Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 23, 1917
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

The piano pupils of Mrs. Stevenson who will be heard in a recital on Friday afternoon are Thelma Maulton, Ruth Beard, William Holden, Eula Fisher, Amy Vrendenburg, Ruth Flynn, Geraldine Laughlin and Vane Roberts.

J.R. Loutzenhiser, who purchased an interest in the Freeland Store several weeks ago, moved the latter part of the week from Blockton to Mount Ayr and will from now on devote his entire time to the business.

DIAGONAL - Those who have graduated from the Diagonal high school were invited to attend a meeting Friday nigth for the purpose of organizing an alumni association.

DIAGONAL - Ernest McGuire, who has been employed in the Progress office for several years, resigned his position last week and expects to work out of doors for awhile. Thomas Waffle, who has had a great deal of experience in a printing office, has accepted the position made vacant by Mr. McGuire.

Amy Vredenburg, who will graduate this spring in piano, harmon, history of music, etc., from Graceland college, will be here about the first week in June to take up the work of teaching piano.

Rex Lawhead, a student in the United Presybterian Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, will serve as pastor of a country church between Lenox and Prescott during the summer months, the duties of which he began last Sunday.

BEACONSFIELD - Teachers reelected for the coming school year are: Professor L. H. Painter; primary, Rena Myers; and intermediate, Mrs. Eva Miller.

ELLSTON - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coverdale are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy on May 13.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Crew are rejoicing over the arrival of an eight-pount girl, born May 17. The little one has been christened Virginia Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. Alma Anderson are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby on May 19.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2017

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