Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 24, 1952
Jessica Graham, Mount Ayr

The annual Old Timer's Reunion is scheduled for Thursday, August 14, according to Arthur PALMER, who is serving as
publicity chairman. For the past few years the event has been held in connection with the Ringgold County Fair.

The farm home of Mrs. Arch FULLERTON in Riley township was totally destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The blaze was
discovered by Mrs. FULLERTON'S son, James R. FULLERTON, who resides on the adjoining farm, at about four o'clock a.m.
Mrs. FULLERTON is a patient in the Bethany, MO nursing home and the farm home was unoccupied at the time.

Carl and Ruth THOMPSON'S famous all-girl White Horse Revue, starring the world's most famous Albino wonder horses, will
be presented Saturday afternoon and evening, July 26, at the fairgrounds in Mount Ayr. NOTE:
In 1908, Old King was born, owned by Professor William P. NEWELL of Illinois. Old King was a true albino, white with
pink skin and dark brown eyes. He was purchased in 1917 by Caleb (Cal) R. and Hudson B. THOMPSON of West Point, Nebraska,
and was the foundation of a new breed of horses, breeding Old King to Morgan mares. In 1936 Cal married Ruth HACKENBERG and
Hudson dropped out of the horse business. Cal and Ruth continued with operations and developed what is now known as
the American Albino horse. They developed the White Horse Troupe as a means of promoting the breed, touring throughout
the United States and Canada. Some of the features of the revue included six-horse tandem Roman team, five-horse
Roman team, high schooled dressage and trick acts, and high hurdle jumping. White Wings, a descendant of Old King, sired 108 foals
and was so gentle that a 10-year-old girl exhibited him in the revue, showing off the 50 tricks that White Wings knew.
Cal died in 1963. Poor health forced Ruth into selling off her beautiful 150-head herd and move to Oregon.

Dr. L. S. BEAMER has ordered the address of the Record-News chanaged from Fort Myers Beach, FL to Tingley.
Dr. BEAMER has been in Florida for several months for the benefit of his health which is greatly improved. Dr. and
Mrs. BEAMER, Sue Ellen and Stephen will return to Tingley about the first of August when he will resume his practice.

The friends and relatives of Mrs. Carrie MICKAEL, of Kellerton, are cordially invited to attend the open house,
which is being held in honor of the occasion of her 90th birthday anniversary, on Sunday afternoon, July 27, between
the hours of two and four o'clock.

Ringgold county 4-H boys are invited to participate in a livestock judging workout to be held this Saturday morning,
July 26, according to Myron WORMLEY, 4-H youth assistant.

ON SALE, Baldner & Roe Clothiers:
T-shirts, 89-cents ea. |
pants, $5.75/pair |
ties, 67-cents ea. |
shoes, $7.95 |

July 18, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joe FLETCHALL, Grant City MO
July 18, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert RICHARDS, Mount Ayr
July 19, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jack BRABY, Lamoni
July 20, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Don KNIGHT, Grant City MO
July 22, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Billy BRECKENBRIDGE, Tingley
July 22, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy ENGLAND, Diagonal
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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