Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 21 & 24, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Zoe SPURRIER has accepted a position as clerk in R. E. FISHER'S store and began work yesterday morning.

The Messrs. DOWLING and SHEPHERD, proprietors of the Star Theatre, announce that they will put on a show Sepember 24, afternoon and evening, agreeing to give
forty percent of the receipts to the hitchrack fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles JACKSON went Tuesday morning to Centerville, where he has a position in the high school teaching history and athletics.

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES - The Junto Literary Society met recently and elected the following officers: Harry SPURRIER, president; X. T. PRENTIS, vice-president;
Murice WHITE, secretary; and Prof. FASOLD, treasurer. The freshman have elected Clarence DUNCAN as president and Cora HERRINGTON as

KELLERTON - W. E. WHEELER and George FULLER have purchased a barbershop at Leon and will take possession next Monday. The Loyal Girls class met
Satruday afternoon in the home of their teacher, Mrs. L. L. DADY, and elected the following new officers: President, Helen WALKER; vice-president,
Donella BALLOU; leader Ruth MILLER; treasuere, Raye FRISBY; and, secretary, Mabel VIRDEN.

DIAGONAL - The Mutual Telephone Compnay has been engaged this weeking putting an a cable underground to take place of the wire and poles formerly used.

REDDING - H. C. CRECELIUS, who has been carrying the mail to and from the depot, has resigned, and J. D. NORRIS takes his place.

CALEDONIA - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant SWIGART, September 11, a daughter.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. SMITH announce the arrival of a fine little son, Frank, Robert, at their home on September 17.
REDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Earl SEATON are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy.
REDDING, REv. GODFREY and wife are wearing smiles, due to the arrival of a little son, which came to gladden their home on September 21.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Scott LONG on September 23.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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