Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, December 26, 1957
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Darrold HUFF of Monroe township escaped injury Sunday afternoon when the car he was driving struck loose gravel and overturned two miles east of Wishard Chapel.

Included among the 286 men and women who received diplomas from Iowa State College [present-day Iowa State University] in Ames were Wendall ROBISON
of Lincoln, NE, and Alan O'NEAL of Tingley. ROBISON is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. ROBISON of Mount Ayr and O'NEAL is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard O'NEAL of Tingley.

The West End Market was entered by thieves early Sunday morning but nothing was taken, according to Nick DUROS, proprietor. Entrance was gained by breaking
the glass in the front door. An investigation is being made by the State Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

A navitiy scene and home decorations won for Mr. and Mrs. Percy SKINNER the grand prize in the annual Christmas decorations contest sponsored by the
Mount Ayr Lions Club. The SKINNERS won second place last year and ranked first two years ago. Second place honors were on by Mr. and Mrs. Charles SKINNER.
The F. B. MALOYS and the Frank CLARKES tied for third.

Members of the Mount Ayr Volunteer Fire Department had a busy Saturday afternoon when they responded to three alarms. All were of a minor nature. The first
call was to a grass fire about 1 p.m. at the rear of the Sam NEWTON residence; the second was at 3 p.m. at the Harry BISBEY residence, where flames
had spread from an incinerator to a chicken house; and, the third was at the Glenn POTTORFF residence, where a cellar door was burning.

Neighbors and friends of Albert O'DELL, who is confined to his bed after suffering a stroke of paralysis, went last Monday to this farm in Athens
township and picked up his baled hay from the field.

Bill MONAGHAN suffered slight head injuries Christmas Eve when his car overturned near the Paul DAVIS farm, three miles northeast of Mount Ayr. It was
the only accident reported in Ringgold county during the holidays.

A son, Kevin Michael, born Dec. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Elbert TRIPP, Lamoni.
A son, Marc Alan, born Dec. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald DAVIS, Lamoni.
A daughter, Penny Rae, born Dec. 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald BETHARDS, Mount Ayr.
A son, Randy William, born Dec. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith SANDERS.
A daughter, Sheila Jean, born Dec. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer IRVIN, Athelstan.

OBITUARY in this week's issue or the Mount Ayr Record-News:
Clarence Caroll BOLINGER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

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