Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 22, 1953
Veronica Ray

An official air force training team was in Mount Ayr Monday evening and met with Ringgold county's ground observers. This
was the second meeting to be held in Ringgold county in an effort to achieve greater efficiency and closer cooperation
of ground observers throughout the state. Procedures for reporting air traffic and recognition of planes were given by
Sergeant ROWLAND. The training team came from the Des Moines Filter Center where it is stationed with Detachment 8,
4672nd Ground Observatin Squadron, a regular air force unit in the national air defense program. Adequete air defense
in Iowa calls for observation posts in each county. Five posts are already active in the county at Mount Ayr supervised
by Avery SHELDEN; Diagonal by C. HARRIS; Tingley by Billy BRECKENRIDGE; and Beaconsfield by Paul WION. Iowa's railroads
are cooperating and station agents in Mount Ayr and Kellerton have been active as observers.

The Redding basketball team captured the county basketball title in the tourney held at Kellerton by trouncing
Beaconsfield, 54 to 21. The Redding team was paced in scoring by POWELL who dropped in 19 points and M. QUICK who
got 14 points. Scoring for Beaconsfield was divided with WALTERS getting seven, BRYANT six and H. WADDELL five.

Newly elected officers, Rex SHAHA as noble grand and Dale BLACK as vice grand of Mount Ayr Lodge No. 169, I.O.O.F.
were installed Jan. 13 by district deputy grand master Clarence COURTNEY and his staff from Ellston.

Evergreen Camp No. 1061, Royal Neighbors of Amercia, held its regular meeting with installation of officers including
Ruth FAUST, oracle; Nettie COMBS, past oracle; Velma KIMBALL, vice oracle; Florence SACKETT, chancellor; and Lavinia
CAMPBELL, recorder.

Wishard Chapel -- The O. and E. Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Alfreda BOWEN. Popcorn was shelled for the
hostess. Then next meeting will be with Clyta HIGHTSHOE.

January 19, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald DAILEY, Mount Ayr

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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