Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 22, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

The Mount Ayr schools, under the sponsorship of the local chapter of the Red Cross will start serving hot lunches on January 28 to students who remain at the school house during the lunch hour. A complete lunch consisting of four dishes will be served for 10 cents. The opening of the hot lunch program in Mount Ayr is the first in the county. The Redding schools are preparing to operate the program there in the near future.

Floyd Ferber has been appointed assistant Scoutmaster to succeed Willis Hood, who has served in that capacity for ten years. Other members of the troop committee are Mr. Hood, B. R. Robison, Walture Hudson, Harold Davis and Miller Christiansen. The Rev. F. J. Kohler serves as Scoutmaster.

Ivan T. Salmon, 4-H club agent in Lee county during the past three years, has been elected county agent to succeed Clifford Johnson, who resigned recently.

J.E. Snedeker & Son have purchased the H.P. Lesan dairy herd and dairy equipment, and the consolidation of the two dairies becomes effective the first of February.

Keith Hardy returned Friday from a week's tour of the southern states and Old Mexico. Hardy, head of the meat department of the local United Grocery, was awarded the trip by merit of the year's business.

KELLERTON - Marietta Williams is the office girl in Dr. Walker's office, taking the place of Esther Rae Merrill, who recently resigned.

STUDENT AYR - Seniors selected as members of the book staff are: Ruth Euritt, editor-in-chief; Catherine Bevington, managing editor; Betty Jean Butler, sales manager; Alyce Toland and John German, art editors; Margaret Hudson, Annabelle Taylor and June Pratt, typists; Dick Johnston and Margaret Sheumaker, feature editors.

Mr. Van Syoc, music instructor, resigned and left last week to begin his new duties in a school in northern Iowa.

A son was born January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Alma Anderson in the Harkin hospital in Osceola. Weight, eight pounds.
Born, January 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sickels, of Poe township, a son, Billie Darrell. Weight, nine pounds.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2017
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