Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 26, 1939
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

With six contestants in the field, Roy SICKELS won the Ringgold County corn picking championship Thursday in
the contest sponsored by the Munt Ayr Co-operative Club and the Ringgold County Farm Bureau, and held at the
IRVING farm, five miles north of Mount Ayr. SICKELS husked a gross of 1,570 pounds during the 80-minute competition,
but had deductions of 97.67 pounds for gleanings and husks, which left a net load of 1,438.5 pounds. Other
contestants were Floyd CLOUSE, Lester SICKELS, Glen McKEE and Russell LAIRD, each of whom received $2.50.

At the fifth district conference of the American Legion and Auxiliary held October 18, in Leon, the Ringgold
County unit was recognized for having rated first with the highest per cent membership and Mrs. JONES, of
Diagonal, county president, was awarded an engraved naval plate as the prize. Mount Ayr won first overall units
of the district with a membership of 176.5 per cent and Mrs. H.B. ELLIS, unit president, received a gold compact
with the Auxiliary insignia as a prize.

A Girls' Athletic Association has been formed in the Mount Ayr High School to take the place of the girls' basketball
this year. The girls will participate in various games and will work for points, which will be given by the state
department. Officers are Ellen WILSON, president; Betty Jean BUTLER, vice-president; Alice Mae TOLAND, secretary-treasurer;
and Phyllis SMITH, point recorder.

October 25, a daughter to Mr.and Mrs. Joe THOMPSON, weight nine pounds

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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