Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 20, 1961
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Earl SICKELS has been elected by the board of education of the Mount Ayr Community school district as school bus mechanic
for the district and will assume his duties on August 1. Mr. SICKELS, a mechanic for the ROE Implement Company for the
past six years, has had considerable experience with motor maintenance. The Mount Ayr district operates 26 regular bus
routes to transport about 925 children to the various schools in the district and six buses are used to provide noon
services for kindergartners.

Robert Richard NEWKIRK, two years of age, was drowned Saturday when he fell head first into a 30-inch-tall lard can
containing about three inches of water. The accident happened on a farm about three-fourths of a mile north of Diagonal,
where the boy resided with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James CAMPBELL. The boy was found in the can, which had been
placed at a corner of the building to catch rain water, by one of the CAMPBELLS' daughters.

A new Baptist parsonage will be constructed this fall in Mount Ayr. During a meeting held Thursday night, the
congregation of the First Baptist Church approved the church's progressive building program by more than a two-thirds
majority. The old parsonage, which occupies lots adjoining the church, will be razed and the new building will be located
on the site.

Scores of claims have been filed with insurance men for losses suffered in three hailstorms, the first Thursday morning,
the second, Saturday afternoon, and the third, Tuesday evening, in Ringgold county. The most extensive damage was in
Liberty and Monroe townships in the northeast part of the county. Losses ranged from slight to total.

Twenty-three merchants of Mount Ayr will be participating in a "White Elephant" sales event Friday and Saturday, July 21
and 22.

Appointment of Harry G. TRIMBLE as a member of the Farmers Home Administration county committee was announced this week
by S. Merwyn ALLEN, the agency's county supervisor serving Ringgold, Madison and Union counties. Mr. TRIMBLE lives
southeast of Kellerton and operates 480 acres with a son LeRoy. They carry on a general operation, but with special
emphasison their hog program.

July 12, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WEEDA, Tingley
July 13, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon NICHOLS, Benton
July 14, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd RIDGE, Blockton
July 15, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert JACKSON, Kellerton
July 16, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra RICE, Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in Thursday, July 20, 1961Mount Ayr Record-News:
No obituries in this week's issue
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2011

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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