Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 22, 1984
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Mount Ayr Implement Co. became the third agriculture-related business to close its doors recently when it
closed Friday. Bushman Equipment, Inc. and Green Hills also closed their doors in the past two weeks. The closing
of Allis-Chalmers dealership this week leaves Mount Ayr without an implement dealer with the three dealerships closing in the past year and half. The business closings are further reflections of the problems that have
been brought by the crisis in agriculture in the area.

A skunk killed by city police in the neighborhood of the Mount Ayr communityelementary school was found to be rabid this
week. People should be wary of wild animals acting strangely and report skunks they see during daylight hours.

Michele RIVERA of Mount Ayr placed third in the 1984 area spelling bee held Saturday at Southwestern Community
College in Creston. Other area students participating in the contest included Leslie BARKER and Christy SHIELDS
from Mount Ayr Community; Cherie FOLAND, Jacque BARTON and Pam NEWTON from Grand Valley of Kellerton schools,
and David SAVILLE and Melanie PERDEW from Diagonal schools.

Pam COLE, a graduate of Mount Ayr Community high school was recently featured in a Des Moines Register
article about her part-time modeling career. Two and a half years of braces and surgery that corrected problems
in her nose and realigned her jaw have helped her reach a goal of being a model the article said. She works as
an administrative assistant for an insurance company, does part-time modeling and teaches modeling at a Des
Moines modeling agency.

Jim JONES of Mount Ayr was elected chairman of the Southern Iowa Council of Governments executive board at
the group's March meeting recently. JONES, a member of the Ringgold county board of supervisors, is the Ringgold
county representative onteh SICOG board.

March 16, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Kevin DEARDORFF, Maryville MO
March 19, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alan BENTLEY, Diagonal

OBITUARIES in March 22, 1984 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Charles STRINGHAM Earl Fredrick COKER John William TRIGGS
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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