Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 20 & 23, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Ford BURROWS, who for several weeks has been employed at the Burlington depot in this city, was transferred this week to headquarters in St. Joseph.
Norman BARNES, who has been depot helper for the past two months, was promoted to the position of assistant agent and George SMITH has accepted the
position made vacant by Mr. BARNES.

A deal has been on foot for some time was concluded here Saturday when Messrs. E. E. HAYES & Sons merged their local grain elevator into the Missouri-Iowa
Grain Company, a corporation of which Clarence RAUCH, of Lamoni, is president. The company's local manager will be Sherman McCULLOUGH, who is a veteran
grain buyer. Messers. HAYES & Sons will take stock in the corporation, but they will drop from the limelight as grain dealers. The firm of E. E. HAYES & Sons, composed of the father, E. E. HAYES, and two sons, Merritt W. and Grant L., has been engaged in the grain buying business in this city for the past six
years and by courteous treatment and fair dealings has been successful. Among those interested in the new grain business will be H. H. WILSON, who has been
buying grain in this city for the past thirty years.

Mr. and Ms. George HARDING and Emmell, of Humeston, came Saturday evening to make their home in Mount Ayr. Mr. HARDING has accepted a position in the
"Palace of Sweets," as baker and began work yesterday. A. F. COLLINS recently resigned his position as baker in the "Palace of Sweets," owned by T. C. REYNOLDS.

W. S. BELVEL, who for several months has conducted a photograph gallery over Wilson's store, will move soon to Kellerton, where he will take chare of a gallery.

DIAGONAL - Diagonal has a new veterinarian, a Dr. BARNHART, of Moulton. The doctor has been for the past few weeks at Lenox and other towns and decided
to locate in Diagonal. Newly elected officers of the Diagonal band are Dr. L. F. TALLEY, presdient; Carson WILLIAMS, vice-president; John JOHNSON,
secretary; W. A. WILEY, treasurer; and Glen OVERHOLSER, property man. Arrangements have been made with Prof. Andrew FOGLE to instruct the boys.

MIDDLE FORK - Little Miss Harriet H. HOFFMAN, a nine and quarter pound daughter, arrived July 16, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan HOFFMAN.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. MILLS are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Wednesday morning. The little fellow has been christened John Lewis and his father
has been wearing a smile that simply will not wear off and has "set up" the cigars time and time again. John says he is a Democrat and will soon
be a member of the Journal editorial staff.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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