Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
BENTON, By Mary Swank: Thursday, February 16, 2017: The community wishes to express sympathy to Cindy Noble, Becky Haley, and Bobby Jo Haley on the death of their parents, Bob and Linda Haley. We also wish to express sympathy to all the other relatives. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 30, 2017: Modern Mothers Club met Wednesday at Jamie's. Saturday Mary Kathryn Gepner attended a baby shower for Ashley Cornell who is Judy and Bill Voght's granddaughter.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 18, 2017:
The Benton Alumni Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 28 at 1:00 p.m. at the Waubonsie Center at Benton.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 29, 2017: Patty Sobotka attended the wedding of Erik Sheil and Lacy Mullins Saturday, June 24 at Ramsey Farm.
CLEARVIEW HOME: Thursday, January 12, 2017: Congratulations go out to Kenzie Cole (kitchen staff) and Devin Winemiller on the birth of their son Ryott Leo Winemiller on Dec. 20. Ryott was born at 12:09 p.m. weighing in at eight pounds, five ounces and was 21 inches long. Proud grandparents are Angie Kinder of Clearfield and Jason Cole of Mount Ayr and Shelley and Damion Bogan of Mount Ayr. Condolences go out to the Mary Lou McCormick's family. Mary Lou was a special lady who enjoyed her Dr. Pepper and candy bars. She attended music activities and like to watch TV. Mary Lou will be missed by many at Clearview. Staff and residents send their prayers to her family. Sympathy goes out to Beverly Daleske's family. Beverly was only a resident at Clearview for a short time but was enjoyed by many here. She enjoyed visiting at the dining room table and especially like the visitors who came to her room. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 26, 2017: Condolences go out to Joe Lindsey's family. Joe was a special man who everyone couldn't help but love. His last birthday was a special one with several old neighboring farmers stopping in to eat with him and enjoy a birthday cake. Joe was so pleasant and always enjoyed visiting with staff about his past. He enjoyed music, coffee club and bingo. Joe will be missed by everyone here, staff and residents.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 04, 2017: Condoleces go out to Ronnie Routh and his family on the death of his lovely wife, Bonnie. Bonnie was very special to all of us here at Clearview. She didn't want to participate in activities, but she could definitely visit and tell stories with the best of us. Her sweet smile will be greatly missed. Sympathy goes out to the Tim Armstrong family. Tim was usually quiet, but enjoyed sitting in the lobby with the staff after hours. Tim will be missed by all of us. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 02, 2017: Condolences go out to the Betty Jackson family. Betty was the conversationalist. She would talk to everyone who stopped in Clearview. Betty enjoyed looking at magazines and picture bookswith the staff. She will be missed.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 09, 2017: Condolnces go out to Nina Saltzman's family. Nina was a very special person to everyone at Clearview and at the Estates. She enjoyed bingo and special musical groups. Nina liked to visit with the staff about daily things and loved to laugh. Her funeral services were held Saturday at the Mount Ayr United Methodist Church. She will be missed.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 16, 2017: Thursday the staff, residents and guests gathered to honor Karen Wimer on her retirement after 33 years of service to Clearview. She worked in laundry, as a CNA and dietary. She will be missed, but won't be a stranger as she will stop in often to see her mother-in-law and granddaughter and friends. Congratulations, Karen Wimer. Condolences go out to Lucile Jackson's family. Lucile wasn't at Clearview very long, but was very familiar to the facility as her granddaughter was a long time employee. Lucile was a lovely lady who enjoyed visiting and doing things for others. She had a great family that visited faithfully and gave her a lot of love. She will be missed by all here at Clearview.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 02, 2017: Condolences go out to Richard Welch's family. Richard was so much fun to be around. He enjoyed everything he did from visiting at
coffee club, happy hour to playing bingo or listening to special musical groups. He enjoyed giving the girls a hard time with a smile.Richard was loved by everyone and will be missed, too. God bless
him and his family. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 30, 2017: Saturday several visitors were in the building to honor Doris Todd as it was her 87th birthday. Everyone enjoyed cupcakes.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 18, 2017: Congratulations go out to Brylea Stark as she graduated from Mount Ayr Community high school over the weekend. She was working in the activity department as well as a CNA. Brylea is enrolled for nursing school at SWCC for the fall. She will continue to work as a CNA. Residents honored Brylea with a graduation party in the afternoon on Saturday with cupcakes and punch. She shared several old school pictures and handed out senior pictures to the residents.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 08, 2017: Condolences go out to the family of Roxie Trullinger. She has been a part of the Clearview family for a long time. When Rosie first moved in, there wasn't much that she didn't participate in, including bingo, church and fun outings to ball games, plays and local events. She always enjoyed watching the St. Louis Cardinals and did not miss a game. Roxie and her family touched the hearts of many at Clearview Home. Her smile and jolly laugh will be missed by everyone here, staff and residents. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 22, 2017: Condolences go out to Jim Magneson's family. Jim was a veteran and enjoyed visiting with people. He especially like going for car rides and talking about his vintage collection. The Clearview staff will miss Jim. God bless him and his family. Thursday, July 13, 2017: Condolences go out to Don Stamper and his family. Don passed away last week. He was a lot of fun. He never lost his sense of humor. Don loved teasing with the staff daily. He enjoyed reading books and especially loved it when the staff brought their dogs to visit. He loved dogs so much. Coming up this weekend at Clearview is a bridal shower for Holly Karr at Clearview Estates at 1:30 p.m. Staff and residents are invited to attend.
CLEARVIEW HOME, CLEARFIELD, By Brenda Willis: Thursday, February 16, 2017: I am sad to report that this will be my last time writig the news for Clearview Home as I have accepted a position at Diagonal Schoo. The three years that I have spent here at Clearview has been filled with wonderful memories and amazing people. I truly believe that Clearview has the best residents and the best families. It has been a pleasure to serve each and every person that has come through our doors.
HICKORY GROVE, By Rose James: Thursday, January 12, 2017: Deepest sympathy from the Hickory Grove community is extended to the families of Tyler "Maynard" Miller and Mary Lou McCormick. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 04, 2017: Deepest sympathy is extended to Jean Howie and family at the passing of her son, Lanny of Oelwein. Lanny grew up around Redding and was a 1969 Mount Ayr graduate.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 29, 2017: Deepest sympathy is extended to the James family at the passing of Judy James Ramsey in Pullman, WA. Judy was Rose James' step-daughter. Saturday afternoon JoKaye Shields attended the graveside service for former classmate Sue Ann Taft Buckner.
MALOY, By Joan Jackson: Thursday, January 12, 2017: Word was received that a former Maloy resident has died. Sheryl Keenan died in Clearview Home in Clearfield on Sunday. Lee and Sheryl Keenan lived and raised their daughters in the Maloy area all their married life. Sheryl taught school. She was a teacher for the Mount Ayr Community School for many years. For a time she taught in Maloy. When Maloy School closed, she taught in Mount Ayr. Sheryl lived for several years in Waukee with her daughter. She is survived by her daughters, Lynn, Cheri, and LeAnn and three granddaughters and two great-grandchildren. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 30, 2017: Welcome to Garrett Reynolds and family and JoAnn Sheil and family. They all have moved to Maloy recently.
MAPLE RIDGE ASSISTED LIVING: Thursday, January 12, 2017: It was sad for us to say so long to Annabelle Jones as she made the move from Maple Ridge Assisted Living to Mount Ayr Heath Care. We do miss her but are pleased to be able to visit her anytime as we also join her for a few activities at Health Care.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 04, 2017: We are pleased to welcome Darlene Weeda and her family to our assisted living family.
MOUNT AYR HEALTH CARE CENTER: Thursday, January 07, 2017: Good luck wishes were sent with Doris Crawford as she was able to return to her own home this past week. We will certainly miss her but are very happy for her. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 26, 2017: We are saddened by the death of Elladeen McGahuey. Elladeen was a familiar face as she came to Mount Ayr Health Care from Maple Ridge Assisted Living. Elladeen was a loyal bingo player, and she will be missed. Our thoughts are with her family during this time.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 09, 2017: It is always nice to meet new faces and renew old friendships. Please join us in saying welcome to Rebecca Giles. Becker, as she is better known, comes to us from Kellerton and is already a friend to many. Becky plans to be with us for a short time while recovering. Welcome! ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 16, 2017: Everyone is saddened by the death of Elaine McCampbell. Elaine has been a resident here for several years and will be sadly missed at MAHCC. Sympathy is extended to her family and special friend, Corwin Karr, who joined Elaine for so many activities. We will miss Corwin as well. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 16, 2017: A pot of gold craft was done one afternoon with the Maloy Shamrocks 4-H Club. After making the craft and coloring a St. Patty's Day picture, club members and residents enjoyed snack and visiting together. The group told us what the four leaves of the clover stood for and a few of the things their club does. Our pots of gold sure look nice on our doors. A second group of 4-H members joined us on Saturday afternoon. This time it was the Ringgold Rockets from Kellerton! They hosted a bingo party by serving cookies and punch before helping with bingo. As mentioned earlier, it is always more fun when we have friends and family join us. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 30, 2017: Residents and staff are saddened by the death of Wayne Bohn. Wayne has been a resident for several years and will be deeply missed by everyone. We wish to extend sympathy to his family and friends.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 04, 2017: Best wishes to Eleanore Euritt as she returns to her own home. We will miss you, Eleanore. We want to welcome Thelma Ambrose and Bob Linn. We look forward to getting acquainted with them in the near future.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 15, 2017: Our sympathy is extended to resident, Thelma Ambrose on the death of her daughter. Our thoughts are with her and her family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 29, 2017: We would like to welcome Charles Tull to our home. Charles comes from Mount Ayr. We do hope he enjoys his stay.
Thursday, January 07, 2017: It is ever so nice to have a gentle safe driving horse we (the writers) had was safe and dependable, we thought. But the other
evening he went berserk. Going down hill he got a wild streak and started kicking with both feet. And to our advantage his one hind leg caught and hung on the shafts and he fell down flat. Vernon held his head down so he couldn't get up and I went for help. I summoned Nelson Troyer. He unhitched. The horse hurt his knee, but we weren't hurt at all, but terribly shook up. God was good and kept us from serious injury.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 12, 2017: The writers received the message of another great grandchild born to Alvin Jay and Mary Ellen Mullet of West Plains, MO, a girl named Kari who is welcomed by twin sisters, 20 months old. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 26, 2017: Reuben Troyers moved in their new home Wednesday, out of the garage they had been living in temporarily since they dismantled the old house about 16 months ago. So it's a pleasure and satisfaction to spread out with seven boys and three girls to keep fed and clean and happy.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 15, 2017: Timber View School prepared for a school reunion, Monday, June 12, for the year 2006 - 2007. Hope they had a good turnout.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 02, 2017: Jonas Troyer hosted the young folks Wednesday evening for a comfort knotting. They got five accomplished, a first try for most of them, especially the inexperienced gender with a needle and thread in hand. A taffy pull was enjoyed afterwards. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 16, 2017: Ida Mae Troyer hosted a quilting last week where Emma and Sarah Mae, Ada, Joanna and Lucinda, all Troyers, Susanna and Ida Mae Mast attended. Roy Bontrager, Abert Yoder, Paul, Jonas and Nellson Troyer were to the Kalona horse sale Monday, taking a number of horses to sell. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 02, 2017: This writer has received news of another great grandchild, born to Roman and
Annie Detweiler of Princeton, names Ada Mae. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 09, 2017: Reuben and Ada Troyer had gone to Jamesport last week, taking a buggy
along to have it relined. Jesse had overturned it somehow and the cover received a big cut. Dad footed the bill! Several days later Dennis met a semi loaded with large bales. The horse took to the ditch, overturned the buggy, ran to the other side of the road till all was said and done and then stood beside the road eating grass. It still had part of the harness hanging on. Is that what is labeled an ornery streak?
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 16, 2017: Sam Miller took son John's buggy to Jamesport to have repairs done and relined when it was damaged. The horse shied about something beside the road and made a dash across the road and overturned it in the ditch. It seems there has been a rash of overturned buggies the last several month. Noah Bontragers also had an overturned buggy when his horse went out of control and dumped them in the ditch. Luckily, no one had any serious injuries. Actually, there were five in all that happened that the writer is aware of, since New Years. This writer received the death message of Aunt Becky Schrock, 89, of Ohio.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 22, 2017: The Herman Masts had the annual ice cream supper Wednesday evening for the community. Cora Bontrager hosted a quilting Friday for the area women one more time before they move. Jonas Troyer is preparing for his public auction July 15. Timber View School had a school reunion Monday for the year 2006 - 2007. Attending from a distance were the Levi Mast family of Homer, MI, Joe Miller family of Pierz, MN, Junior Detweiler and the Allen Detweiler young folks of Princeton, MO. Miriam Anne Detweiler and Mary Bontrager (now Mrs. Larry Detweiler), both of Princeton, were the teachers. They had a good time reminiscing, singing and playing rolly ball. Jr. Miller's young folks of Seymour also attended. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 04, 2017: Tuesday was a beautiful day for the school picnic. The students did well in reciting poems and singing several songs, all by memory. It always amazes how these little minds can memorize so much of value. Leaving Wednesday afternoon for the Yoder-Miller wedding were the four young folks of Jonas Troyer, five young folks of Lester Beechys, Paul Troyers and several children. Jr. and Mary Kauffman and two little girlies of Fertile, MN spent several days with maternal parents, Eli Yoders. John Mullets of Milton, Jake and Mose Yoders of Centerville spent one evening at their parents to visit with their sister. Mrs. Daniel Detweiler and three little ones of Princeton spent several days here to be with her sister and parents as did Mrs. Aaron Troyer. A rare occasion of have their sister of Minnesota here for several days.
Thursday, July 13, 2017: Lydia Yoder went to Princeton, Thursday, to see and care for her newest granddaughter, born to Daniel and Edna Detweiler, names LuAnn.
REDDING, By Bobbi Bainum: Thursday, January 19, 2017: Sympathy is sent to Estelle Hall and family following the death of her sister Mary Louise McCormick from Clearview Home. Her funeral was held on Wednesday in Grant City with burial in the Middle Fork cemetery. Several members of the Middle Fork UMC served refreshments to the family after the services.
The Methodist Action Club met on Wednesday night at Lil Rinehart's. The club members elected the current officers for the coming year with Peggy Overholser as president; Lil Rinehart, vice-president and devotional leader; Linda Hosfield, treasurer; Sharon Walkup, secretary; Kim Scharfenkamp, card secretary; Bobbi Bainum, historian. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 26, 2017: Congratulations are sent to Alyssa and Jon Ross of New Jersey on the arrival of their new baby daughter,Stevie Rose on Friday. Matthew Bainum of Orlando is the new grandfather and Bobbi and Michael Bainum are the great grandparents. Stevie Rose is welcomed at home by big brother, Mason. Myron Shervheim celebrated his 87th birthday on Tuesday in Johnston. Those helping him celebrate were Ardys Shervheim, Jan, Melinda, Anna and Nathan Shervheim, Matthew and peter Shervheim from Des Moines. Laura and Steven Henry from Stuart. Sunday afternoon visitors at Shervheim;s were Bethany Christian, Molly Klooster and Laura Henry. Cindy and Dick Snethen went to the funeral services for Mary Smith of Lorimor on Saturday the 14th. Mary, a former Redding area resident, was the mother of Jon and Justin Neas and Rebecca Neas Lilly. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 02, 2017: The announcement in last week's Redding column is about the passing of Becky Abarr's mother in Eugene, Oregon, should
have read Peggy Andrews rather than Anderson. Becky's sister's name is Jenny Andrews instead of Anderson also. My apologies for the mistake. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 16, 2017: Congratulations to Sherry (Olney) and Bill Davidson who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday at the Senior Center in Grant City. Many friends and relatives from the area attended.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 30, 2017: Annabel Walkup celebrated her 90th birthday on Friday with lunch at the Old Towne cafe in Allendate. Helping her commemorate her 90th
were Mike and Mary Walkup, John, Arlene and Nora Hammer, Jack and Gladys Stauffer from Kansas City, Mary Longe from Lincoln, Nebraska, Dorothy Sleep, Judy O'Grady, Susan Hadsiak all from Bedford. They all had cake and ice cream at Annabel's after lunch and Dale Walkup was an afternoon visitor. Friday evening J.P., Alaina, Owen and Ava Whittington visited Annabel and brought ice cream. On Saturday Annabel visited with Annie and Clark Jensen at their Diagonal farm, and they took Anabel to Creston for lunch.
Thursday, May 25, 2017: Several members of the Middle Fork UMC congregation helped with the lunch for the family of Buddy Powell Saturday before his memorial service Saturday afternoon.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 15, 2017: The Redding school alumni and friends will hold their annual reunion potluck and meeting on July 1 at noon, at the Frontier Hall. All alumni and Redding school friends are cordially invited. Sympathy is sent to the Knapp family on the death of Kenneth Knapp, 73, of Lenexa, Kansas, formerly of the Redding area. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 22, 2017: Sympathy is extended to the family of Lila Olney Bradford of Colorado who died Jun 12. Her memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., July 7, at the Redding UMC with lunch for family and friends in the church basement following the service. Thursday, July 13, 2017: The Waubonsie Antique Tractor Club went for a ride on Saturday and had lunch in Maloy, compliments of the town. The tractor club would like to thank the town for the meal.
SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITY CENTER: Thursday, March 16, 2017: We want to wish our wonderful friends, Myron and Shirley Ingram, the best of luck in their new home in Johnston, Iowa. We understand the need for them to be closer to their family, but they will certainly be missed here. They have been very involved in the Senior Center for years, being the hostess every Tuesday afternoon, but usually in 3-4 times weekly to participate in our activities. Our plants will suffer without Shirley's care! We had hoped to have a little party for them, but they moved a couple of weeks sooner than planned, so we will send them a card of well wishes.
TINGLEY: By Nancy Jarred Thursday, January 05, 2017: This week brought sadness to our community. Bonnie Manders received word that her daughter, Kathy, had passed away unexpectantly. Bonnie left to be with other members of her family. Services were held Thursday. Bonnie returned home Wednesday. Sympathy is extended to Bonnie and her family. What a shock it was to our community when word was received that 22 year old Nichole Phelps had passed away in her sleep on December 18. Her services were held Dec. 23 at Armstrong Funeral Home in Mount Ayr. The meal site was closed to allow the Phelps family the use of the building. Our sympathy is extended to her parents, Jeremy and Donetta Phelps and all other family and friends. Something pretty special took place. Not only were the Hyneks here on December 12, but Neil Johnston celebrated his 90th birthday. He was presented his 90th crown and wished happy birthday by the Hyneks. Ice cream was a special treat enjoyed, thanks to his sister, Rose James.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 12, 2017: All were sorry to learn that Donna Heyer had passed away in Michigan where she resided. The Brownes, Chris and Russ left over the weekend to attend her services Tuesday. We extend our sympathy to them. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 26, 2017: All were sorry to receive word that Al Clough had passed away. His visitation was Friday evening with burial and graveside services at Lamoni Saturday. Sympathy is extended to his family. ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 16, 2017: Sympathy was extended to Dick and Virginia Walden. They received work that one of his brothers had passed away. They left to attend his services at Hannibal, MO. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 23, 2017: All were sorry when word was received that one of our dear friends, Lucile Jackson, had passed away Feb. 13 at Clearview Home in Mount Ayr where she had resided for a brief period. Lucile was such a fun person to visit with when delivering her meals. Her services will be held in the spring some time. Sympathy is extended to her family. All were sorry to learn that George Murrow had passed away Feb. 10. He and Peggy were good supporters of the meal site while they lived at Sun Valley Lake. They have many friends here. His services were held Thursday in Indianola. Sympathy is extended to Peggy and their family. Valentine's Day was Tuesday. Voting for a Valentine king and queen has been an on-going activity at the meal site here for the past week. Iona Triggs and George Hosfield were chosen for this honor. They were crowned Tuesday by last year's king and queen, Dick and Virginia Walden, prior to serving lunch this day. Congratulations Iona and George. Ice cream was a special treat enjoyed this day, thanks to Carmeane James. All also enjoyed treat cups with their lunch. A drawing was held to award some special Valentines. Lucky winners were Rose Campbell, Evelyn Sickels, and Carmene James. That's not all the fun that took place this day. The Happy Kitchen Band was present to entertain with more of their peppy music. Members included their accompanist Carmene James, plus Norma Webb, Iona Triggs, Bonnie Manders, Rose Campbell, Evelyn Sickels, Genevieve Roach and Dick and Virginia Walden. It sure was a fun day.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 09, 2017: Valentines royalty crownedTingley held their Valentine party on Friday, February 14. One highlight was voting by the participants to choose a Valentine king and queen. Shown are George Hosfield and Iona Triggs after being crowned as this year's king and queen.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 09, 2017: The community was shocked and saddened when word was received that Sam Naomi had died in an auto accident on Highway 169 south of Tingley. Everyone knew Sam. Sam had lived in Tingley since he and Karon moved here in 1989 after retiring from the Chicago and North Western Railroad. Private graveside services were held at the Tingley cemetery Saturday. Sympathy is extended to his family. Not only did the community experience sadness and sorrow once this week, it happened a second time. All were sorry when word was received
that Barb Kibuz had passed away March 1. Everyone knows Barb and the Kiburz family. She lived in this area her entire life. Her services were held Saturday, March 4 in Mount Ayr with private bural taking place at the Tingley cemetery. Sympathy is extended to her family. Tingley lost two pretty speial people this week.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 15, 2017: Sympathy is extended to Jim and Joyce Ward on the recent loss of Jim's sister, Roxie Trullinger.
WISHARD CHAPEL, By Carol McCreary: Thursday, January 26, 2017: New Board members were announced: Barb Wheeda, President; Kevin Klommhaus, Vice President; Amy Herr, Secretary; and Jennifer Byrd, Treasurer. Music by Faith Shinkle at the organ and Joyce Gregg at the piano. Worship leaders: Ruth Gregg, Cindy Stephens, Jim McCreary, John Reasoner, Carl Anne McCreary, Kim Stark, Grace Warin and Barbie Belzer. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 09, 2017: Condolences to Amanda and Lucas Angus with the loss of Amanda's cousin, Luella Adkisson. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 23, 2017: We had an attendace of 70 with a large group of kids for Children's Church. Cindy Stephens and Ruth Gregg are doing a wonderfuljob with the children along with volunteers.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 04, 2017: The Wishard Chapel congregation is saddened by the passing of our Elder and Christian brother John Reasoner. John passed away on Friday morning, April 28 at Leon Hospitl. We are offering prayers to his family and friends. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 15, 2017: Congratulations to Amy Herr and Doyle Kelsey who were married on Saturday, June 10 at Wishard Chapel Church Our ladies of Wishard helped with food and served at the reception following the ceremony at the Diagonal Community building.
Hannah Lynn Huntsman of Mount Ayr and Cory Eugene Thurman of Mount Ayr, married January 2, 2017. Date marriage filed, January 9, 2017. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 19, 2017.
Ashley Jane Tyler of Mount Ayr and Ali Amro Eltoukhy of Mount Ayr married January 26, 2017. Date marriage filed, February 6, 2017. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 02, 2017
Michael Henry Harris of Mount Ayr and Jody Jean Roemer of Mount Ayr married February 15, 2017. Date marriage filed, February 16, 2017. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 02, 2017
Courtney Marie Stark of Kellerton and Weston Floyd Pierschbacker of Kellerton married May 13, 2017. Date marriage filed May 15, 2017. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 25, 2017
Jacob Daniel Warix of Bunker Hill, IL and Jennifer Marie Stalcup of Tingley married My 13, 2017. Date marriage filed May 17, 2017.~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 25, 2017
Jody Fay Kuster of Kellerton and Kenneth LeRoy Stewart of Kellerton married May 20, 2017. Date marriage filed, May 25, 2017. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 15, 2017
Mariah Lynn Boswell of Tingley and Jared Michael Coverdale of Tingley married May 20, 2017. Date marriage filed, May 30, 2017. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 15, 2017
CLEARVIEW HOME, Thursday, January 12, 2017: Congratulations go out to Kenzie Cole (kitchen staff) and Devin Winemiller on the birth of their son Ryott Leo Winemiller on Dec. 20. Ryott was born at 12:09 p.m. weighing in at eight pounds, five ounces and was 21 inches long. Proud grandparents are Angie Kinder of Clearfield and Jason Cole of Mount Ayr and Shelley and Damion Bogan of Mount Ayr. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 12, 2017
Mr. Stacy McFarland and Dr. Amy Hynek McFarland would like to announce the birth of their son, Leo Hynek McFarland. Leo was born at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, Iowa on January 11, 2107, weighing in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring 20 1/4 inches. Grandparents are Bill and Angie Hynek of Ellston, Iowa and Randy and Deanna McFarland of Bloomfield, Iowa. Marge Perry is Leo's great-grandparent. Leo is welcomed home by brother, Gus McFarland, 21 months. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 19, 2017.
Kristen and Bert Graham of Mount Ayr would like to announce the birth of their son, Luke Thomas Graham who was born on February 16, 2017 at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, Iowa. Luke weighed in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 19.5 inches. Luke's grandparents are Tom and Janis Christensen of Leno, Iowa and Jerri Graham of Ellston, Iowa and the late Steve Graham. Great-grandparents are Mildred Walter of Lenox, Iow and Sandy Taylor of Mount Ayr, Iowa. Luke is welcomed home by two siblings, Ella, age four, adn Brayden, age one. ~ Mount Ayr Record-New, Thursday, March 02, 2017
Scott and Brooke Norris are the proud parents of a son, Callen Scott, born April 22 at Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines. Grandparents are Steve and Sharla Norris of Kellerton and Scott and Vicky Halverson of Osceola. Great-grandmothers are Nellie Norris of Kellerton, Maxine Anderson of Mount Ayr and Mary Ann Halverson of Osceola. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 04, 2017
HICKORY GROVE - We are pleased to announce the Watterson population has increased by one with the arrival of Chase Lewis Shields to Brett and Melissa. Chase was born at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creson on Sunday morning and weighed 5 pounds 12 1/2 ounces and was 18 inches long. Grandparents are Doug and Laurie Shennum of Circle MT and Pete and Amy Shields. Local great grandparents are Jack and Sandy South and Ronnie and JoKaye Shields. Laurie Shennum, Circle, MT came Sunday to spend a few days. Melissa and Chase returned home Monday. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 11, 2017.
Hutton Archer Reynolds was born May 23, 2017 to Garrett and Traci Reynolds and was six pounds 12.6 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long. The little man was welcomed home by a big brother, Garrison, age three, and is the grandson of Tim and Lesa Saville of Delphos, Ken Reynolds of Des Moines and Terry and Teresa Brinkley of Russell. He is also the great-grandson of Dorothy "Dot" Reynolds, Norma Sickels, Juanita Sickels and Dorothy Saville, all of Mount Ayr, and Ralph and Shirley Alshouse of Corydon, Donna Hanner of Cedar Rapids and Norris Hanner of Russell. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 15, 2017
Mitch and Erica Grose, Mount Ayr, welcomed their first son, Boston Nicholas, born June 8, 2017. Boston weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and measured 19 3/4 in. Grandparents are Mike and Donna Kemery, Clearfield, Brenda Grose, Mount Ayr, and Kenny and Janet Grose, New Cambria, MO. Great-grandparents include: Wayne and Pat Kemery, Blockton; Mrs. Anita Degan, Algona, IA; Barb Reynolds, Mount Ayr; Dick and Phyllis Reynolds, Walnut Grove, MO; Ruby Grose and Bud and Sylvia Grose, Glenrock, WY. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 22, 2017
Jonathan, Brooke and Sophia Zollman of Creston are proud to announce the arrival of Benjamin Lee. The little man was born June 18, 2017 at 9:20 p.m., at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. He weighed in at 7 lbs., 8.5 oz. and was 19 3/4 in. long. Grandparents are Rod and Vicki Zollman of Mount Ayr and Dan and Donna Chenoeith of Bedford. Great-grandparents are the late Charles and Carolyn Zollman of Mount Ayr, Charles Chenoweth and Roger and Ruth Marcet, all of Arizona. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 08, 2017
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, 2017
