Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 20, 1983
by Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

A house owned by Ed STILL of Mount Ayr, located 12 miles south of Mount Ayr on the Allendale road, was completely destroyed in a fire Friday morning.
Firemen were called at 6:30 a.m. to the blaze but the house was in flames fanned by stiff winds and all the firemen could do was keep the flames from
spreading to other buildings. Ronche STILL had been living in the house but had been working elsewhere and hadn't been to the house since the previous
Sunday, fire officials said.

Ralph DiCESARE, president of Security State Bank, announced the retirement of Jack ELLIOTT, execuitve vice president, after 11 years as an
officer and 12 years on the board of directors.

A Ringgold County Farm Bureau leader says the legislature should take all possible action to hold spending within revenue projections before
any tax increases are considered. Royce DIVELEY of Kellerton said that any state tax increase enacted should be directed primarily at providing property
tax relief.

Sam G. TAYLOR, formerly of Newell, has been named agency manager of the Ringgold-Taylor Farm Bureau Insurance Agency. TAYLOR has been with Farm
Bureau Insurance since 1970 and was selected for the Farm Bureau Management Academy in August 1982.

Joe MURPHY of Mount Ayr has become the sole owner of Southwest Iowa Builders in Mount Ayr effective January 1. MURPHY, who had been in partnership
with Jack GARRITY of Mount Ayr, purchased GARRITY'S interest in the business effective that date. MURPHY and his family moved to Mount Ayr in
December 1980 when he and GARRITY purchased the former Country Boys lumber yard.

New partner in Don's Ayrliner in Mount Ayr is Di BOONE, who moved to Mount Ayr with his family last week. BOONE and his wife, Elaine, an Afton native,
and children, Minnie, nine, and Hank, two, live at 201 E. Maple. BOONE, who has been in the grocery business for 20 years, moved here from Springfield,
MO. He will be a partner with Don SOLLIDAY in the grocery business here.

A 1979 Chevrolet truck, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack MOORE of Mount Ayr, was stolen from its parking place near the Mount Ayr American Legion building
Friday night, according to Ringgold County sheriff's office personnel.

The Mount Ayr Princess Theatre closed January 1 for the coldest of the winter months and is expected to be open again some time in March, according to
owners Tom and Charlene GREENE. Experience has taught the GREENES that attendance is poor and heating bills are high during those months.

Mrs. Sheila HAIDSIAK has been elected as chairman of the Mount Ayr United Methodist Larger Parish Council for 1983 at a meeting held in Blockton January
5. Mrs. HAIDSIAK is a member of the Blockton congregation and succeeds Chester SMITH of Mount Ayr who served last year.

The annual congregational meeting of the Mount Ayr First Christian Church was held Sunday, Jan. 15. Elected elders for three-year terms were Ed SHIELDS,
Ron SCOTT, Neva FISHER and Mari McGEHEE. Matt DAUGHTON and Lori KINTON were elected youth elders for a one-year term.

Four Grand Valley Community students will participate in the Southwest Iowa Bandmasters Association honor band fesitval at Red Oak Monday, Jan. 17. Tim
NEWTON and Aaron SICKELS, both trumpet players, will play with the Mount AYR Community junior high school band, and Tracy LESAN, alto sax, and Jim
STUCK, trombone, will play with the high school band.

Birth reported at Ringgold County Hospital this week:
A daughter, born Jan. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric DAVENPORT, Mount Ayr.

Obituaries in this issue:
Oscar M. DAVIS |
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Thank You!! - Sharon R. Becker
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

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