Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 21, 1964
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

94 seniors of the Mount Ayr Community high school -- 44 girls and 50 boys -- will receive diplomas at commencement
exercises to be held May 27, in the school auditorium. The speaker will be Ainslee E. HICKERSON of Ardmore, PA, publisher
of four newspapers in the Philidelphia area. Mr. HICKERSON was a graduate of Mount Ayr High School in 1923.

Seven track men -- Eugene RICKER, Rick DEFENBAUGH, Duane MILLER, Rick FARRELL, Milt STONE, Don GEPNER and Alvin SICKELS --
will carry the hopes of the Mount Ayr Community high school in the state Class A outdoor track meet scheduled for May
23 in Iowa City. Mount Ayr is one of five teams considered as top contenders for the state title.

Student Ayr -- Phil WEBB was elected president of the high school marching band during a meeting of the junior,
sophomore and freshman members held recently. Others elected to office are Jane MERCER, vice president; Herb BASTOW,
secretary; James SAVILLE, senior council member and Tom CARR, sophomore council member during a regular meeting on
May 13. The Future Teachers of America elected and installed officers for next year as follows: President, Nancy DUFTY;
vice president, Jeane BLACK; secretary, Lynn CRAWFORD; treasurer, Steve LESAN and recorder and historian, Jean Ann POOL.
On May 12, the Mount Ayr troupe of the National Thespian Society inducted eight people: Sherrie NORRIS, Joen GROSS,

Steve PADGITT, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burbin PADGITT of Kellerton, has been named winner of the WMT Station's $1,500 "Chuck
Worcester Farm Broadcasting Scholarship" which is awarded annually to an outstanding junior in the school of Agricultural
Journalism at Iowa State University.

Wishard Chapel elected new officers and teachers during the Sunday school area as follows: teachers, men's class, Charles
BENNETT and assistant, John TRIGGS; women's class, Mrs. Aubrey KIRPATRICK and assistant, Mrs. Doyle WEEDA; young adults,
Mrs. Robert BENNETT and assistant, Ellis MAUDLIN; junior high, Mrs. Bob McCREARY and assistant, Mrs. Jane DeVRIES;
nursery, Mrs. Ellis MAUDLIN; secretary/treasurer, Mrs. Marvin TRIGGS; librarian, Diane WEEDA; assistant librarian,
Becky LONG; pianist, Mrs. James POLLOCK.

OBITUARIES in May 21, 1964 Mount Ayr Record-News:
No obituaries in this weeks edition.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2014

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