Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 20, 1964
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Jerry KNIGHT, a member of the Raiders wrestling squad, who placed second in district competition Tuesday night in Corning,
will be Mounty Ayr's first participant in a state wrestling tournament.

The Mount Ayr Raiderettes downed the New Market girls, 52 to 33, in the first round of a sectional tournament played
Saturday night in Villisca. Balanced scoring by HALEY, MINNICK and HARTMAN was responsible for the victory.

James BURGE, Robert TOLAND and Arch DUNFEE, members of a committee representing the Mount Ayr Businessmen's Club, met
Tuesday with the board of supervisors to present a proposal that the county provide a parking area for motor vehicles
used by employees of the county. The request was made in an effort to help solve the parking problem in Mount Ayr.

The 85-member Mount Ayr Community high school Raiders marching band, directed by Merrill PERRY, will participate in the
annual Veishea activities of Iowa State University on May 9 in Ames. The local band, one of 30 entered in the parade scheduled
for 10 a.m., will cover a three-mile route. It is possible that the parade will be televised.
 The Mount Ayr Community high
school stage band, "Swingin' Sixteen," was one of 14 which participated in the sixth annual State Band Festival held
Saturday in the Creston High School auditorium.

Homer (Red) BUTLER of this city was re-elected president of the Ringgold County Sportsmen's Club during a meeting of the
organization held Friday night in the city hall. Incumbent officers elected were Bud BEYMER of Diagonal, vice president;
Chas. J. LESAN, secretary; Owen CAMPBELL, treasurer; and, James MAHAN and Art GEORGE of Diagonal, trustees.

Allan TRIGGS of Mount Ayr received an award presented by the Iowa Poland China Breeders Association at its state sale on
February 8. Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt TRIGGS, was on eof 25 county winners.

The Rocky Rollers who had previously won the first half of the split season, became champions of the Junior Boys Bowling
League (grade school boys) when competition was completed Monday of last week. They finished the season with a total of 15 wins
and nine losses. Alan FETTY captains the Rocky Rollers; other members of the team are Cliff TIPTON, Gene LESAN and Mike

February 12, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. RINEHART, Grant City MO
February 12, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. STEPHENS, Benton
February 16, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. CLYMER, Creston
February 16, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. BELL, Maryville MO
February 16, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest FISHER, Grant City MO
February 18, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bill LANTZ, Beaconsfield

OBITUARIES in February 20, 1964 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Leland J. GREENROD |
Louis Frank VOTAVA, Sr. |
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2014

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