Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 23, 1977
Ione Spurrier, Mount Ayr

A memorial gift of a flag pole has been received by the Clearfield Home in Mount Ayr and erected in the south yard of
the home. The donar, Mrs. Carson WILLIAMS of this city, presented it in memory of her brother, Clark TAYLOR, a resident
of Clearview prior to his death. The 30-foot aluminum pole measures five inches in diameter at the base, tapers to a
three-inch peak at the top, and is crested with a five-inch gold ball.

Elected as officers of the Ringgold County Cancer Society are Mrs. Barton ABARR, chairman; Mrs. Dale HERRINGTON, vice-chariman;
Mrs. Don CORRL, secretary; Mrs. Jayne FERGUSON, treasurer, and Mrs. Don KINNE, acting memorial chairman.

The works of artist Connie SANDAGE HENDRIX, of Memphis, Tenn., and former resident of Mount Ayr, have been purchased
by the State Agricultural Building Purchase Committee and the two watercolor pictures will hang in the Wallace Building
in Des Moines. Connie opened a gallery studio in Memphis and this spring has held four one-woman exhibits.

The Ringgold County Singers have elected the following officers: Kay OSHEL of Diagonal, president; Betty MONAGHAN,
vice-president, and Helen TERRY, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Kathleen HAROVER has assumed the duties as director of
the group.

Present for the Tingley Alumni Banquet in the Sun Valley Country Club were 157 alumni and guests. Elected as officers
during the business meeting are Sue WOOD, presdient; Dan WEEDA, vice-president; Margaret EIGHME, treasurer, and
Marlene ZARR, secretary. Entertainment was provided by Grace FERGUSON, Jayne FERGUSON, John ALLEN, Allan TRIGGS
and Jerry HANZLIK.

Ernest BASTOW has been appointed to serve as a member-at-large on the Ringgold County Compensation Board. He fills
the vacancy created by the resignation of Mayme STEPHENS, who has moved from the county.

Tingley - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie CALHOUN and family of Des Moines, moved recently into the United Methodist Parsonage
and he will serve as pator for the ensuing year.

New officers of the American Legion Auxiliary are: President, Margaret HULL; first and second vice-president
are Donna MORRISON and Jean SKARDA, respectively; secretary, Marjorie IBBOTSON; treasurer, Marie TROXELL;
historian, Twilla LININGER, and paraliamentarian, Vienna RICHARDS. Mrs. LININGER was selected as a delegate to the
state convention in Des Moines.

Peggy COMBS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence COMBS, and Steve WORTHINGTON, son of the Laverne WORTHINGTONS, all of
Mount Ayr, were united in marriage June 18, in the Immaculate Conception Church in Maloy. They will reside in Mount Ayr,
where she is a bank employee and he served as mechanic foreman for the Roe Implement Compnay.

June 16, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jay WATSON, Diagonal
June 17, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert SHAFER, Mount Ayr

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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