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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 26, 2003

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Gladys STUCK JOHNSON celebrated her 107th birthday anniversary June 19 with an open house at Clearview Nursing Home in Mount Ayr where she resides. Gladys was born on June 19, 1896 near Caledonia. She and her husband, Delmar, later moved to Mount Ayr. They were the parents of a daughter, Arlene, who is deceased.

Ringgold county is getting closer and closer every day to completing the process of becoming a E-911 county. Road signs are being installed at the road intersections throughout the county for the next few days.

Plans for the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) is well underway, according to co-chairs, Sandy LAMBAND Liz SCHAFER. The route through Mount Ayr for Tuesday, July 22, has been set, along with arranging for entertainment and food booths for the bikers. RAGBRAI riders will come into Mount Ayr from the west on Highway 2 after leaving Bedford early Tuesday morning. They will be directed to take Shellway Drive past Ringgold County Hospital to Madison Street, follow Madison Street to the square where food, entertainment and activities will be going on.

Officers of the Mount Ayr Community chapter of the FFA attended a district leadership camp in Knoxville recently. Attending were Maggie GILLILAND, Chelsea CAMPBELL, Debra WILSON, Michael INLOES, Scott COOK, Kevin TRULLINGER and Kyle HAYSE.

A team from the Mount Ayr Community high school FFA chapter brought home a bronze medal from the state agricultural mechanics contest held in Ames earlier in June. Members of the MAC team included from Kegan BISHOP, Michael DOOLITTLE and Russell BAKER.

Members of the Mount Ayr Community high school FFA agronomy team brought home the top silver medal at the state agronomy contest held in Ames earlier in June. Members of the team included Scott COOK, Michael INLOES and Alex MERCER.

Dennis ELLIOTT of Mount Ayr posted his second Modified win of the season Friday, June 20, at U.S. 36 Raceway in Osborn, MO. ELLIOTT captured the A-Modified win, starting on the front row and leading the entire distance.

The Tingley tractor poker drive held Saturday was a huge success. Seventy-six tractors and 34 riders and drove a 12-mile route to stop along the way to draw their playing cards. First place winner was Scott COOK of Afton and second place went to Gerald MAHARRY of Lenox.

Ethan ANDRESEN, Jessica ELLIOTT, Amanda CREIGHTON and Kaylin BERGER, delegates representing Ringgold and Decatur counties, were among 53 4-H youth from the southwest Iowa region who traveled to Kansas City, MO on a field trip on June 9-10.

OBITUARIES in June 26, 2003 Mount Ayr Record-News:

Donna Mae FRAME HANCOCK   William C. (Bill) HAROVER   Donald Hugh LIGHTNER
Regina Ellen MULLIN LYNCH   Myron Frank SCHNACKENBERG   Wendell Reed TURNER

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2013

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