Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 27 & 30, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

At a meeting of the town council held last evening, members acted upon the resignation of H. M. MILLER as mayor of Mount Ayr. In session this morning,
the councilmen unanimously elected Homer A. FULLER, who has been serving as town attorney, to serve as mayor.

Howard TEDFORD, Chas. TEALE and C. R. RAUCH, secretary, treasurer and manager, respectively, of the Iowa-Missouri Grain Company, went this week to
Des Moines to file articles of incorporation of the company and secure a charter for the corporation.

Hon. F. E. SHELDON, of this city, was on Tuesday appointed by Judge H. E. DEEMER as a member of the jury to appraise the land needed to complete the
capital grounds extension.

N. BATES, of Cedar Rapids, arrived here last week to accept the position in the barbershop and tonsorial parlor of F. E. RICHARDSON made vacant by the
illness of John HAUSZ, who has been employed there two years.

A deal was completed Tuesday whereby the "Palace of Sweets," owned and managed by T. C. REYNOLDS, was traded for the RAINS Garage, owned by the
RAINS Auto Company. Mr. REYNOLDS expects to take personal care of the new garage business and his son, Harry, will assist in the mechanical
department. The firm name of the "Palace of Sweets" will be RAINS & HARGIS, as Mr. RAINS' son-in-law, Asa HARGIS, will assist and also owns an
interest. A. F. COLLINS, who has a good reputation for the superior quality of his pastry and bread, will do the baking.

Ben CHUNY, proprietor of our local laundry and the only business man in Mount Ayr who hails from the Orient, and consequently the only "chef" who can make
the famous Chinese dish, chop suey, entertained twelve friends to a dinner of Chinese dishes at Hayes MAIN'S restaurant on Tuesday.

LESANVILLE - The Leasonville ball team played a game with the Barkoff team Saturday afternoon at Mount Ayr and won by a score of 7-5. Those who played
for Lesanville were Clyde SMALL, Gay TERWILLIGER, Sam COFFMAN, Marion KENNEY, Glenn and Hugh LESAN, Roy LUTZ, Oscar FLUHARTY and Ed SHIELDS.

LESANVILLE - Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SIMPSON are the proud parents of a baby boy, born July 25.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn SMITH are the proud parents of a little son, born July 25.
EUREKA - A little daughter came to the I. W. RUSH home on July 23, and she has been named Della Roena

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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