Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 21, 1961
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Community committees for the agricultural stabilization and conservation program were selected Thursday night at election
meetings in the 17 townships of Ringgold county. The new committees elected will assist the county ASC committee in
administering the ASC program in Ringgold county during the next year. A total of 169 votes was cast. The total is
approximately nine percent of the 1,833 eligible voters. Twenty-five of the committee members will be serving for the
first time.

Len R. BEATH received the distinguished service award for his outstanding contribution to agriculture. The presentation was
made Thursday night in New York City by Paul BARGER, chairman of the awards committee of the National Association of
County Agricultural Agents.

Six Ringgold county 4-H girls, members of the winning judging team at the Ringgold County Fair, enjoyed an award trip
Tuesday and Wednesday to Saint Joseph, MO. Those who made the trip, all of whom are members of the Mount Ayr Merrymakers
Club, were Carol CHICKEN, Susan HENDERSON, Camille LAWHEAD, Judith HAILEY, Connie MAIN and Connie PERLENFEIN. They were
accompanied by their coach, Mrs. Milt HENDERSON.

Norman KLEJCH was re-elected president of the board of education of the Mount Ayr community school district at the annual
reorganization meeting held Monday. Business transacted at the meeting includedthe acceptance of the resignation of Chas.
A. HETZEL as treasurer of the district, effective September 25.

The voters of Kellerton over-whelmingly approved the granting of a 25-year electric franchise to the Iowa Southern
Utilities Company at a special election held Thursday. The official tabulation of the vote cast was 92 in favor and only two
against the proposal.

An added feature of the two-day observance of Ridiculous Days, which is creating widespread interest, will be the selection
of a Ridiculous Day Queen. To date, 10 of the county’s prettiest "gals," have entered the contest. Contestants and their
sponsors are as follows: Jeani BASTOW, Hy-Vee; Melanie LANE, Ben Franklin Store; Karen HUFFMAN, Mount Ayr Furniture
Company; Judy BLACK, W. B. Cunning Company; Judith HUFF, Mount Ayr Record-News; Kay RYAN, Post Office; Vickie NEWTON,
Ringgold Mutual Telephone Company; Carolyn REYNOLDS, Anthony’s; (?), P. M. Place Company, and Karen RICE, McCULLOUGH Motor

Dr. Harley A. WILHELM, associate director, Iowa State University, Ames, was honored by his alma mater, Drake University,
at its summer commencement program. For his work and contributions in metallurgy, plutonium and other phases of the
atomic energy program, he was granted an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. Dr. WILHELM, a former resident of Ellston,
graduated from Drake University in 1923. He was not only a scholar, but an outstanding athlete, who excelled in basketball
and baseball.

The dining parlors of the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr present an attractive appearance following a clean-up,
paint-up and fresh-up campaign conducted by the ladies of the church. Working under the direction of Mrs. Frank CLARKE,
chairman of the planning committee, 25 ladies, in groups of eight to 14, spent six Wednesday afternoons on the project.
Twelve women participated by providing refreshments. The concerted effort represented 250 "woman" hours of work. Men of
the church assisted by painting the ceilings.

September 14, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle THOMAS, Mount Ayr
September 14, a son to Mr. and Mrs. David THURMAN, Grant City MO
September 19, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd SMITH, Lamoni
September 19, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert SISSEL, Kansas City MO

OBITUARIES in Thursday, September 21, 1961 Mount Ayr Record-News:
William Brainard FROST
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2011

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