Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 24, 1961
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Randall HANSON, Diagonal; Keith BASTOW, Mount Ayr, and Craig ELLIOTT, Benton, exhibited the champions in the market
classes of the 4-H and FFA division of the Ringgold County Fair held last week.

Lee Ivan BROWN, 15 years of age, of Wood, SD was killed instantly Saturday afternoon about 1 p.m. in a tractor accident,
which happened one and a half miles south of Ellston on a graveled road. BROWN was driving south on a 1960 Ford
tractor owned by Aden STEWART of Ellston at the time of the accident. The youth either lost control of the vehicle or
the brakes locked and the tractor left the road, over turned in a ditch on the east side of the road and pinned him
underneath. Dean STEWART, 17 years of age and son of the Aden STEWARTS, who was riding with BROWN, jumped off the tractor
and escaped injury. The dead youth was a son of the Lawrence (Bud) BROWNS of Wood and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Iven
CREVELING of Beaconsfield, with whom he and his parents were visiting.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. KIRSCH of Bremerton, WA, son-in-law and daughter of the Emery SCHLAPIAS, of Nampa, ID, formerly of
Ringgold county, were killed August 15 in a plane crash near Buckley, WA. Also killed in the crash of the light plane
were Carlos HORTON, owner of Horton Nursing Homes in Bremerton, Twin Falls and Nampa, Idaho, Winterset, Mount Ayr and
other cities, and his daughter, Norma Jean, 26 years of age, and a registered nurse.

Barton SHIELDS, 13 years of age, was injured Sunday when dragged by a pony on the farm of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Junior SHIELDS, of Lotts Creek township. The youth suffered a broken left elbow, badly bruised right arm and numerous
other body bruises when the pony he was riding reared and threw him off. After the accident, Barton walked to his
home and then was brought to the Ringgold County Hospital.

For the tallest stalk of corn exhibited in the merchants' tent during the Ringgold County Fair, Vern BANNER of Tingley
won a pair of Acme dress boots offered by the IRVING Clothing Store in Mount Ayr. Mr. BANNER submitted seven stalks of
corn over 13 feet, the tallest of which was 13 feet, seven and one-fourth inches. Charles MOORE of Mount Ayr received a
Form-Fit chair from the Mount Ayr Furniture Store for his second place stalk of corn, which measured 13 feet, five and
one-half inches. A 13-foot, four-inch stalk of corn, which placed third, won for its exhibitor, Gene MOTSINGER of Mount
Ayr, a knife as presented by Tomcoseed corn. Judges of the exhibit were county Extension director J. N. CHICKEN and Len
R. BEATH, county Extension associate. Darrell E. REED, Mount Ayr manager for Iowa Southern Utilities Company for the
past five years, has been promoted to the new position of manager of the company's operations in the entire
Mount Ayr-Creston area. The change will become effective September 1.

August 16, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Russell MORRIS, Lamoni
August 20, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold GARNER, Indianola

OBITUARIES in Thursday, August 24, 1961 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Bertha Stella WOOD HILL
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011

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