Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 21, 1940
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Mr. and Mrs. James MOSIER and Ted left Thursday morning for Washington State, where they will reside.

The Homemaking Club of the Mount Ayr High School "let off a little steam" Friday night by way of a leap year party. Each girl invited some
high school boy and there were about fifty present. Various games were played and George BURNSIDE and Ruth DENNIS were chosen by popular vote as "Li'
Abner" and "Daisy Mae" for the evening.

John P. RICHARDS left Friday for Cincinnati, Ohio, where he has accepted a position as analytical chemist for the Drackett Chemical Company. John
graduated from the Mount Ayr High School with the class of 1931 and completed the course at Iowa State College last June with high scholastic honors.

James A. ARNEAL, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ARNEAL, of Redding, is a member of the Tarkio Missouri College basketball team, which won the National
Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament held March 11 to 16 in Kansas City, MO. James was a forward on the Redding team in 1938 and is also forward
on the championship team.

BEACONSFIELD - At the school election held last Monday, J. L. McDOWELL and Homer LONG were elected as directors for a term of three years each and
Mrs. Magaret WARD was elected treasurer for two years.

CLEARFIELD - The Fornightly Club has elected the following officers for the new year: President, Mrs. Helen BECK; vice-presient, Viva MAHONEY;
secretary, Mrs. Dove REED; and treasurer, Mrs. Mary Belle POLLOCK.

GRANT CENTER - Lee MILLSAP was elected sub-director and Paul GRAHAM was elected director at large for Grant Center School for the coming year..

Eleanor BOSWORTH and Pearl WEST were married Friday afternoon in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. BOSWORTH, of Tingley, by the
Rev. A. C. STARK, of Shannon City. The couple will be at home in West Des Moines, where Mr. WEST has employment.

CLEARFIELD - Mr. and Mrs. Lee BAILEY are the proud parents of a son, Charles Eugene, born March 5. Weight, eight pounds.
DIAGONAL - Mr. and Mrs. Donald SEVIER are the parents of a seven pound daughter, Patricia Ann, born March 7.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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