Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 21, 1952
Jessica Graham, Mount Ayr

The Kellerton 4-H Hustlers Club won the Livestock Judging Contest held at the Ringgold County Fair. They scored
686 out of a possible 750 to edge out the Beacon Bombers who scored 670 points.

The August meeting of the Mount Ayr Business and Professional WOmen's Club will be held Monday evening, August 25.
Dinner will be served at 6:45 o'clock in the dining parlors of the First Christian Church. In charge of arrangements
for the dinner and evening program will be Nona SCHMIDT, chairman, and Thelma CARYL.

Wind, hail and lightning have caused considerable damage to crops and property in Ringgold county during the past week.
The heaviest property damage loss was reported at the Chas. NORTHEY farm, four and one-half miles southwest of
Grand River, where a barn was destroyed by fire Friday morning after having been struck by lightning.

A successful weed and brush eradication program by use of spraying equipment is being carried on in Ringgold county
along the petition roads,the farm-to market roads and the truck roads. The program is under direction of the board
of supervisors and County Engineer, M. A. RUBEK, with weed commissioner Ed RICKER and Jay LILES in charge of the
spraying equipment.

Joan LYNCH of Maloy, Loren MILLER of Diagonal an Ronald WHITE of Diagonal were the grand champions in the 4-H and FFA livestock
show held at the Ringgold County Fair. Joan LYNCH exhibited the grand champion market steer, Loren MILLER exhibited
the champion barrow in the hog show, and Ronald WHITE exhibited the champion market lamb.

The town team proved to be the wiser in the WHO Town and Country Quiz, which was held at the Ringgold County
Fairgrounds Tuesday evening under auspices of Circle 1 of the First Christian Church. The actual count was 35 points for the
town team and 5 points for the country team.

Roberta DERICKSON, Sharon BROWN and Donna EILEY were selected as members of the home furnishing judging team to
respresent the county at Saint Joseph, MO and the Mount Ayr Coeds won the team title in the judging contest heald at
the Ringgold County Fair.

Sales at Horne's Rexall Store this week included notebooks, 20-cents/ea.; pencil boxes, 29-cents/ea.; fountain pens,
79-cents/ea.; library paste, 10-cents/ea.; and, erasers for five-cents. Sales at Main Motor Company for the week included
Goodyear truck tires, $19.85/ea.; Marathon super-cushion tires, $13.95/ea.; and, Marathon regular tires,

August 15, a son to Mr. and Mrs. William THOMAS, Lenox
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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