It is with a deep sense of regret that we announce the
suspension of publication of the Kellerton Globe. The last issue of the Globe comes
off the press this week, May 25, 1961. For seventy-three years the
Globe has been reporting the news of the Kellerton area to readers - the births, deaths and
happenings that are part and parcel of the small town. But time marches
on . . . and nothing remains the same. The time has come when the Globe can no longer pay its way
and unhappily we find ourselves unable to continue to subsidize the paper any longer.
This is a sad time for all concerned, for us as publishers and for you as readers. We sincerely appreciate the fine
treatment we have received in Kellerton and hope for the continued progress of the community.

Globe publisher

Poppy sale is this weekendKellerton, along with hundreds of other American communities, will be
abustle this week end with the pre-Memorial day poppy campaign.The poppies are made by hand by disabled veterans
in hospitals such as Knoxville and Des Moines veterans hospitals. All of Kellerton's poppy girls are children of
members of the American Legion: Mitzi and Vicki Virden, Sarah Johnston, Judy Clough, June Jackson, Alice Minthorn,
Bonnie Minthorn, Pamela Wilcoxson, Donna Jackson and Joyce Rainey. The girls hope to sell 500 poppies this year.

Honor students at 8th grade exercises
Grand Valley Community school held its 1961 eighth grade commencement at Grand River May 18.Janet Peterson, Monte Akers
and Jim Ethington were honored as the top eighth grade scholars with honorable mention being given to Kathleen Garrity,
Larry Huss and Majorie Payton. Rev. M. H. Mooberry gave the invocation and benediction. Awards for perfect
attendance, athletic, music and typing were given. Kindergarten certificate were presented by Mrs. Ruth McGahuey.

Bonnie Baker is 1961 valedictorian
Miss Bonnie Baker is the top scholar of the Grand Valley
senior class of 1961. Miss Baker was honored as valedictorian at the commencement exercises held at Kellerton, Tuesday,
May 16.Miss Phyllis Hall and Miss Anne Burchett tied for salutatorian honors. Don Allen and Janna Van Laar were
given honorable mention for high scholastic achievement.

Entre Nous Club
Mrs. C. C. Brimmer was hostess to the Entre Nous club Friday afternoon. Lovely refreshments were served. The next meeting
will be in two weeks with Mrs. Amos Bush.

L. W. Meadows died
Lowell W. Meadows, better known as Cap, passed away Friday evening at a pond where he had been fishing with his eldest
son, Jim.Surviving are his wife Paulyne and four children, Jim, Joan (Mrs. Joseph Ochoa) of Kansas City, John and Jean.

CHURCH OF CHRIST Vernon Norris, Minister
Thursday, May 25 May Fellowship supper and birthday social at 7:30 p.m. Also honored will be all mothers and
fathers. Sunday, May 28 10 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Communion service. Monday, May 29
7:30 p.m. Christian youth hour. Wednesday, May 31 8 p.m. Bible study. June 5-16
Daily Vacation Bible School, Monday through Friday, 1 to 3:45 p.m.
Thursday, May 25 8 p.m. Morrell Singers concert in Kellerton church. Sunday, May 28
10 a.m. Church school. 11 a.m. Morning worship. Monday, May 29 7 p.m. Choir practice.
8 p.m. Jr. and Sr. MYF.ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Rev. W. W. Whitcomb, Pastor
Sunday, May 28 10 a.m. Bible School. 11 a.m. Morning worship 7:30 p.m. Evening service.
Sunday, May 28 9 a.m. Church school. 10 a.m. Morning worship. 7 p.m. MYF. 8 p.m. Choir practice.
Wednesday, May 31 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vacation Bible School. Thursday, June 1 Vacation Bible School.
Friday, June 2 Vaation Bible School.

Return from hospital
Mrs. Lizzie Emig returned home Monday from the Decatur county hospital, where she had been a patient since Friday.
Mrs. Maynard Minthorn and son Reuben returned home last week from the Ringgold county hospital in Mt. Ayr, where they had
been patients with pneumonia. Miss Ann O'Grady returned home Friday from the University hospital where she had
undergone surgery.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kinder, Hatfield, Mo., daughter, May 16, Wt. 5 lbs. 14 1/2 oz. Mr & Mrs. Gailen Hager, Hopkins,
Mo., daughter, May 13, Wt. 7 lbs 5 oz. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Knight, Worth, Mo, Mo., son, May 14, Wt. 7 lbs. 2 1/2 oz.
Mr. & Mrs. Junior Dredge, Mt. Ayr, daughter, May 14, Wt. 7 lbs. 9 3/4 ozs. Mr. & Mrs. George Kingery, Lamoni, son,
May 15, Wt. 10 lbs. 8 oz. Admitted May 9-16Mrs. Wanda Kinder, Hatfield, Mo.; Mrs. Ruby
Kathryn Malson, Stanberry, Mo.; James Taylor, Diagonal; Mrs. Esther Hare, Blockton; Mrs. Kathy Whitson, Kellerton;
Mrs. Mary Thompson, Redding; Mrs. Berta Quick, Redding; Mrs. Theresa Hager, Hopkins, Mo.; Mrs. Kathryn Maggard, Mt. Ayr;
Mrs. Fannie Saville, Redding; Mrs. Madelyn Knight, Worth, Mo.; Albert Older, Blockton; Mrs. Marian Minthorn, Kellerton;
Reuben Minthorn, Kellerton; Mrs. Roena Dredge, Mt. Ayr; Mrs. Ann Kingery, Lamoni; Roy Minnick, Shannon City; Mrs. Darlene
Harvey, Mt. Ayr; Mrs. Mamie Wilson, Benton; Mrs. Betty Adair, Mt. Ayr; Mrs. Bea McNeese, Grant City, Mo.; Mrs. Edith Baldwin,
PERSONALSVisitors Sunday afternoon in the Harry Fugate home
were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fugate, Randy and Jeanette and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brooks and Taresa. Homemade ice cream
was enjoyed.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Drake and sons of Clearfield were supper guests Sunday evening in the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Drake and Tommy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fugate were dinner guests in the Raymond Brooks
home Sunday. Mrs. Harry Fugate and Bea Daugherty spent Thursday and Friday in the home of Mrs. Fugate's father,
O. A. Atwood, at Sigourney. 
2 businesses change handsRaymond Brooks purchased the Gailbraith
(sic, should be Galbraith) Feed
store last week and took possession on Tuesday.Chet Munyon and Charlie Reed purchased the Goldner Hardware store last
week and took possession on Thursday. 
Leaves for serviceArvid Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Hughes, left over the week end for Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where he entered military service.

Memorial services Sunday, May 28Memorial services conducted
by the American Legion post from Kellerton will be held on Sunday, May 28 at 2 p.m.

Past Noble Grands to meet June 5
The Past Noble Grands will meet June 5 with Mrs. Harry Fugate after which the group will recess until September.

Canasta club met
The Canasta club met Friday evening with Nancy Powers as a farewell to Gerri Gorman. Others present were Sue Kaster
and Jan Holmes. 
Page 2 - Kellerton Globe
County Line News By Mrs. Dick Myers
Miss Martha Smith spent Friday afternoon with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Haverly,
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith, Ronald and Martha, Eva Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Dell and Stella, John Bucy and Dick Myers
attended funeral services for Wilbur Hall at the Lamoni Methodist church Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trimble
of Cherokee came Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trimble and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bagley called in the
Frank Pierson home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Myers enjoyed the grad school operetta in Mt. Ayr Friday
evening. Mrs. Lizzie Emig was taken Saturday to the Decatur county hospital. We hope for her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Havely spent Sunday with her uncle Jim and aunt Christy Rhodes in Maryville. Her uncle observed his
ninetieth milestone on May 14. They also visited cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Davis. Miss Janet Griffith was
an overnight guest Saturday of her sister, Nancy Griffith, at Derry hall. Mesdames Amos Bush, Anna Havely and Lois
Trimble attended Entre Nous club Friday afternoon in the Grace Brimmer home. Mrs. Rita Myers returned home Friday from
Runnells where she has been instructor in the third grade for the past six years. She will spend her vacation at home and
return to her teaching duties in Runnells in September. Messrs. and Mesdames Harry, LeRoy and Clyde Trimble were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hannon. Mr. and Mrs. Burbin Padgitt, Steven and Merrit attended baccalaureate Sunday
evening and commencement exercises Tuesday evening in Kellerton. Steve was a member of the graduating class and
expects to enroll at ISU, Ames, in September. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen, Stella and Richard spent Monday in the Elza Drake
home of Redding, where they enjoyed visiting an old neighbor, Bert Ray of Oral, S. D. Jerry Euritt and Janice Wilson
of Des Moines attended commencement exercises in Kellerton Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moore of California
and their daughter and three children spent Saturday afternoon in the Porter Havely home. Lawrence enjoyed showing his
daughter and grandchildren his old home, his father, William Moore, having sold his farm to Luther Roberts, who sold it to
Porter and Anna in 1920. Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Dell attended funeral services Sunday afternoon for Lowell (Cap) Meadows at
the Christian church in Kellerton. Cap suffered a fatal heart attack Friday evening while fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Haeschele of Kansas City spent the week end with Wayne and Becky Euritt. Roy Bucy and children Bonnie and Billy spent Sunday
afternoon in the Guy Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Richardson and Vernon Bowen spent Sunday evening in the Stella O'Dell
home. Mesdames Frank and Donnie Pierson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Taylor returned their daughter-in-law, Barbara Taylor and children to Glenwood Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Myers
attended baccalaureate Sunday evening at Mt. Ayr. A nephew, Garry Myers, is a member of the senior class.

ObituaryLowell Willard, third son of John Wesey (sic) and Effa E. Meadows, was
born Aug. 20, 1907, in Kellerton, Ringgold county, Iowa, and departed this life May 19, 1961, at the age of 53 years, 8
months, and 29 days.He joined the Kellerton Christian church at an early age and was a life-long member.
"Cappie," or "Cap," as he was familiarly known, graduated from Kellerton high school in 1926, and lived in this community
the majority of his life. He was a great lover of nature and his favorite pleasure was relaxation in the outdoors. He spent
a great many hours of his life working with the soil and the elements of nature. On Dec. 28, 1935 he was united in
marriage to Paulyne Elberta Poush at Kirk Manor in Leon, Iowa. To this union were born four children: Jimmie Edward and
John Eldon, both students at Northwest Missouri State college; Mrs. Joan Ellen Ochoa of Kansas city, Mo.; and Jeannie
Eleanor, a junior at Grand Valley high school. He was grandfather to Joseph Donald Ochoa, son of Jospeh G. and Joan
Ochoa. Also surviving are two brothers, Weldon and Jamie, both of Kellerton; other relatives and many friends.
Cap was well known and will be remembered for his sincerity and integrity. He as a loving and devoted husband and father.
He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him.
[Funeral services were held May 21, 1961, at the Christian Church, Kellerton, and interment was made at Maple Row
Cemetery, Kellerton.] 
PERSONALSMr. and Mrs. Joe Boord of Leon spent Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Akers.Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and grandsons left last week for Indianola where they will have
employment. Sunday visitors in the Eldon Still home were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Still and Johnny Holmes. Mrs. Helen Baker
went Saturday to Des Moines where she visited until Sunday in the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Bob Smith and family. On Sunday
evening they attended the wedding of Mrs. Baker's nephew, Jerry Cheek, at Nevada. Mrs. Baker returned home Monday evening.
Mrs. Bertha Huss of Des Moines came Thursday and visited until Sunday with Mrs. Neoma Huss and Larry and attended the eighth
grade graduation exercises at Grand River. Her grandson Larry was a member of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Reed accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bagley and Debbie to Colorado Springs over the week end here the Bagleys will
make their home. The Reeds will vacation a few days in Colorado before returning home. Chet Munyon and Charlie Reed
were in Des Moines Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hall and Phyllis, Mrs. Chet Munyon and Sharon Priest spent
Wednesday in Des Moines. Phyllis remained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed and family and returned with them to
Kellerton on Saturday. Mrs. Charles Peterman and children of Independence, Mo., spent last week with her parents,
Mrs. and Mrs. Glenn Bear and family, and attended graduation services at Kellerton.

Page 3 - Kellerton Globe
PERSONALSMrs. Ted Baker and son of Chariton and Mrs. Dale McKern and
son of Leon visited last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bear and family and attended graduation services at
Kellerton.Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Teale, accompanied by Mrs. Walter Wilson of Lineville, left Thursday for Fort Collins,
Colo., where they will visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brimmer and family. Harry Shaner spent the week end with
relatives in Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millen and children of Corning spent Sunday in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Meadows and attended funeral services for her uncle, L. W. Meadows, held Sunday afternoon at the
Christian church. Those spending Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mickael and family were Mr. and Mrs.
Sharon Twombly, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmes and Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Carl South and Mrs. Bess Glenn of Van Wert; Mr. and
Mrs. Loyd Heckathorn and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed, Elaine and Ronnie of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Reed,
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Munyon, Jerry and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hall, Jerry, Darrell and Phyllis of Kellerton; Danny Hosfield
of Ellston and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stark and Darwin of Grand River. Mrs. George Mosbarger of Bettendorf and Mrs. William
Rhodes of Seattle, Wash., came May 8 to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mosbarger. They all went to Mt. Ayr to Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Combs' home where Mrs. George Mosbarger visited for a week. Mother's day guests at the J. S. Mosbarger home were
Mrs. Wm. Rhodes of Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. George Mosbarger of Bettendorf, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Mosbarger of Des Moines,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Davenport and Eugene Clanton of Omaha, Neb. Afternoon guests were Mrs. Jennie Hale, Mrs. Pleasy Davis
and Mrs. Myrtle Bunch of Des Moines. Mrs. Harold Harvey called on Mrs. Wm. Rhoes at the J. S. Mosbarger home May 11.
Mrs. Wm. Rhodes, Mrs. George Mosbarger and Mrs. J. S. Mosbarger were in Creston May 10. Mrs. Wm. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Mosbarger called on Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Combs and Mrs. Maud Willey at the Wion Nursing home May 12 at Mt. Ayr.
Mrs. George Mosbarger and Mrs. Wm. Rhodes returned to their home May 15 after visiting a week at their parents, the
Combs and Mobargers. Mrs. W. Rhodes and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mosbarger called on Mrs. Jennie Hale May 12.
Mrs. Dale Eighmie clled on Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mosbarger May 21. Mrs. Ruth Holmes and sons spent Friday with Mrs. Lucenna
Kobbe of Mt. Ayr and accompanied her to Grant City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Spencer and daughter of Mt. Ayr spent
Sunday in the Vern Priest home. 
The Kellerton Globe Jack R. Terry, Editor
Published every Thursday at Kellerton, Iowa. Entered at second class matter at the post office at Kellerton, Iowa, under
the act of Congress, March 3, 1879. 
Woodland News By Mrs. Donna Greimann
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drake were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dufty. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daughton spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Max Bond and family in Mt. Ayr. Mrs. Bernice Gray entered the Mt. Ayr hospital Thursday
for observation and treatment. She is expected to be home the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holland went to Kansas
City Saturday for a visit in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Holland and family. They attended
graduation exercises Sunday of their granddaughter Kathy. Russell Drake met with what might have been a very serious
accident Thursday morning when the chain on his power saw flew off, striking him and cutting his arm and leg. He went to
a doctor in Mt. Ayr where several stitches were required to close the wounds. Mrs. Leo Gibson was hostess to the
Kuntry Klub Friday afternoon. Next meeting will be in two weeks with Mrs. A. J. Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lasson and Lee
were overnight guests Sunday of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Akers. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson, Crystal and Melesia,
Terry Joe Nelson and Patty Fuller, all of Red Oak, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Goodell.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lasson and Lee of Davenport came Thursday evening, called by the critical illness of her father, Herbert
Dufty, at the Horton Nursing home. Horton Dufty of Salisbury, Md., and Mrs. Loretta Channey of Washington, D. C.,
came Saturday evening and Mrs. Florence Demling of Colorado Springs, Colo., came early Sunday morning, called by the death
of their father, Herbert Dufty, who passed away Saturday morning. Sunday evening luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Dufty were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brown and children of Midland, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lasson and Lee of Davenport;
Mrs. Florence Demling of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Mrs. Loretta Chenney (sic) of Washington, D. C.; Horton Dufty of Salisbury,
Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Millsap and Mrs. Anna Havely of Torrington, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dufty, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Akers,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck, Dennie and Kim, Mrs. Kay Huff and Leland Dufty. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daughton were Sunday
dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Terwillinger.

New Iowa boat laws go in effect July 4
Beginning July 4, 1961, Iowa's
new boat registration laws will go into effect. Under the federally approved system recently enacted by the Iowa legislature
all motorboat owners whose craft are propelled wholly or in part by machinery must register their boats with the state.
This includes boats already registered under the existing Iowa numbering system. Vessels now registered with the
U. S. Coast Guard have until July 4, 1962 to obtain Iowa numbers.A certificate will be issued to all registrants that
must be available for inspection on the boat or in possession of the operator while the boat is in operation.
Where: Applications and numbers may be obtained at marine dealers, yacht clubs, boat shows, county clerks, state conservation
officers, or from the State Conservation Commission, East 7th and Court, Des Moines, after June 19, 1961. How Much:
Cost of registration for all boats is $4.00 for a two-year period. When: Do not send in applications before July 4. The
application for all boats not now registered with the Coast Guard must reach the State Conservation Commission
between July 4 and July 24, 1961. In order that boats not numbered by the Coast Guard will be able to operate in Iowa waters
after Aug. 1, 1961, a temporary certificate will be issued which must be attached to the boat or in possession of the
operator whenever the boat is being operated. The number on the temporary certificate will be the assigned number and
this number should be placed on the boat in the proper size and color immediately.

Page 4 - The Kellerton Globe
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Middleton and Jan Holmes were Lamoni visitors on Saturday.Dinner guests Sunday in the Wayne
George home were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Greenman and family of Fort Madison and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hanks. Afternoon callers
were Mr. and Mrs. Art DeVries. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Booth and sons of Grand River spent Tuesday evening in the Bud
Powers home. Mrs. Harold Harvey called on Mrs. Jennie Hale Wednesday afternoon and presented her with pictures taken
at the Rebekah Lodge convention where Mrs. Hale received a 55-year pin. Mrs. Margaret Taggart returned to her home
last Monday evening after spending several weeks in the home of her son, Gene Taggart and family of Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Powers and Nancy spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dale, Debbie and Douglas of Ridgeway, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and family of Aurora, Neb., were supper guests Sunday evening
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zollman and sons of Mt. Ayr. Arvid Hughes and Dave Derry of Lamoni spent last
week fishing in northern Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Middleton and Jan Holmes called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris
Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of Hatfield, Mo., spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. N. C. McChesney.
Visitors in the Vern Powers home were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones, Linda and Larry of Ottumwa, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Powers
and Deanna, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Powers, Nancy and Ronnie, Merle Munyon and Charlotte Combs. Mrs. Dove Moore was a dinner
guest Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ethington and family of Des Moines visited
over the week end in the home of Mrs. Annabelle Ethington and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harvey spent Sunday afternoon
in the George Carlson home at Decatur. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Teale received word Tuesday evening of the death of their
brother-in-law, Walter Wilson of Lineville. They and Rev. Richard Hohl attended funeral services on Thursday at
Lineville, conducted by Rev. Hohl. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ochoa left Monday for their home in Kansas City, being called here
by the death of her father, L. W. Meadows. Jean Meadows accompanied them home for a visit. The Busy Workers 4-H club
held their mother-daughter tea Saturday afternoon in the home of Nancy and Donna Wicker. Mothers attending were Mrs.
Francis Virden, Mrs. Dean Jackson, Mrs. Kenneth Burright, Mrs. Earl Stanley and Mrs. Donald Wicker. Mrs. Floyd Drake
of Mt. Ayr was an invited guest. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higday and Nancy of Des Moines spent Saturday evening in the Francis
Virden home. Mrs. Donna Fusom and sons and Patty Cornett of Des Moines spent the week end in the Perry Kaster home.
Nancy Powers was a dinner guest Sunday of Charlotte Combs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clough and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Akers
attended the eighth grade graduation services Thursday evening at Grand River. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Greenman and family of
Fort Madison, spent the week end in the Floyd Hanks home and with other relatives and friends. Miss Gerrie Gorman
left Saturday for Joliet, Ill., where she will spend the summer in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gorman.
She will attend the Joliet high school prom Friday evening as a guest of Ronnie Blessing. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Combs
and daughters visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Lizzie Emig, a patient at the Decatur county hospital. Douglas Still
spent Wednesday with Curtis Holmes and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldwin Still spent the evening
in the Holmes home and enjoyed ice cream and cake. Mrs. Duane Campbell and Danny of Des Moines visited over the week
end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Higday and Linda Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Davis of Mt. Ayr spent
Sunday evening in the Weldon Meadows home. Mr. Marjorie Young of Leon called on Mrs. Helen Galbraith Sunday and attended
funeral services for L. W. Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Akers, Mrs. Edwin Still, Mrs. Ruth Holmes
and Jan attended funeral services for Herbert Dufty held Monday afternoon at the Methodist church in Tingley.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hughes visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Buell and Mrs. Mathany of Ellston.
Mrs. Wallace Teale spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Walter Wilson of Lineville. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Grimm
and family of Gallatin, Mo., are visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hogue. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Hanks of Mitchellville spent the week end at their home in Kellerton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corll and family spent the
week end in the Ted Storm home at Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Corll were Leon visitors on Saturday. Misses
Nancy Wicker, Judy Clough and Suzanne Jennings of Ellston attended a slumber party at the home of Eula Jimmerson of
Grand River Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Barnes attended funeral services for
Walter Wilson at Lineville on Thursday.
Mrs. Alta Green of Goodland, Kan., spent the week end with Mrs. N. C. McChesney.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hightshoe spent Sunday in the Russell Hightshoe home at Leon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reed and family spent the
week end in the Clifton Miller home at Creston. Mrs. Bertha Waddell returned to her home in Lamoni on Sunday. She has
been cared for in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vern Priest, for the past several months.

Kellerton Globe courtesy of Jan Holmes and Kathy Still
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2015
