Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 26 & January 29, 1915
Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

SALEM VICINITY -- Sunday school officers elected for the coming year are: Mrs. Art STEPHENS, superintendent; Mrs.
W.C. LAIRD, assistant superintendent; Maud GREENMAN, pianist; Faye LAIRD, secretary; and W.D. WHISLER, treasurer.

George H. RAINS purchased last week from Charles TEALE his garage business and stock of automobile accessories and
will continue business at the old stand. Mr. RAINS has accepted the agency for the Reo automobile. Mr. TEALE
will give his entire attention to the implement business.

KELLERTON -- Minnie MILLER came Monday morning from Leon and began work at the L.Z. WILLIAMS store.
~ ~ ~ ~The Loyal Daughters of the Christian Church Sunday school have elected the following
officers: President, Taca WILSON; vice-president, Ollie DADY; and secretary, Bertha WILSON.

DIAGONAL -- The new schoolhouse was dedicated January 26. J.C. McGlade, state inspector of schools, delivered
the address of the evening, and others who appeared on the program were Reta JOHNSON, Asa BAILEY, president of the
school board, D.V. FERRIS and Jessie N. TALLEY.

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (Mount Ayr) -- The Junto Literary Society held their semester business meeting Tuesday evening
and elected the following officers: President, Harry SPURRIER; vice-president, Earl HORNE; secretary, Murice WHITE;
treasuer, Prof. FASOLD; and society advisors, Mr. SHUPBACH. Mel HICKERSON was appointed chairman of the program
committee and he chose the same members for his committee as those who served last sememster - Troy HOLLOWAY, Maurice
TENNANT, Murice WHITE and Clive KETCH.

The Amoma Sunday school class of the Baptist Church met January 25, in the home of Gladys and Bessie THOMPSON, and
elected the following officers: President, Minnie STROBEL; vice-president, Elma DILLE; secretary, Cleta BEARD;
treasurer, Bessie THOMPSON.

January 22, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles REYNOLDS, St. Joseph MO.
January 25, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank SEASHOLTZ, Kellerton

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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