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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 25, 1964

Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

Turbulent weather, which has prevailed into the area since Friday, caused light to heavy damage over a widespread area. More than four and one half inches of rainfall were recorded in four days, the heaviest amount being two inches the night of June 19.

A tornado ripped through the Mrs. Edd BENSON farm in Grant township Friday night, twisted trees off at the trunks, destroyed a cattle barn, scale house and sheep barn and caused general damage. The dwelling, located on high ground, was not damaged. Buildings on the Carl ABARR and John F. DENHART farms and other farms in the area were also damaged.

O. C. WALKER, 43, of Dow City, has signed a one year contract offered by the local school board of education to serve as superintendent of the Mount Ayr Community School District for the ensuing year. His salary is $11,500.

Johnny SNEDEKER won a five-minute Pesi-Cola shopping spree Monday morning, during whichhe managed to take $147.54 worth of groceries to the checkout counter at the West End Market. Johnny also won a $2 certificate. He was one of 36,000 entrants in the contest.

Approximately 450 4-Hers, their parents and leaders of the Taylor, Union, Adams, Clarke, Decatur and Ringgold counties and extension service personnel shared in the events of a special 4-H Field Day held June 16, at the Grundy-Shelby Experimental Farm near Beaconsfield.

Mabel McCULLOUGH RICE, one of the most successful business women in Iowa, commenced the study of law ten years ago as a hobby. Besides operating an extensive farm machinery and equipment supermarket and transacting other businesses, Mrs. RICE found time to study and complete the course in law, which experience has proved interesting as well as useful in the operation and promotion of her business.

Earl KELLY, of Redding, was elected fourth district president of the Iowa Rural Letter Carriers Association during its annual meeting held June 14 through the 17 in Hotel Warden in Fort Dodge.

The anticipated date of the first concert in the new park has been scheduled for July 8, at 8 p.m. The Band Boosters hope that by that time the weather will permit a large crowd to sit on the slope south of the bandstand and hear and view the Mount Ayr Community High School's summer band.


  • a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee GRAHAM

    OBITUARIES in July 25, 1964 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    James Andrew BOLINGER    Fannie JAMISON MARTIN
    William Craig WILSON    Mabel Agnes GUTHRIE

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2014


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