Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 25 & 28, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

A deal was made Wednesday whereby the "Palace of Sweet Dreams" as sold by A. F. COLLINS to T. C. REYNOLDS, of Adel. The $3,000 stock was invoiced
yesterday and possession was given at once.

Two Mount Ayr young men will graduate from Des Moines College next week. Chester W. DARROW, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. E. DARROW, will receive the degree
of bachelor of arts, and Burrus E. BEARD, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. BEARD, will recieve a bachelor of science degree. Both will graduate with high honors.

Etta J. RIDER, county superintendent, has announced the corps of instructors for the Ringgold county normal training summer school, which will be held
My 31 to July 31, in Mount Ayr. Among the teachers are two from Mount Ayr - W. H. FASOLD and Floy REED, who will instruct classes in English, history and civics.

The cornerstone of the new Baptist Church was duly laid Saturday under the lead of the pastor, the Rev. W. E. DARROW. In the box enclosed by the stone were
the latest copies of the Register and Leader, the Baptist Record, Mount Ayr Journal and Mount Ayr Record-News. Also, a copy
of the Murray Baptist Associaton minutes, a copy of The Iowa Baptist annual, compilatin of historical data, an electrotrype copy of the design of the
new building and a counterfeit presentment of the pastor.

KELLERTON - New officers of the cemetery association are Mr. T. A. IRVIN, president; Mrs. Alice JACKSON, vice-president; Mrs. Ben SCOTT, secretary;
Mrs. Bert DICKERSON, treasurer; Mrs. Joe SCOTT, finance; and Mrs. John MOON and Mrs. J. A. WOOLLUMS, excecutive committee. J. L. HANKINS has purchased
the WHEELER & MEADOWS barbershop and the building. Mr. HANKINS will move his shop to the building and rent the bilding which he now occupies. Mr.
WHEELER will work for Mr. HANKINS for awhile.

HICKORY GROVE - Word was received here a few days ago announcing the marriage of Gussie ARNOLD to Ray JAMES, both formerly of this place, to be
solemnized near Chugwater, Wyoming, today (May 19).

CLEARFIELD - James MULLEN has returned from Des Moines, where he had attended the Babcock Pharmacy School and passed the board, and he is now
in charge of the STEPHENSON Drug Store. James STEELE took charge of the post offic here Saturday morning. His daughter, Mrs. Frank BYE, is working as
assistant. Our former postmaster, Mr. HILL, expects to move to the farm soon.

DIAGONAL - Fred BONEBRAKE and Lee LIGHTNER have rented a building in Arispe into which they expect to put a new stock of general merchandise and open
a business of their own. The class which graduates this year is composed of two members - Mary MILLER and Earl GOODALE. Dorothy BOHLING, of
Fontanell, has been elected domestic science teacher for the coming year.

KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Gay TERWILIGER are the parents of a daughter, born to them on May 20th.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee WAGGONER, May 19, an eight-pound girl.
A son was born May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. MOSIER, of Poe township.
POE - Mr. and Mrs. Earnest MICHAEL are the proud parents of a new girl, born the 23rd.
CLEARFIELD - Mr. and Mrs. E. B. MERCER are the proud parents of a son, born April 25.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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