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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 22, 1959

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Charles HICKMAN, who was treated for what were believed minor injuries and released from an Osceola hospital following an automobile accident early Saturday morning entered the Ringgold County Hospital Tuesday for further examination. X-rays revealed that he was suffering from a cracked vertebra. Donald Ward HATCHER, a farmer near New Virginia, was killed when his auto crashed into the rear of Mr. HICKMAN'S pickup truck on Interstate Highway 35, a mile north of the New Virginia intersection. Both men were thrown from their vehicles, which wre completely demolished. Mr. HICKMAN, who resides south of Mount Ayr, was en route from Davenport, where he is employed in construction work, to his home when the accident happened.

Larry MAGGARD suffered a severe cut on the forehead that required 54 stitches to close and a fractured cheek bone Saturday night when his car collided head-on with another car near he crest of a hill, one mile south of Grant City, MO. He was brought to the Ringgold County Hospital, where he remained a patient. His car companion, Lyle MAIN, was treated for minor cuts and released.

Mr. Julia HENDERSON of Tingley suffered two broken ribs and a slight brain concussion Monday afternoon about 3:30 p.m. when the rear of her car was struck by a truck four miles north of Mount Ayr on Highway 169. She is a patient in the Ringgold County Hospital. Mrs. HENDERSON, traveling south on the highway, was slowing down, preparatory to making a left turn into the driveway of the Horton Nursing Home when her car wa rammed by a semi-trailer truck loaded with cattle. The truck driver escaped injury. Mrs. HENDERSON'S car was damaged extensively while the truck was only slightly damaged.

Announcement was made in the United Food Market advertisement on page 16 of the resignation of Dan CARYL as manager after serving the local store for four and on-half years. He will transfer Monday to the United's No. 1 store in Ottumwa, where he will specialize in the fruit and vegetable department. Mrs. CARYL will be succeeded by Larry GUSTAFSON, a young and energetic young man, who arrived in Mount Ayr Monday. Mr. GUSTAFSON is married and have five children. His family will join him in Mount Ayr after arrangements have been made for living quarters.


  • October 15, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Leo MORGAN, Kellerton
  • October 15, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne KEMERY, Blockton
  • October 15, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert FISHER, Mount Ayr
  • October 16, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Forest SHIELDS, Mount Ayr
  • October 17, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Donald WEAVER, Blockton
  • October 18, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald REPPERT, Lamoni
  • October 21, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Carl MEEK, Grand City MO

    OBITUARIES in October 22, 1959 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    Earl Lester COCHRAN    Weltha Oliver TAYLOR MICHAEL

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
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