Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 22, 1988
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Rideta Electric Coopeprative of Mount Ayr held an open house before its annual meeting last Tuesday to show off its new
office facilities to the public. One of the highlights of the open house afternoon was rides up in the basket lift
used when working on poles and lines.

A Ringgold county 4-H member has been named to receive a trip to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago, IL, in
December as the state bread award winner. Emily McALEXANDER, 18, daughter of Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER of
Beaconsfield, will be the third Ringgold county 4-H member to be named to take the trip to the national meeting.
Named earlier were Billi and Bobbi HUNT of Diagonal.

Approximately 55 Mount Ayr Legion and Auxiliary members met Monday, Sept. 12, to hear the Girls State report
given by their representative to Girls State, Jamie JONES. Jamie is a senior this year at the Mount Ayr Community
high school and is a daughter of Patti JONES and Steve JONES and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim JONES. Jamie
reported her week was very interesting, educational, fun and filled with work.

Mount Ayr Community junior high school and senior high school bands participated in the Creston Balloon Days parade
in Creston Saturday. The marching band was judged, with the junior high school band placing second and the Mount Ayr
Community high school band placing third in its class in the competition. Band instructor Marty ALDRICH said that the
bands played and performed well in the parade.

September 17, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Scott WILKINSON, Grant City MO

OBITUARIES in September 22, 1988 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Gerald Dean LAIRD
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2013

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