Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 23, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Commencement exercises for the senior class of the Redding high school will be held April 25. Chas. L. Lewis, Mount Ayr attorney, will deliver the commencement address, Members of the class are Ramona Rains, valedictorian; Harley V. Combs, salutatorian; Melba Knapp, Junior Oliver, Lowell Brott, James Kobbe, Leonard Zigler, Homer Shaw, Betty Zigler and Mary Saville.

Vance E. Geiger, Hopkins, MO, high school coach, whose Bulldog basketeers rang up the best record of any prep team in the state - 42 wins in 46 starts - winners of the Savannah and regional tournaments and runner-up in the state, has been receiving "feelers" from some large schools. Solid backing from the Hopkins people and his farming interests just over the line in Iowa, have been factors in his refusing offers on previous occasions.

Cecile Cunning, fifth and sixth grade instructor in the Conway public schools, has been elected as sixth grade teacher in the Mount Ayr schools. She will fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Virginia Lyons, who had served in that capacity for two years.

A third Camp Fire group will soon be organized in Mount Ayr with Mrs. F. E. McNeiley as guardian. The new group will be sponsored by the Chee-A-Weegroup under the guardianship of Mrs. George Farmer.

Pvt Maurice Lynn Sheil, who is stationed at Camp Roberts, CA, recently won awards in marksmanship with the 30-calibre rifle and automatic rifle; also, as second class gunner with the light machine gun. Pvt. Sheil qualified in the firing of the 60mm mortar weapon.

NORTHWEST MONROE - Lena Roberts, who teaches the Zwick School, and her pupils had a reading contest Saturday. The judges, Mrs. Vern Allen, Clarice Wilson and Winnie Rhoades, decided Dean Mathany won first.

TINGLEY - Lyndon Richards left Monday for Wichita, KS to attend the Swallow Aircraft School as a mechanic.

DIAGONAL - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Strange are the parents of a seven and one-half pound son, Larry Lee, born April 19.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2017
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