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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 24, 1964

Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

Carol Ann SHAY of Maloy was crowned "Queen of Ridiculous Days" in Mount Ayr. Other county girls who were candidates were Sue HARVEY, Mary Lou MULLENIX, Cherri MITCHELL, Mary Jane SMITH, Nanci FOLTZ, Janice CALDWELL, Ann SULLIVAN and Donna HARTMAN. The new queen was crowned by Sharon LESAN, 1963 Ridiculous Days Queen, during a ceremony following the parade on Saturday.

Howard PAIST, operator of the Sinclair oil station and tank wagon service, was elected president of the Mount Ayr Businessmen's Club Thursday night at their regular meeting. Other officers elected are Donald DAILEY, Joe GROSS and Leonard BROWN, first, second and third vice-presidents, respectively. J.A. TYSON was re-elected secretary and Harry GUNTER was retained as treasurer.

1.90 inches of rain fell Tuesday afternoon as wind-whipped rain and hail swept through Ringgold County. 1.40 inches of rain fell within 10 minutes in Mount Ayr, and some hailstones were reported to be as large as golf balls with jagged edges.

Lora BEAMAN, freshman at Simpson College, Indianola, was recently pledged to Delta Delta Delta, social soriety. Miss BEAMAN is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BEAMAN of Fullerton, CA, formerly of Mount Ayr


  • a son to Mr. and Mrs. George William CONSTANT
  • a son to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Edwin STEPHENS
  • a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lyle SMITH
  • a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gene NEWBY

    OBITUARIES in September 24, 1964 Mount Ayr Record-News:


    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2014


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