was
made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Vivian JOHNSTON, who has transferred to Council Bluffs. The other vacancy, that of
vocal and instrumental music instructor in the Tingley and Ellston Centers, was created with the resignation of Mrs.
Irolene ROBERTS, who served in that capacity last year.

Barbara SACKETT of Mount Ayrwas selected as the district dairy princess during the fifth annual 4-H and F.F.A. Dairy Show
held Saturday in Creston. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burl SACKETT of Poe township, Miss SACKETT is a 1962 graduate of the
Mount Ayr Community high school and an employee of the Iowa Southern Utilities Company in Mount Ayr.

A new pool became a reality for Mount Ayr and vicinity yesterday afternoon when it was opened officially for swimming.
Although bonds in the amount of $70,000 were voted, the final cost will be approximately $75,000. The extra $5,000 was
made possible by the generous people in this area, who were interested in seeing that the pool was finished properly.

Mrs. Earl KELLY of Redding was re-elected president of the Auxiliary of the Iowa Rural Letter Carriers Association during
its state convention held Sunday through Wednesday of last week in Hotel Hanford McNider in Mason City. Tom KELLY, son of
the president, was elected to the position of first vice president of the junior organization, and Mr. KELLY and daughter,
Cynthia, were named delegates to the national convention to be held this fall in Pittsburgh, PA. Last August, the KELLYS
attended the national convention in Los Angeles, CA -- Mrs. KELLY as the auxiliary's new state president, and Cynthia as
a delegate of the Junior Auxiliary.

Approximately 300 persons attended the round and square dance held Wednesday night of last week at the Mount Ayr Golf and
Country Club and sponsored by the Ringgold County Saddle Club. A yearling sorrel colt, given as a door prize, was won by
Mrs. Oy WEBB of Mount Ayr.

A $50 award has been presented Jack HARTMAN and Robert SWANSON of Mount Ayr Oil Company by the Phillips Petroleum Company
for giving outstanding driveway service to a Phillips "Mystery Motorist." The unexpected, but well-deserved, award was
made when the "Mystery Motorist" paid an unheralded visit recently to the local Phillips 66 service station. To win the
award the men appeared in proper uniform and gave the "Mystery Motorist" the six steps of Phillips "Golden Approach"
service -- 1. Friendly Approach; 2. Checking under the hood of the car; 3. Cleaning all the car windows; 4. Using a vacuum
cleaner or whisk broom to clean the floor mats; 5. Checking the tires, and 6. Thanking the customer for his purchases.

ZIP Code, the Post Office Department's revolutionary new system of improved mail dispatch and delivery, will go into effect
nationally on July 1. Marion Euritt, local postmaster, stressed the importance of all citizens learning the various codes
and using them in the return addresses on all correspondence. In answering mail, code numbers taken from return addresses
on incoming mail should be used.

For the second consecutive year, Craig RIGGS of Tingley exhibited the champion Guernsey dairy heifer at the fifth annual
District 4-H and F.F.A. Dairy Show held Saturday in downtown Creston.

June 21, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Denton LANTZ, Sheridan MO
June 25, a son to Mr. and Bill PRIEST, Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in June 27, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Edwin Dale POWELL Hazel Eleanor BARNHILL MOREY
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2013

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