The community wishes to express sympathy to Colby and Trish Holmes and family on the death of his dad, John Holmes. Funeral services were
held Thursday at the Watson-Armstrong Funeral Home. Wallace and Patty Sobotka were among those who attended the funeral.
Monday, February 8, Mary Kathryn Gepner went to Council Bluffs to attend the funeral of her good friend's husband, Gary Fredikerson.
The community wishes to express sympathy to the family of Helen Blunck. Helen lived many years in Benton. Her funeral was held Wednesday, February 24.
Congratulations to Bill and Kathi Blunck on celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Some of the friends attending the open house on Sunday were
Mary Kathryn Gepner, Shirley Klejch, Lucy Ricker and Kay and Don Hove.
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Kay and Don Hove.
The community wishes to express sympathy to Sharon, Judd, Eric and Austin Bowen and other relatives on the sudden death of Larry Bowen. Funeral
services were held Thursday evening and burial was in the Benton Cemetery.
Modern Mother's Club met Wednesday night at Rumors.
Patty Sobotka attended the wedding of her great niece Patty Dowell and Ryan
McCaudey Saturday at the West Des Moines Christian Church.
Wallace and Patty Sobotka attended the Sobotka reunion Saturday in Diagonal.
Congratulations to Patty and Wallace Sobotka who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary last week.
The Twin River Tornado 4-H club hosted the December birthday party. Christmas tradition was part of the conversation
on the 14th, followed by Christmas Jingo.
Loraine Link and Jo Parker of Ft. Collins, Colorado were luncheon guests of Jessie Woollums Tuesday at Clearview Estates. The afternoon was spent reviewing the Mount Ayr Ayrian of 1950
Condolences go out to Dorothy Jennings' family. Dorothy was like a grandmother to many here at Clearview. She was always out to attend the activities and didn't
miss much. Her favorite was cooking with other residents during "In the Kitchen with Liz" or helping with coffee club. She will be missed by everyone, especially the activity staff.
Condolences got out to Ruth Marie Saville's family. Ruth was a lovely lady that was enjoyed by many here at Clearview.
She celebrated life daily. Ruth will be missed by everyone.
Sympathy goes out to Alma Elliott and her family on the death of her husband, Loren Elliott. When Alma and Loren moved in, they
immediately became part of our family. Loren was a proud WWII veteran and had stories to share. He was an accomplished man and excited to let everyone known. Loren didn't know a stranger. He would
talk to anyone, staff, resident or visitor. Loren will be missed by everyone here.
Condolences go out to Amon Hunt's family.
Amon was a special man to everyone here at Clearview. He was a proud Veteran and was honored during special military ceremonies held at the nursing home. He enjoyed visiting and sitting
outside when the weather was nice. Amon will be missed by everyone here, staff and residents.
Condolences go out to the
Frances Saltzman family. Frances was a lovely lady who enjoyed coming out to several of the activities. She liked to read her paper in the morning and attend special events. She always had a smile on her face.
Sympathy goes out to the George Dailey family. George loved to tell stories about the family and farming often. He enjoyed having company and people visit with him all the time. George was always ready to give
the staff a hard time when they mentioned he kissed the girls and made them cry. "I never kissed anyone that didn't want me to kiss them," he would say. George will be missed by everyone here.
Condolences go out to the Helen Blunck family. Helen was a lovely lady. She was part of the activity team many, many years ago for
Clearview Home in Clearfield. Helen loved to draw and sketch when she came to Clearview. Everyone loved to see what she was drawing when they went into her room. She will be missed by all. God bless her
and her family.
Sympathy goes out to Betty Robertson's family. Betty was a sweet lady who loved to be out with everyone when she first moved in. She always had a smile on her face and was happy.
Betty will be missed by everyone here. She was a blessing.
We celebrated Vera Daughton's 101st birthday and Mildred Peterson's 87th birthday.
Deepest sympathy goes out to Shorty [Raymond] Umbarger's family. Shorty was a vibrate (sic) man who spoke his mind on politics, enjoyed sports, especially
Nebraska, and loved plying the devil's advocate. He brought light to many conversations, throughout the years. He was special to many staff and residents here. Shorty will be missed by all of us at Clearview.
Condolences go out to Twilla Lininger's family. Twilla was a special lady who has touched the hearts of many. Twilla loved being
around people. She never missed a special event. She especially enjoyed In the Kitchen with Liz and Country School and loved bingo. She will be greatly missed. God bless her and her family.
Condolences go out to the Jim Lucas family. Doc was well known in the veterinarian community. He and his wife enjoyed sharing their life events with the
staff and other residents. Jim was very special to many of us here at Clearview. He will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to them.
Sympathy goes out to the Donella Creveling family. Donella was here for a short time
but touched many lives while here. She enjoyed her visitors, family and friends, throughout her stay here. She will be missed by many. God bless her.
Condolences go out to Hazel Jackson and her family, as her loving husband, Delbert passed away this past week. Delbert was familiar to many in the livestock
auction community. He brought a smile to many at Clearview while he was here. Delbert always put his wife and family first. He always had an opinion to share, whether it was yours or note. Delbert will be missed by everyone
here at Clearview. May God bless them.
Condolences to the Don Lowman family. Don was a special person to many. He kept to himself usually. He enjoyed
visiting with others and sitting outside. He enjoyed watching visitors come and go. Don will be missed by all at Clearview.
Condolences go out to the David Gipson family as he was put to rest last week. He was a great man and a proud veteran. David was very witty and enjoyed visiting with others. He will be missed by everyone who took
care of him. God bless his family.
Condolences go out to Iris Osborn's family. Iris was a lovely lady and was loved by everyone at
Clearview Home. She didn't miss many activities, especially bingo and games. Iris enjoyed music, visiting and sharing stories about her family. She will be missed by all.
Sympathy goes out to Grace Moser's family.
and friends. She wasn't at Clearview Home very long, but she wasn't new to the facility. Grace lived next door at Clearview Estates and would visit several residents here. She had a kind heart and always had time to
visit. Grace will be missed by all.
Condolences go out to Julie Routh and her family on the death of her mother, Shirley Sweeney. Shirley was a
lovely lady filled with lots of stories to share. She always had an ear to listen and kind words of encouragement to give. Shirley was a person of faith and could lift up your day. She will be missed by all of the staff and residents
as she has touched so many lives. God bless her and her family.
The Waubonsie Tractor Club pulled into town on Saturday for their annual tractor parade for the nursing homes. Below are photos of those sharing
their tractors.
Not pictured: Rusty Faubion with his 1944 H. Farmall.
Riding along was Samantha Carpenter.
More pictures can be found on the Clearview Home - Mount Ayr Facebook page.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 01, 2016:
Thoughts and prayers go out to the Lucy Comer family. Lucy was a well-respected lady that everyone has tasted her
breads and pies one time or another. She loved her family and all that they did with all her heart. Lucy was able to make everyone smile with some witty story. She will be missed by everyone here as well
as this community. God bless their family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 08, 2016:
Condolences go out to Phyllis Pottorff on the death of her husband Mick Pottorff. Mick got
comfortable at Clearview very quickly before his passing. Mick was a joy to visit with and was always thoughtful toward everyone. God bless him and his family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
Sympathy is sent to the Carol Moberg family. She was a lovely lady who enjoyed visiting with staff and residents. She especially liked dancing to the music. She will be missed by many.
Condolences go out to the
Mary Lou Hixson family. Before moving into the Estates and later to Clearview, Mary Lou used to deliver lap robes from the Dorcas Society. She was a lovely lady and enjoyed visiting with her neighbors and other residents. She will be greatly missed by all.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 03, 2016:
Condolences go out to Jane Buck's family. Jane was a part of Clearview long before she was a resident. She was part of the activity staff and played the piano for many programs weekly at Clearview. After retiring, Jane came back to volunteer to play piano as well. Jane continued to provide music selections once she became a resident. She enjoyed church and music. God bless their family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 17, 2016:
Clearview Home vets honored
Service veterans from Clearview Home [Mount Ayr] include:
Back Row, L-R: Mac Cross (National Guard), Karl Wurstery (Navy), Jim Neas (Navy), Charles Hawkins (Navy), John Waters (Army), and Avery Sanderson (Army);
Front Row: Richard Welch (Air Force), Joe Lindsey (Army), Jack Goodale (Army), Jack Gold (Air Force), Buck Browne (National Guard) and Robert Chown (Army).
Not pictured is Jim Burdette (Army).
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 24, 2016:
Thelma Grimes was honored with a birthday party as she turned 99 on Friday. Family and friends served cake and drinks to staff and residents.
Condolences to the Henry Peterson family. Henry was a special guy who enjoyed being with others. He didn't miss many activities. He enjoyed bingo, games and taste testing the goodies during coffee club. Henry always had something nice to say to everyone. His big smile will be missed by all of us here at Clearview.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 08, 2016:
Condolences go out to the family of Billie Mossburg as he passed recently. Billie wasn't here very long, but he will be missed as he was witty when he visited with the staff. God bless him.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 28, 2016:
On Saturday, July 16, friends and family said their last goodbyes to Coletta Bradley.
She passed on July 9. Her presence and the presence of her family has been greatly missed the last two weeks.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 04, 2016:
Tuesday, RAGBRAI went through Diagonal, what a sight. The Clearfield Center Committee made 150 pies to take over and
sell. These girls went to a lot of work, made them from scratch. They set up at 5:30 a.m. and quit around 1:30 or so. It was a long day. They didn't sell out, but did well. I [Linda Bell] went over around 11 a.m., got to main street,
looked up and down, lots of bikes and people, and left. I have heard lots of different stories about the day, quite a day. The Diagonal people put on quite a stop for them.
Thursday, April 07, 2016:
Come help Hester Derscheid celebrate her 90th birthday from 2-4 p.m. at the Ellston Community building. No gifts please. Cards and
correspondence may be sent to her at P.O. Box 43, Ellston, IA 50074.
Thursday, February 04, 2016:
Deepest sympathy from the community to the Hunt families at the deaths of Deidre Hunt and Amon Hunt.
There will be a tremendous void at their passing.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 03, 2016:
Charlie and Vickie Jeanes attended the open house for Bud Maudlin's 90th birthday
in Grant City [MO].
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 16, 2016:
The James family was saddened and grieved with the news that Rose James' sister-in-law, Darline Adkins, died Friday
afternoon. She died at her home in St. Joseph with her son, Marvin and great-granddaughter, Brittany, at her side. Darline was a sister of Maxine Washburn of Hatfield [MO]. The funeral will be held in St. Joseph, MO.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 08, 2016:
The community is saddened at the death of Lucy Comer. Prayers and condolences go out to the family.
The annual Watterson reunion will be
held on Sept. 10 at the campground.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 13, 2016
Condolences go out to Theola Camerson's family. She was a special lady who enjoyed having visitors and reading
magazines. Theola always shared what was on her mind. She especially liked it when the CNAs would hide her frog in her room from time-to-time. She will be missed by all that knew her. God bless her and her family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 03, 2016:
Prayers and condolences go out to the Cannon family with the death of Gerald Cannon. Neighbors attending the funeral on Monday of this week were Charlie and Vickie Jeanes, Lizzie Hanawalt, Lil Rinehart, Carmene Jones and Rose James.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 15, 2016:
The McGinnis; and the Shields' attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary party of Leonard and Charlotte Swank, which was held at the REC community room in Mount Ayr Saturday.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 29, 2016:
The Hickory Grove Community is saddened at the passing of former resident, Jim Johnson. Deepest sympathy is extended to his family.
KELLERTON, By Kathryn Still and Jan Holmes:
Thursday, January 14, 2016:
We have lost two more of our past residents. Naomi Bean (Minnick) and Darlene Minnick passed away
this past week. Naomi was the daughter of Faresta and Zeke Minnick. Darlene is Ed Minnick's mother. Deepest sympathy is extended to family and friends.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 28, 2016:
The community was saddened by the death of another of its long-time residents this past week. Chet Munyon died this
past week. Chet was a very prominent member of this community and will be missed and long remembered by all who knew him. Deepest sympathy and prayers are extended to family and
Rod Smith's mother died on Saturday morning. Sympathy and many prayers are sent out to this family. They have had several losses in the past few years, and though they know their loved
ones knew the Lord, there is an empty place in their hearts.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 04, 2016:
Sandy Campbell received word Friday evening that her
Aunt Evelyn (Sis) Higday Dies of Hastings, Nebraska passed away. "Sis" celebrated her 90th birthday in November, but just recently had been in failing health. She was very energetic and a spirited
lady, even at age 90. She will be greatly missed. She grew up and attended school in Kellerton.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 25, 2016:
SHOWER - Congratulations to Doris Gibson as she celebrates her 101st birthday on March 3. Cards may be sent to her at [address], Kellerton, IA 50133
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 15, 2016:
The community was saddened to hear of the death of Phillip Godden this past week. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 05, 2016:
The community was saddened to hear of the death of Raymond Godden this past week. His brother, Phillip Godden, died just a few
weeks ago. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 12, 2016:
The community was saddened to hear of the death of Vera
Daughton. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 02, 2016:
The Alumni Banquet was held on Saturday evening at the
Community Center. I was unable to go this year, but there were many cars parked there, and appeared to be well attended. The old school house on the corner of the lot was open for persons to go in and
look at the items on display. Thank you to Sharon Decker (sic, should be Becker) and anyone who has helped to preserve this history.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Saturday was the beautiful wedding of Taylor Still and Bo Green at the Lotts Creek Recreation Area south of Mount Ayr. A gorgeous reception was held at the Mount Ayr Golf and Country Club following the ceremony.
The couple is making their home at Sun Valley. Taylor is a cosmetologist in Mount Ayr, and Bo is a Ringgold County Deputy Sheriff. We wish the couple a very blessed and long life together.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 28, 2016:
The community was saddened by the death of two of our former residents this past week. Gene Reed of Ellston passed away this past week. He
was the son of the late Lorene and Oscar Reed of this community. Sisters are Judy Doolittle and Donna Stark. We also lost long time resident Helen McMorris this past week. Deepest sympathy is extended to family
and friends of both of these special people.
By the time this is printed, the RAGBRAI riders will have been through our fair city. The fire department and several of the local people will be on hand to welcome them as they
make their way across southern Iowa this week.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 25, 2016:
The Mount Ayr Record-News would like to thank Kathryn Still for her work as the
Kellerton correspondent for these several years. We appreciate all of the many columns she has written about the Kellerton community and the people who live there. As she is moving to Mount Ayr, she will be finished writing
the Kellerton news. The Record-News would welcome any inquiries from anyone in the Kellerton area interested in the correspondence column.
Judy Doolittle and Debbie Holmes attended the Reed Reunion
in Van Wert a week ago.
This will probably be the last week of Kellerton news, as Jan and I will be moving to Mount Ayr the end of the week. I have really enjoyed writing this column. Thank you to all who contributed and
those who read the items, and to the Lamoni Chronicle and the Mount Ayr Record-News for printing our news. God Bless you all.
~Kathryn Still.
MALOY, By Joan Jackson:
Thursday, January 07, 2016:
Word was received that former Maloy resident Rita Ann Warin Reasoner died Sunday. Rita Ann was the oldest daughter of John and Mary Shay Warin. She and her
husband Ken have lived most recently in the Iowa City area. Her sister Rosemary Leonard lives in Atlantic. Her younger sister Joan Warin Roets lives in West Des Moines.
As a Christmas
surprise for Carole Davison, the family had a F20 Farmall tractor restored. The tractor had been purchased by Richard Davison's father when Richard was 4 years old. The family enjoyed seeing
the tractor brought back to life. They also took it to Hopkins to the Davison Christmas Sunday to share with the extended family which include three of Richard's siblings.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 11, 2016:
Former Maloy resident, George Dailey, passed away on Saturday. He and his late wife Alverta lived west of Maloy for many years.
Sympathies go to his daughter Nancy and husband David, his grandson Jason and wife Tara and family. And all who live in the Maloy area.
~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016:
Sympathies go to Greg and Amy Mobley family. Amy's grandfather, Emery Pickering, died last week.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 07, 2016:
Sympathies go to Kathi Braby and her family. Kathi's aunt Jennie Ward of Lenox died Sunday.
Payton Weehler competed in the first
Iowa Jr. High rodeo of the season in Des Moines on Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 26, 2016:
The Maloy Shamrocks had their last regular meeting for the year on Sunday afternoon. They had trash pickup on their section on
Highway 2.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 15, 2016:
Joyce Weehler, Joan Jackson and Tyanna Jackson attended the wedding of Erica Kemery and Mitch Grose at the Catholic Church
in Mount Ayr Saturday afternoon.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 16, 2016:
Congratulations to Katelyn Warin and Jeremy Maas who were married Saturday at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in
Creston. There were many friends and relatives from near and far attending the wedding and reception. Katelyn and Jeremy both graduated from Iowa State this spring and will be living in the Iowa City area.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Saturday night Brian Terrell and Betsy Keenan hosted the annual "Summer Solstice Party" in Maloy and it drew a good crowd. The weather was perfect for the
potluck picnic and games in the park. Some people attending were Brian's brother Brett and his friend Julie from California. Brett's son Lee and his wife Verena, arrived from Los Angeles, CA and Urbana, IL. respectively on Friday.
A car load from the Des Moines Catholic Worker arrived Friday, also, to help prepare for the party. Squeaky and Becky, who have both lived in Maloy at times in the past few years, arrived from Duluth, MN also on Friday. Veronica Mecko
also arrived. She is currently doing bird surveys in Missouri and staying with Sophie Ryan in Lamoni. Sophie attended the party and led the group in folk dancing in the park after the potluck. Veronica's son, Wendell Ray, attended
with some of his friends from Creston as well as Sophie's son Drew and his friend Jackie from Ames. Other Catholic Workers and other friends from Des Moines, Rock Island, IL. and Kansas City, MO. arrived, a number of
friends of ours and Sophie's from Lamoni. Fr. Dave Polich, Mary Ellen and Carrol Taylor, George Hunt, Dave Hunt, and Kirk Ford joined the group for supper. Brian lit the bonfire around 10 o'clock. The stars, the sparks and the
fireflies made quite a show for a while, as the fire quieted down, folks roasted hot dogs and toasted marshmallows and some of the musicians tuned up and shared some of their favorite songs. Many of the guests stayed in tents
over night leaving Maloy by about noon on Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 14, 2016:
Our sympathies go to the Redding community after the tragic accident last week. [The accident took the
lives of Renae Baker, 49, Sydney King, 30, Breanna Baker, 12, Elizabeth Lakey, 4, and Hayden King, 2.]
~ ~ ~ Thursday, July 21, 2016:
Dick and Joyce Weehler, Wendell and Joan Jackson and Curt Jackson and Brenda Matya attended the Mullin/Lambert Reunion in Ankeny on Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 28, 2016:
Jordan Stewart is riding RAGBRAI this week. Many from the Maloy community helped with the RAGBRAU activities in some way. The 4-H club had a booth to sell fruit cups.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 08, 2016:
Hannah Saville is a new resident of Maloy. She purchased the home of Tomie and Amanda Overholser. The Overholsers recently moved
to their new home.
Payton Weehler participated in the High School/Jr. High Rodeo in Larchwood, Iowa over the weekend.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 15, 2016:
The Maloy Shamrocks 4-H Club had their fall trash pickup along Highway 2 on Sunday afternoon.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 06, 2016:
Payton Weehler had a rodeo in Waterloo over the weekend. This is the end of the fall rodeo season for Jr/High school.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
Saturday Betsy Keenan took her rugs to the Clarinda Craft Carnival. Brian helped her. Monday. Brian and Betsy celebrated being 30 years in Maloy.
~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, October 27, 2016:
David Lynch and his daughter Meggan Brown were on the Honor Flight to Washington, D. C. Tuesday. David reported that it was a wonderful trip. The veterans and many support staff left very early Tuesday morning from Cedar Rapids and returned very late Tuesday night. While the group was in Washington, D. C., they saw many sights. David was able to locate names of local soldiers on the Vietnam memorial. He was one of four chosen to place the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. The four men were chosen because of the many medals they had received as a result of the war. Upon the group's return to Cedar Rapids, they received a huge welcome. Welcoming the men were 1,500 people who included bands, confetti, 200 Iowa Patrol officers, Shriners, school children and many civilians. It took the group over an hour to get through the welcome receiving line. Many stopped to hug the men and thank them for their service.
We too, thank David and these men and women for their service>
Craig and Kathy Braby went to Cedar Falls over the weekend and attended the wedding of Kassidi Braby to Tim Poots. Many of Craig's family were able to attend.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 03, 2016:
Monica Sheil Stryker, a former Maloy resident, passed away Oct. 11, in Omaha, Nebraska. Monica was the daughter of Ed and Marea Sheil. They lived "up the hill" where the Tim and Mel Burton residence is now. Marea was Maloy postmistress for many years. Monica's husband and three of her brothers preceded her in death. She is survived by a daughter and grandchildren, all who live in Omaha.
Our sympathies go to the Braby family. Their mother, Jane, died Sunday. Jane Wheelen Braby Buck was raised northwest of Maloy. She attended elementary school in Maloy and graduated from Mount Ayr in 1957. She raised her family around Maloy. One son, Craig and his wife, Kathi, live near where Jane was raised.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 10, 2016:
All of Craig Braby's family arrived for the funeral of their mother, Jane Buck. The services for Jane were held Thursday.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 17, 2016:
On Friday John and Carmen Zeitler came to Maloy for lunch and shared memories about our early days in Maloy with Brian Terrell and Betsy Keenan.
Thursday, February 04, 2016:
We said so long to Yvonne Galloway as she has moved to Mount Ayr Health Care. We are so happy that she is able to visit us for some of our activities as well
as us getting to see her when we go to the many activities at Health Care. We also send get well wishes to Darlene Bear who is spending a few days at Health Care recovering. We are
looking forward to her return.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 03, 2016:
Everyone is glad to welcome Joe and Betty Snethen to our facility and happy they are a part of our happy home.
We are anxious to get better acquainted.
Monday, February 01, 2016 - Card shower for Bertha Jezek celebrating her 90th birthday by sending her cards at [address], Diagonal, Iowa 50845.
Thursday, January 07, 2016:
Our hearts are saddened by the death of a very dear friend whom we will all miss. She lived at both Maple Ridge Assisted Living and Mount Ayr Health Care and touched the lives of many during this
time. Please join us in expressing our sympathy to the family and friends of Doris South.
Best wishes were sent with Dorothy McAtee as she was able to return to her home recently.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 14, 2016:
We all want to welcome Yvonne Galloway to Mount Ayr Health Care. Yvonne comes to us from Maple Ridge Assisted Living
and is a very nice person who we are anxious to get to know better.
Wow, winter weather is upon us in full force! The only one venturing out was Ruth Angus. Ruth had a very good reason
for going out and that was to celebrate her 100th birthday! She reports a very good time with family and friends and she really didn't notice the weather. Happy 100th, Ruth! Ruth also enjoyed 12
lunch guests on Sunday as well as having her three daughters bring cup cakes for everyone on her actual birthday which was Friday.
Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Darlene
Minnick. Darlene was very involved in all of our activities as well as a very social person visiting with everyone. She will be sadly missed. Please join us in expressing our sympathy.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 04, 2016:
Best wishes were sent with Lois Stevenson as she has moved to Lamoni to be closer to her family. Good Luck, Lois,
we will miss you.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 18, 2016:
Staff and residents would like to send a huge welcome to David Jennings. David comes down from
Ellston and is a wonderful person. We are all excited to be able to spend more time with David and get to know him better.
Congratulations to Royalty - Helen Laird and Eldon Still! These two
fine people were crowned King and Queen at our Valentine's Day party Friday afternoon after joining in on several games, both thinking and guessing as well as enjoying heart shaped cookies and punch.
~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016:
We would like to welcome Irene Freeman and Dorothy McAtee to Mount Ayr Health Care Center. Irene comes from Blockton and Dorothy from
Kellerton. We are happy to have both of these wonderful ladies with us.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 07, 2016:
Anniversary wishes were sung to Dean and Mary Schuster this past week
as they celebrated 37 wonderful years together.
We ask that you join our staff and residents in extending sympathy to the family and friends of Dorothy White. Dorothy bought joy to everyone who knew her and will
be deeply missed.
Everyone enjoyed meeting Sadie. Who is Sadie? She is Don Clark's eight week old, long haired dachshund. This little cutie stole the hearts of many during her visit. Another puppy visitor we
enjoyed was from Buck. Buck was shared by Blake Shields. Talk about stealing hearts! What joy these two brought!
Everyone was pleased and excited to have Heather Gottemoeller, one of our employees,
bring her new baby Henry, along with sons Spencer and Joe, to visit us on the 29. What a special joy they brought! Congratulations on the new addition.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 28, 2016:
Staff and residents would like to extend their deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Betty Ruby upon her passing. Betty was a very active, creative and fun person to spend time with and is missed here at MACHCC.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 26, 2016:
We will miss Dorothy McAtee but wish her the best of luck as she moves to her new home.
are saddened by the death of two special ladies who we called friends. Please join
us in extending sympathy to family and friends of Margaret Campbell and Loretta Reynolds. These ladies touched many lives and will be deeply missed.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 02, 2016:
We are all saddened by the death of our friend Marlene Zarr. Marlene was with us for only a short time, but we all have known and enjoyed
her company for many years prior to her stay at Mount Ayr Health Care. Please join us in extending sympathy to her family and friends.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 16, 2016:
It is our pleasure to send a huge welcome out to Wanda McGahuey. Wanda is a friend to many at Mount Ayr Health Care already and we are happy to have her with us. We would also like to welcome Marjorie
Ibbotson. Marjorie is a familiar face here as she comes from our Maple Ridge Assisted Living. We also want to welcome Donna Dittman and Marthann Yarkasky, as they are settling in and getting acquainted
with others. We are looking forward to getting to know these four wonderful ladies.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 23, 2016:
We are all saddened by the death of one of our friends this past week.
Please join us in extending our sympathy to the family and friends of Virginia Albers. Virginia was a very active person and was involved in all of our group activities. She will be deeply missed.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 04, 2016:
We would like to welcome Ethel Campbell to Mount Ayr Health Care Center. Ethel is a familiar face around here as she comes from Maple Ridge
Assisted Living and a frequent visitor when her husband was with us.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 11, 2016:
Residents are saddened by the death of a very dear lady. Please join us in extending sympathy to the family and friends of Laura Osborn. Laura will be sadly missed at our home.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 29, 2016:
Staff and residents are saddened by the death of a very special friend. Please join us in extending sympathy to the family and friends of Donnie
Clark. Don was a very outgoing and friendly person and is sadly missed by all of us here at MAHCC.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 06, 2016
Margaret Fletchall was very happy to meet the newest addition to her
family as they paid her a visit over the week end. She sure enjoyed holding her great-great-granddaughter, Blake.
Everyone is enjoying the company of Leo McConnell as we met him this past week. Leon comes to us from Grand River and will be staying with us for a short while. Welcome Leo!
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 13, 2016
Staff and residents would like to welcome Jane Christophenson to our home Jane plans to be with us a short time, but we are certainly happy to have her and looking forward to getting to know her better.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
We said so long to our new friend Leo McConnell as he returned to his home last Friday. Best of wishes to you, Leo, we miss you.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 03, 2016:
It is always nice to see new faces at our home. Staff and residents would like to welcome Esther McAlexander to our home. Esther knows several folks already, but please be sure to introduce yourself when you see her. She is very proud of her grandchildren, Greta and Quinn Schmidt, as they both ran the cross country state meet this past weekend with Greta's team winning third while Quinn's team won first.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 10, 2016:
Mount Ayr Health Care vets honored
Military veterans at Mount Ayr Health Care gathered recently in honor of Veterans Day. The vets included:
Seated, L-R: Don Scheible (Navy), Dean Schuster (Army, served in Korean War), Turk Allen (Army in Germany), Jake Powell (Navy, served in Korean War), Marion Creveling (Med Care during WWII).
Standing: Kenny Caraway (Army).
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 15, 2016:
We are happy to welcome Doris Crawford to Mount Ayr Health Care. Doris is known by many and has lived in Mount Ayr most all of her life. It's nice to be able to get to know her better and we hope that she enjoys her stay.
Thursday, January 14, 2016:
Rosanna Troyer has taken up a job in Bloomfield of helping out in the Ezra Schrock home where they had twins recently.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, January 21, 2016:
Some are preparing to put up ice again, in storage for next summer's use.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 28, 2016:
from the area had gone to Stanberry, MO for the viewing and/or funeral of Daniel Yoder, 23. He was buried on his 23rd birthday. He was on a building project and some how was hurt and fell
to his death. Being by himself he wasn't discovered till several hours after it happened. A shock for the family and community as well.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 04, 2016:
Andy Bontrager, formerly of Bethany MO, and Katie Yoder, daughter of Albert and Mary, are making plans to be wed February 25. Hoping for a nice day.
Reuben Troyers moved their sleeping
quarters out of the sales room in the green house into the basement of the new house temporarily. They are working on the main floor and upstairs, hoping to have it done before long.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 18, 2016:
Susanna Mast hosted a quilting Wednesday for some church ladies. Those in attendance were Lydia and Katie Yoder,
Ada, Joanna, Lucinda, Ida Mae and Mary Troyer, Florence Hochstetler, Dean and Emma Beechy, Rosa and Martha Miller, Edna, Fannie Mae, Esther and Viola Bontrager.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 03, 2016:
Thursday, February 25 was the wedding at the Albert Yoder home of daughter Katie and Andy Bontrager. Andy was formerly of Bethany
but now resides at Princeton, MO. They had a nice wedding and served a delicious dinner. Attending from out of state were a brother Jonas and Katurok Yoder, and Norman Kauffmans of Maine, a sister Emma
and Milo Beechy of Hale, Michigan, an uncle, Ab and Elsie Yoder of Monte Vista, CO, Fannie and Jerry Bontrager of Pierz, Minnesota as well as some from Beeville, TX, Welch, OK, Indiana and other communities.
It happened to be one of those windy days, but that is something we humans can't change.
They newlyweds, Andy and Katies want to move to Princeton and have their abiding place there.
Alton Beechy along with Stephen, Rhoda and Miriam Ann Detweiler of Princeton, went to Humansville, MO to attend the wedding of Elizabeth Ann Schrock and a Yoder boy, Thursday.
The Jacob Plank family
went to Medford, Wisconsin to attend the funeral of their mother/grandmother, Mrs. Jerry Stutzman.
Albert Yoder has the misfortune of a fire in his farrowing house and lost everything, including six sows and a
number of piglets.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 10, 2016:
Thursday was the funeral of Sarah Mast, 70, in Jamesport. All of her nieces and nephews of this area attended
visitation and or funeral which included Paul, Reuben and Jonas Troyer families, Lester Beechy, Jr. Miller, Sam Millers, Herman Masts, Mrs. Alva Bontrager, Mrs. Noh Bontrager and also Levi Millers and
Vernon Troyers.
The Troyer relatives received an invitation to the wedding of two sisters, Karen and Sara Mae Troyer, daughters of Ivan Troyers of Monte Vista, CA, which is to be May 13. It's to be a
double wedding for Karen and William Miller, Sara Mae and Robert Wayne Yoder.
~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016:
Vernon, Mary and Aaron
Troyer, Herman and Susanna Mast attended the funeral in Jamesport, MO Tuesday of Karolyn Troyer, 5, daughter of Leon and Esther Troyer. She was a special child and needed extra
care. Her mother lovingly cared for her.
~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, March 31, 2016:
Mrs. Herman Mast and Mrs. Noah Bontrager traveled with Levi and Ruby Mast to their home in
Homer, Michigan. Mrs. Herman wants to get acquainted with her first grandchild at the Levi and Kathryn Mast home in Homer.
Levi Miller had a frightful experience Thursday when driving on 169 and making a left
hand turn, drove in front of a passing truck. The horse was put down because of injuries, buggy had a broken shaft. Levi escaped injuries, except for the shock.
The Redding community is buzzing with the news that
Joseph Miller (Jr. and Lydiann) and his friend, Esther Byler of Fredonia, PA, are making preparations for an April 21 wedding. And different ones are also making preparations to attend the wedding in PA. The two brothers,
Joseph of PA and Nelson Miller of Bloomfield, are with parents over the weekend.
Mary Bontrager (Samuels) and Nancy Troyer (Reubens) both teachers in Bloomfield, are also with parents over the Easter holidays.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 28, 2016:
Vernon and Mary Troyer attended the funeral of a brother-in-law Raymond Miller, 91, in Holmes County (Millersburg) Ohio. His wife Emma is a sister to
Vernon. Samuel and Leona Yutzy and Mrs. Raymond Yutzy of Bloomfield traveled with us.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 05, 2016:
Vernon and Mary Troyer attended the funeral of Vernon's sister, Betty Kramer, 81, of Windsor, MO Monday as well as Paul and Emma, Reuben and Ada, Jonas and Ida Mae, Aaron and Lena, Nelson
and Lucy, all Troyers, and also Albert Yoder. Betty suffered a stroke about ten months ago, which had left her speechless, although she was up and about. Her husband John faithfully cared for her.
The Troyer clan is anticipating a trip to Monte Vista, CO to attend the double wedding at Ivan Troyers of their two daughters, Karen and Wm. Yoder, Sarah Mae and Robert Wayne Yoder. The wedding is
scheduled for May 13.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 26, 2016:
May 13 was the double wedding in Monte Vista, CO of two of the writer's grand daughters, daughters of Ivan and Magdalena
Troyer. It was quite a solemn affair, two pair walking together to the marriage altar. They were united by their home Bishop, Alvin Mullet. The ceremony was at a neighbor's place, a large shed and plenty of
room. The reception was at the home of the brides' parents, Ivan Troyers. They also had a large shelter and also erected a big tent beside the shed. Around 600 were served the noon meal. They had
their appointed cooks and servers and everything was well managed. A good day and happy memories to store away. The brides and grooms were: Karen Sue Troyer and Wm. Miller of Bloomfield, IA,
Sarah Mae Troyer and Robert Wayne Yoder, both of Monte Vista. They will reside in Monte Vista.
Going for the wedding of their niece and cousin from Redding were: Paul and Emma and three,
Ivan Jay, Lee and Sara Mae, Reuben and six, Joanna, Nancy, Jesse, Mervin, Dennis and Delbert, all Troyers. Also Ida Mae Mast, Noah and Esther Bontrager and Lorene Bontrager. Vernon and
Mary had a weeks vacation, spending time with grand children and great grands as well.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 02, 2016:
Thursday was the public auction for Jacob and Mary Schrock. Had a fair sized crowd. They want to move out whenever they find a suitable place.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 09, 2016:
Wednesday evening Roy Bontrager's family were all at home. Levi and Ruby Mast of Michigan, Leroy and Mary Detweiler and four children of Princeton, MO, plus the locals, Nelson and Lucy Troyer and
five children, Noah and Esther Bontrager, Alva and Viola Bontrager and daughters. The house was buzzing with activity.
Wednesday evening several families chartered a bus and traveled to Reedstown, WI for a reunion.
Those going were Eli Yoders, David Yoders, Alvin Bontragers and Jacob Schrocks. They picked up more passengers in Centerville, Chariton and Albia. They returned home early Friday morning, a tired and weary
bunch. The Eli Hochstetler family hired a van to take their family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Alva and Viola welcomed a son, born June 7, named Wilbur, and greeted by a sister, Irene. Grandparents are Roy and Cora Bontrager and Lester and Dena Beechy, both local. Great-grandparents
are Mrs. Mary Bontrager of Downing, MO., Marvin Mulletts of Arthur, IL., Joe and Viola Mast of Bloomfield, Levi and Anna Beechy of Humansville, MO.
Jonas Troyers hosted a wiener roast Tuesday evening for the Mast
cousins which included Paul Troyers, Jr., Millers, Lester Beechys, Herman Masts and Noah Bontragers. Volleyball was enjoyed by the young energetic after the meal.
Jesse Troyer started working for Eli Hochstetler in
his metal shop. He's doing a thriving business.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 14, 2016:
Saturday the Troyer clan was here. From Bloomfield were the Samuel Yutzy family, Ben and Raymond Yutzys
and Wm. Yoder family. From Princeton were Jr. Detweilers and four girls, Roman and Stephen Detweilers and family.
Wm. and Esther Yoder and seven children stayed till Sunday afternoon at her parents, Vernon Troyers and attended
church at Eli Hochstetlers.
~ ~ ~ Thursday, July 21, 2016:
Nelson Troyers had a family frolic Wednesday to help with cement work. The girls and women cleaned house for Lucy.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 28, 2016:
Alvin Bontrager hosted the young folks Thursday evening. The boys pulled nails out of lumber, girls washed flats out of the greenhouse in preparation
for their auction Thursday. Many others also lent a helping hand in preparation of the sale. They have plans to move to Bloomfield.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 11, 2016:
Daniel, Emanuel and Eli Yoder went to Arthur, IL. to attend the annual single boys retreat. A highlight for those in that age.
Naomi and Malinda Beechy, Nancy Troyer and Arie Miller attended the school teacher's
meeting in Bloomfield Friday and Saturday.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 25, 2016:
Alvin Bontrager family are loading trucks getting ready for their move to [the] Bloomfield area. Alvin and
Mary were to the auction sale Friday in Bloomfield where they intend to move on.
The young folks were at Roy Bontrager's Wednesday evening to help with preparation for their auction, which is slated for Aug. 24.
Ida Mae, Kathryn, Viola, Joni, Lena, Paul and Mary, all Troyers, were to Bloomfield Friday meeting appointments and visiting family connections, plus shopping in different stores. Returning home late, tired and weary and
ready for rest.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 01, 2016:
Luckily the rains held off on Wednesday, the day of Roy Bontrager's sale, which everybody was glad for. They had a big crowd,
many out of town attended.
Roy and Cora Bontrager, Nelson and Lucy Troyer and five children went to northern Indiana to attend the wedding of a niece/cousin Cindy Mullet. They left Thursday and expect to return
Sunday evening.
Samuel and Ada Bontrager and Andy Mast (John's) attended the wedding of a cousin at Andy's in Orchardville, IL.
Alton Beechy (Lester's) and Hannah Raill of Humansville, MO have made
known their wedding plans, which is to be Sept. 14.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 22, 2016:
Lester Beechy family left Monday morning for Humansville, MO to help in preparations
for son/brother Alton's wedding to Hannah Raill, which was Sept. 14. Others going from here for the wedding were Vernon, Mary, Jonas, Ida Mae, Lavern, Rosanna, Kathryn, Marvin, Viola, Leona, Aaron, Lena, Nelson,
Lucy, Paul, Emma, Ivan, Sarah Mae, Jesse, Mervin, Dennis, Delbert and Joanna, all Troyers. Also Lorene and Mervin and David Bontrager, Jonas and Ida Mae Mast.
Felty and Lizzie Bontrager of Pierz, MN spent several
days in the area. Joe Millers, Harvey and Ruth Ann had traveled with them and also went along to Humansville for the above wedding. They all returned home Thursday morning.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 29, 2016:
Alton and Hannah Beechy (newlyweds) moved onto their place Monday, coming from Humansville, MO.
Samuel Bontragers and
Andy Mast loaded [a] truck Thursday and moved to Loganville, Wisconsin. Going along to help and stay for the weekend are Ivan and Sara Mae Troyer, Wilma and Fannie Mae Bontrager and Helen Miller. Jake Schrocks have the
same in mind, moving to Loganville Thursday the 29th.
Eli Hochstetlers had the young folks Tuesday evening. The boys hauled slap wood from the saw mill for Eli's shop, for heating fuel this winter.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 06, 2016:
Guests the past Sunday and attending church at Roy Bontragers were Leroy and Anna Bontrager, Ezra and Lovina Miller, Herman and Kathryn
Miller and three children and Mrs. Dave Susie Bontrager, all from Downing, MO. From Bloomfield was Willis Bontrager.
Jacob and Mary Schrock and family loaded [a] truck and moved to Loganville, Wisconsin early
Thursday morning. Coming from La Plata, MO to help were parents Mose J.K. Burkholders and Eli Schrocks plus brothers Jerry and Johnny Burkholders and Sam Swartz.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
Alton and Hannah Beechy and several of Lester Beechy's girls went to Humansville, MO to attend the wedding of a cousin, son of Alton
Bontragers. Joanna Troyer was substitute in the school during the teacher's absence.
Susanna, Ida Mae and Willma Mast spent Tuesday with Mary Troyer. They washed windows, mowed the yard and cut out
quilt blocks.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 27, 2016:
Roy Cora hosted a quilting recently for the area women where 13 sat around the quilt, chatting and having a good time.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 03, 2016:
Emma Troyer hosted a quilting for the church women, where 21 attended sitting around two quilts, gabbing and quilting away.
Reuben Troyers had the young folks Wednesday evening. The girls washed the walls in the new house. The boys hung sheet rock in the washroom.
REDDING, By Bobbi Bainum:
The Sunshine Workers 4-H club met Wednesday evening at Bobbi Bainum's. The club members made plans to host the January birthday party at
Clearview Home in Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 04, 2016:
Condolences are sent out to the family of Amon Hunt. His funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon in Mount Ayr. Burial was in the Hickory Grove cemetery with Military rites by the Iowa Honor Guard, and by members of the Redding and Blockton Legion Posts and
Worth County [MO] VFW Post.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 11, 2016:
Sympathy is sent to the family of Frances Saltzman. Her funeral will be held on Tuesday at 11:00 at the Mount Ayr UMC with
visitation an hour before the service.
Congratulations to Dorothy Barber on the arrival of her new great grandson, Rogan, on February 4th. Rhett and Gabby Thomas of Tulsa are the new parents
and Cora is the new big sister.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 03, 2016:
Sympathy is sent out to Linda Mathews and the family of John Bledsoe, 76, who died on Friday in Bethany. His funeral will be held in Colorado.
Condolences to the family of Betty Robertson, whose funeral services were on Thursday. Many from the Redding area attended. The lunch for the family was held in Redding UMC and was served by the ladies from the church.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Marvin Morse, a resident of Mount Ayr Health Care Center. His funeral will be held in Mount Ayr on Tuesday at 7 p.m. with burial on Wednesday in Rose Hill cemetery.
~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, March 17, 2016:
Welcome to Carmen Davidson who recently moved to Redding from the Allendale area.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 07, 2016:
Condolences are sent to the family and friends of Lawrence Hanks who died on Sunday morning at
Clearview Home in Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 05, 2016:
Congratulations to Laura Shervheim who graduated from Mercy Paramedic school in Des
Moines on Friday. Her family attended the ceremony and her grandparents, Myron and Ardys Shervheim from Johnston, hosted a dinner for her Friday night.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 26, 2016:
Charles and Becky Abarr went to the funeral of Derrell McCrary Saturday in St. Joe. He
was buried in Easton, Missouri and was the husband of Connie Abarr, a former Redding resident.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 23, 2016:
The Redding School Alumni Reunion will be held
at the Frontier Hall on July 2 with a potluck dinner at noon. All alumni and friends are invited.
Members of the Waubonsie tractor club toured the area on Saturday. They went to the Hickory Grove church, Watterson
cemetery, Lee Trail, Ringgold City site and cemetery, Caledonia and the Fry Chapel picnic area.
Charles and Beck Abarr spent Friday and Saturday in Boone where they attended the wedding of Allison Abarr and Andrew
Stroeve at the home of Weldon and Pan Abarr. Ian and Jasper Abarr from Ames, Megan and Jake Augustin and family from Denver, Jariah and Chris Walker and family from Norwalk were also among those who attended.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 14, 2016:
Condolences are sent to the Baker, King and Lakey families after the terrible tragedy of Friday morning. There will be a prayer vigil for the
families Sunday night at the Assembly of God church in Grant City. [The accident took the lives of Renae Baker, 49, Sydney King, 30, Breanna Baker, 12, Elizabeth Lakey, 4, and Hayden King, 2.]
~ ~ ~ Thursday, July 21, 2016:
Congratulations to Ed Combs on the arrival of a new grandson. Corbin Arin Bales was born on Monday to Tara and Justin Bales in Des Moines. He has
a big brother, Blake.
The Redding UMC has set up a benefit fund for the Baker, King and Lakey families. Anyone wishing to donate or contribute to help the families with final expenses or with Willie Baker's medical
expenses can do so at the Great Western Bank in Mount Ayr or Grant City.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 28, 2016:
Bobbi Bainum went to the Hensley cousins reunion Saturday afternoon
at the REC building in Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 04, 2016:
A baby shower for Elena Austin and Kacey Quick's new baby daughter was held Monday evening at
Bruce and Kris Quick's. Ginny, Kathy and Berta Quick, Rebecca Smith and sons, Carrie Main and sons were among the guests.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 01, 2016:
Congratulations to Taylor Bryant and Heaven Stewart who were married Saturday evening in Savannah. Taylor's grandmother, Mary Carpenter and relatives Kenny and Kim Bryant from Wyoming, Donna and
Sheldon Ross and Andrea Poe from Des Moines were among those attending the wedding.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 15, 2016:
Laura Shervheim was the guest of honor at a bridal shower Saturday at the Area Bible Fellowship church in Clearfield. Her fiancee, Steven Henry, was a Saturday and Sunday guest at Jan and Melinda Shervheim's. Laura's
maid of honor Laresa Sprik from Des Moines, was a Saturday and overnight guest at Shervheim's. Jim and Shirley Klooster from Allison, Iowa and Peter Shervheim from Des Moines were Thursday through
Sunday visitors at the Shervheim's. Myron and Ardys Shervheim from Johnston also visited.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 13, 2016
Congratulations to Laura Shervheim and Steven Henry
who were married Saturday evening at the lodge at 3 Mile Lake. Among the guests at the wedding were Matthew Shervheim from Colorado, Peter Shervheim from Des Moines, Myron and Ardys Shervheim from Johnston, Jim and
Shirley Klooster from Alison, Iowa.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
The Sunshine Workers 4-H club met Wednesday at Bobbi Bainum's. The club members held elections for the new 4-H year. Nathan Shervheim was elected president, BayLee Darrah, vice president, and Ellie Boswell, secretary-treasurer.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 03, 2016:
Cindy and Dick Snethen celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Saturday with supper at Still's in Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 17, 2016:
Condolences are sent to the Hargrave family and Pat Parker of Grant City following the passing of John Hargrave on Monday. His memorial service was held Saturday in Grant City.
Thursday, January 07, 2015:
A huge thank you to Janet Hogue for her seven plus years of establishing and organizing the Activity Center
and all the help she has been to me. She is leaving very big shoes to fill!
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 28, 2016:
Sadly, we have lost another one of our
seniors. We have received word that Chet Munyon passed away in Arizona last week. When he was in Iowa, he was a regular at the senior center. Chet was always cheerful with lots of jokes
and fun times. He will certainly be missed. Our sympathies to his companion, Wanda, and to his family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 15, 2016:
We want to extend our condolences to Janet Houge, the former Senior Center Director, and to Betty Snethen, a Steering Committee member for the recent death of their father and husband. Our thoughts
and prayers are with their families.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 04, 2016:
RAGBRAI was a huge success with so many compliments about our town! We had between
40-50 bikers and support people in to the Senior Center to cool off, use our restrooms and have a complimentary glass of lemonade or tea. Everyone was very impressed with our Senior Center and
appreciative of getting to use the facility. We received some thank you donations.
TINGLEY: By Nancy Jarred
Thursday, January 14, 2016:
Sympathy is extended to Norma Webb and Iona Triggs and their families. We learned that their brother, Elmer Baker had
passed away. His services were held Saturday in Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 21, 2016:
Our community was sorry to learn that Virginia Richards
had passed away early Friday morning after a long, lingering illness. Virginia lived in our community for a long time and was quite active in various functions as long as her health permitted.
Services will be held Tuesday at 11. Sympathy is extended to her family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, January 28, 2016:
A card went to Wanda Adams. Everyone was
shocked here when word was received that Chet Munyon has passed away suddenly and unexpectantly in Arizona, where they were wintering. Sympathy is extended to his family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 18, 2016:
The most exciting thing taking place at the meal site this week was voting for a Valentine King and Queen. It's been hard to decide
who to vote for this year. This couple will be crowned by last year's king and queen, Bob and Lois England on Tuesday, February 16 at 11:45.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 25, 2016:
Every Valentine's Day party has to have a king and queen. This party was no exception. After all the votes were counted, chosen
to be this year's king and queen were Dick and Virginia Walden. They were crowned by last year's king and queen, Bob and Lois England. The song, "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" was played in their honor.
Congratulations! Crowns were provided by Lloyd and Muriel Johnson.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 07, 2016:
Dorothy Wurster, a long time Tingley resident, will celebrate
her 85th birthday on April 23, 2016. For anyone wishing to send her a card or greeting, her current address is: [address], Decorah, Iowa 52101.
All were sorry when it was learned that Don Campbell had
passed away Saturday, March 26 at Mount Ayr Health Care Center, where he had resided for over six years due to his health conditions. He and Ethel lived on a farm a few miles north of town until this time. His
services were held at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mount Ayr with burial at the Rose Hill Cemetery in Mount Ayr. Sympathy is extended to his family.
One of the highlights of the Tingley Meal Site's Easter celebration was the Easter bonnet contest. Shown above are the hats declared to be the best as determined by judges Mary Sue McIntosh and
Sharon Case.
Winners (L-R) include Ellen Kaler - Springiest; Rose Campbell - Prettiest; Cleone Hosfield - Most Like Easter; and Norma Webb - Most Classic, with honorable mention going to George
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 12, 2016:
All were sorry to learn that Charles Case had passed away on May 4. Everyone knew Charles. He's lived around here his
entire life. Visitation will be Monday with military rites at Oliver Cemetery. Sympathy is extended to his family.
Happy anniversary wishes are extended to Donald and Helen Weeda. This special
couple will observe their 70th wedding anniversary on May 11.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 02, 2016:
Sympathy is extended to the family of Twilla Lininger. All were sorry
to receive world that she had passed away Monday evening at Clearview Nursing Home in Mount Ayr with burial following at the Tingley Cemetery.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 07, 2016:
One hundred year-old Ellen Lempke told about her latest project. She's writing a children's book entitled "Big Fat Cat." We'll all look for it when it's published.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 14, 2016:
The best news Tingley has received for some time took place Wednesday evening at the Ringgold County fair's South Central Iowa Community Foundation grant presentation ceremony. Sue Richards, representing
the town of Tingley was presented a check for $10,500+ to be used for a new floor in the Tingley Community building, which will now become a reality sometime in the future. Thanks, Sue, for all your work in writing the
application for the grant.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, August 18, 2016:
Friday was party day. Special recognition was given to Don Wimmer who observed his 90th birthday Wednesday, Aug.
10. Don was presented a special birthday crown by Irma Johnston, who had a few fine things to say about Don as did several others. All appreciate all the good things Don has done through the years. The Friday Singers were
present to provide the day's extra entertainment, even dedicating one to Don. Singers this day included their accompanist, Virginia Walden, their director, May Jan Narigon, plus Doris Overholser, Ellen and Les Kaler,
Dick Walden, Genevieve Roach, Don and Darlene Wimmer, Iona Triggs, and Larry Birkenholz. Iona Triggs chose the songs for this day. Not only did they entertain at the site here, they went on to the Afton
Care Center in the afternoon to entertain.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 01, 2016:
Everyone was saddened when word was received here that one of our dear folks, Ethel Campbell
had passed away Friday, Aug. 19 at Mount Ayr Health Care Center, where she was residing due to her health. She still took advantage of every opportunity she had to come back to Tingley to see folks at the meal site.
Her services were held Tuesday at the Trinity Lutheran Church of Mount Ayr. Sympathy is extended to her family.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 22, 2016:
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 22, 2016:
Sympathy is extended to Dick and Virginia Walden. They received word that his youngest brother [age 65] had passed away unexpectantly Monday
[September 13]. [Michael David Walden's] services were held at Hannibal, MO on Saturday, Mount Olivet Cemetery.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 29, 2016:
Lloyd and Kay Drake had some good news to share Monday. They will observe their 60th wedding anniversary, Oct. 14. Their family hosted an early celebration for them over the weekend at son, Joe's home. It was
planned early to take advantage of the warm weather now. They report everyone had a good time. Congratulations, Lloyd and Kay.
Another successful Just-4-Fun supper was held at the community building Thursday
evening, Sept. 22. Close to 60 people were present to partake of the food, fun, and fellowship Les Kaler gave the blessing. After dining on the abundance of good food, bingo was used to award 16 gifts. Bingo caller was
Lee Brand. The lucky winners were Linda McNutt, Kay Drake, Rose Campbell, Dot Barber, Carmene James, Sharon Case, Lloyd Johnson, Larry Birkenholz, Evelyn Sickels, Muriel Johnson, Lee Brand, Cathy Mason,
Marlene Keller, Bonnie Manders, Peggy Wagenknecht and George Hosfield. Homemade ice cream made by Lloyd and Kay Drake was a special treat enjoyed with the meal.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 06, 2016:
Have you noticed the new bench outside in the park? Lucille Beaman's family donated it in her memory. It sure is a thoughtful addition to our park.
Sympathy is extended to Sharon Case and family. Her aunt Irene Spencer passed away Friday, Sept. 23 at Clearview Home, where she resided. Services were held Tuesday at Armstrong Funeral Home in Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
Congratulations to Lloyd and Kay Drake. They observed their 60th wedding anniversary Friday, Oct. 14. They shared treats with their friends at the meal site. All wished them a happy anniversary.
Happy Kitchen Band was in to entertainTuesday, brightening up the day as usual. This day the band included their accompanist, Carmene James, plus Dick and Virginia Walden, Rose Campbell, Evelyn Sickels, Doris Overholser, Norma Webb, Iona Triggs, Pinkie Collins, and Genevieve Roach. They journeyed on to Clearview at Mount Ayr and entertained there that afternoon.
The Friday Singers brought another wonderful program of hymns to the meal site Friday. Their accompanist this day was Peggy Wagenknecht, who also chose the songs for them today. Mary Jane Narigon acted as director, plus Bonnie Manders, Ellen Kaler, Norma Webb, Iona Triggs, Don and Darlene Wimmer, and LeRoy Trimble sang.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 10, 2016:
Special recognition was given to Lucille Jackson who receives meals and who observed her 98th birthday on Nov. 5.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 24, 2016:
Happy birthday wishes are extended to Marge Parry who observed her 97th birthday on Nov. 13. Her family hosted a special party in her honor at her home at noon on Monday, Nov.14. Several from here attended.
WISHARD CHAPEL, By Carol McCreary:
Thursday, January 21, 2016:
Prayers are sent to the families of Nick Grose and Virginia Richards
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, February 11, 2016:
The McCreary family returned on Monday from Chesterfield, SC, attending the funeral services for Pastor Tom Rutan. Tom was
buried across from the Pine Grove Baptist church were he pastored for many years. A procession of 550 people followed the hearse while a bagpiper played Amazing Grace. He was buried near the same
pine woods where he loved to hunt. First Things First of Mount Ayr sang for his funeral. He will be missed by his many family members here in Mount Ayr. He was the son-in-law of Faith Shinkle. A sympathy
card may be sent to Rose Ann Rutan at 165 Mecca Lane, Chesterfield, SC 29709.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, March 10, 2016:
A special offering was taken up for the ICM church being built in Honduras in Pastor Tom Rutan's name. Thank you to all who are donating to this project.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 15, 2016:
Congratulations to Christi Shields and Matt Shurvington, who were married at Wishard Chapel on April 8
A group of youth and adults traveled to Kansas City on Sunday to serve the homeless at Lazarus Table. They attended church first and were very inspired by the lady Pastor there. After serving and cleaning
up they stopped for supper on the way home.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 28, 2016:
Pastor Bill had Nina Powell's funeral on Saturday and the Wishard Chapel ladies, served cookies
and bars and drink afterward at the Heritage Park community room. Carol Anne McCreary, Barbie McCreary and Theola Weeda served and the women of the church furnished cookies and bars.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, May 12, 2016:
May 22 will be the baby dedication of Leo Ivan Sobokta.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Sunday, July 3 will be a special day for Jim and Carol Anne McCreary as they will be celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary. Come to the church to help them celebrate at 10:30. Refreshments will be served after
church. They were married at Wishard Chapel July 3, 1966.
Congratulations to Austin and Casey Quick on the birth of their baby girl on Friday, June. 17.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 01, 2016:
Please pray for Wishard Chapel as we continue to look for a part-time pastor. If you have any suggestions, contact Paul Dykstra,
Clint Spurrier or Carol McCreary (Search Committee).
On September 11 our speaker will be Harlie Ferguson, son of Faith Shinkle, a Viet Nam Vet, singer, and guitarist. Come hear Harlie tell of his experiences and God
in his life.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 08, 2016:
Harlie Ferguson guest speaking at Wishard Chapel
Harlie Ferguson of Ava, MO., son of Faith Shinkle will be the guest speaker next Sunday at Wishard Chapel.
Ferguson said, "I am honored to be introduced as the proud son of our mother, loving husband,
father and grandfather, brother, uncle, Viet Nam combat veteran, retired principal educator at St. Jude Medical, Inc., chairman of Ambassador Committee for the International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners and
founding director of G&G Consulting, LLC.
"I am not worthy to stand in the place of the great men of God who have taken the pulpit there at Wishard Chapel, but I will sing and play the music that has blessed me
and hope it will bless others. I am proud to share my journey and gift of forgiveness and the renewed sense of purpose in my life. The current events around us, politics, violence, disaster, are saddening not unlike
the lives of those churches in Corinth and Thessalonica. Paul's mission was one of education and hope. It will be my intention to reflect that same message and hope that the Holy Spirit will manifest on that day."
Faith Shinkle will be celebrating her 90th birthday on Thursday, Sept. 8. Her family is having a card shower for her. Send cards to Faith Shinkle, [address], Mount Ayr IA 50854.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 15, 2016:
Sunday morning speaker was Harlie Ferguson from Ava, MO. Harlie gave a very inspiring sermon and shared some great old hymns with
the congregation. A good crowd of 72 were at the service.
The Church got sad news on Sunday of the passing of Jack Carson. Our condolences are sent to Jenny and family and especially to our Pastor Bill
and wife Sandy Armstrong.
A big family dinner was held after church on Sunday at Grace and Mike Warin's in celebration of Faith Shinkle's 90th birthday. 36 family members enjoyed the day.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 29, 2016:
Rose Ann Rutan is visiting Faith Shinkle and other family members in the community. Rose Ann and her husband Tom, who passed away last year, pastored Wishard Chapel for a year before Pastor Bill. Lots of good family time is being held.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 06, 2016:
The Wishard Chapel family enjoyed a wagon ride, bonfire, and fishing at the Richards Ranch on Sunday afternoon and evening. Approximately 20 people enjoyed the family outing.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 13, 2016
Rose Ann Rutan returned home to South Carolina just in time for the hurricane last week. After 5 1/2 inches of rain and downed trees, all the family is safe. They are in the Myrtle Beach and Charlotte area.
Paul and Nancy Dykstra announced the birth of their new granddaughter. She weighed in at over eight pounds. Mother and baby are doing fine. Congratulations!
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, October 20, 2016:
Congratulations to Connie and Doyle Richards on their 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend!
Dawn Renae O'Brien of Mount Ayr and Cody Dean Nevada Carlson of New Market, married February 17, 2016. Date marriage filed February 18, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, February 25, 2016
Shannon Elizabeth Weiman of Tingley and Robert Paul Brunner of Mount Ayr, married February 14, 2016. Date marriage filed February 19, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, February 25, 2016
Katie A. Yoder of Mount Ayr and Andrew K. Borntrager of Welch, OK, married February 25, 2016. Date marriage filed March 3, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 17, 2016
Christina Anette Miller of Kellerton and Robert Lee Dory of Kellerton married March 16, 2016. Date marriage filed March 16, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 24, 2016.
Erica Dawn Kemery of Mount Ayr and Mitchell Lee Grose of Mount Ayr married April 9, 2016. Date marriage filed April 14, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, April 21, 2016
Christi Jo Shields of Mount Ayr and Charles Matthew Shurvington of Mount Ayr married April 8, 2016. Date marriage filed April 14, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, April 21, 2016
Mallory Landis Nutting of Diagonal and David Paul Grandfield of Diagonal married April 16, 2016. Date marriage filed April 19, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, April 28, 2016
Taylor Alexandra Still of Ellston and Bo Ian Greene of Ellston married June 18, 2016. Date marriage filed June 20, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 30, 2016
Shondel Kay Pearce of Mount Ayr and Zachary Thomas Zollman of Mount Ayr married June 25, 2016. Date marriage filed June 27, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 07, 2016
Shondel Kay Pearce of Mount Ayr and Zachary Thomas Zollman of Mount Ayr married June 25, 2016. Date marriage filed June 27, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 07, 2016
Amanda Marie Larsen of Mount Ayr and Joshua Lewis Waske of Mount Ayr married July 02, 2016. Date marriage filed July 11, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 21, 2016
Alena Lorrain Flowers of Decatur City and Cody Jacob Vanderflught of Kellerton married July 26, 2016. Date marriage filed July 20, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 28, 2016
Danielle Leora Parsons of Mount Ayr and Sheldon Max Triggs of Mount Ayr married July 16, 2016. Date marriage filed July 25, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 28, 2016
Ashley Danielle Marcisiak of Mount Ayr and Andrew Edwin Rothe of Mount Ayr married July 23, 2016. Date marriage filed July 25, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 28, 2016
Melissa Kay Ammons of Diagonal and Logan John-Lewis Jenkins of Diagonal married July 19, 2016. Date marriage filed July 28, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, August 04, 2016
Shaniece Diane Conklin of Paris, TX and Austin Lee Guill of Paris, TX married July 30, 2016. Date marriage filed August 02, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, August 11, 2016
Lisa Ann Meskan of Tingley and Derek Jay Pyland of Tingley married August 10, 2016. Date marriage filed August 10, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, August 18, 2016
Hannah Grace Covington of Mount Ayr and Quincy Lynn Main of Mount Ayr married August 13, 2016. Date marriage filed August 22, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, August 25, 2016
Antione Lamell Travis, Jr. of Fort Riley, KS and Mariah Jean Fifer of Kellerton married September 17, 2016. Date marriage filed September 19, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 06, 2016
Amber Kim Lilienthal of Kellerton and Clayton Gerald Wayne Neas of Kellerton married September 24, 2016. Date marriage filed September 30, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 06, 2016
Taylor Benjamin Richie of Diagonal and Jamie Lyn Grandfield of Diagonal married September 24, 2016. Date marriage filed September 30, 2016.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 06, 2016
Sheila Rose Pinard of Mount Ayr and Edward Wayne Mundy of Mount Ayr married on December 15, 2016. Date marriage filed, December 20, 2016. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, December 29, 2016
Tony and Ashley Mercer of Mount Ayr welcomed a new son, Cash Daniel Mercer on December 28, 2015 at Greater Regional Medical Center of Creston, IA. Cash
weighed in at 7 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 19 1/4 inches. Grandparents of the new baby are Lori and Rich Mercer of Kellerton, Samantha Booth of Creston and Tracy and Ed Booth of Murray. Great-grandparents
are Sue and Dick Booth of Thayer, Janet Mercer of Mount Ayr and Wayne Vanderwood. Great-great grandparent is Berel Booth of Creston. Cash is welcomed home by three siblings, Logan, 6, Jackson, 3, and
Owen, 13 months old. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 07, 2016, Page 5
DOWN REDDING WAY - Alvin and Mary Bontrager report the birth of daughter number five, named Sara, born Jan. 9. Also welcomed by five brothers. Grandparents are Mose and Katie
Bontrager of Bloomfield and Monroe and Mattie Schrock of La Plata, MO. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 21, 2016, Page 10
DOWN REDDING WAY - The writers received the news of a great grandson born to Stephen and Rhoda Detweiler Jan 12, names Micah, their first born. Also the first grand child for
Devon Schlaback. Paternal grand parents are Jr. Detweilers. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 21, 2016, Page 10
Shea Hall and Justin Kopet of Cedar Rapids are the proud parents of a baby boy, born January 24. Nicholas Robert Kopet weighed in at eight pounds one ounce and was 20 1/2 inches
long. Nicholas is welcomed home by his sister Noelle (1), grandparent Kris and Jason Hayward of Cedar Rapids and Kathy and Sam Hall of Mount Ayr. ~Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 28, 2016, Page 5
Alice June Elliott was born at 10:01 AM on December 23, 2015 at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, IA. Alice weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 193/4 in. long. The proud parents
are Brad and Abby Elliott of Mount Ayr. Grandparents are John and Karleen Stephens of Diagonal and Dick and Donna Elliott and Roena Dredge of Mount Ayr.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, January 28, 2016, Page 5
Shannon Hartman and Luke Graves are the proud parents of a baby girl, Addison Claire Graves, born at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines on Friday, January 22, 2016. She weighed
seven pounds, eight ounces and measured 20 1/2 inches. Grandparents are Neil and Lana Hartman of Mount Ayr, Suzi Hartman of Belton, MO and the late Jerry Graves. Great-grandparents are
William and Eileen Harpin of Creston and Joe and Loretta Graves of Dubuque. Addison is welcomed home by big brothers Max, 3, and Grant, 2.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, February 11, 2016, Page 5
Karl and Amanda Groszkruger of Ellston are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Darby Hynck Groszkruger. She was born at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, IA on February 10, 2016.
Darby weighed in at 8 lbs. 2 ox. and measured 20 1/2 inches. The happy grandparents are Bill and Angie Hynek of Ellston and Dawn and Fritz Groszkruger of Dumont, IA. Great grandmothers are
Marge Perry of Ellston and Marj Groszkruger of Lincoln, NE. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, February 18, 2016, Page 5
A daughter, Adella Christine, was born to Peter and Erin Cornish of Columbia, MO, Sunday, Feb. 7, at Women's and Children's Hospital in Columbia, MO. She weighed 7 pounds, five
ounces and was 20 inches long. She was welcomed home by brother Eli, and sisters Millie and Esther. She is the granddaughter of Alan and Valle Smith of Mount Ayr and Sally
Cornish of Independence, MO. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, February 25, 2016, Page 5
Adam and Heather Gottemoeller of Mount Ayr welcomed a baby boy into this world on March 3, 2016 at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, IA. Henry Thomas Cottemoeller weighed
8 pounds and 11 ounces and measured 20 3/4 inches. Grandparents are Logan and Lori Ringel of Teton Valley, Idaho and George and Madeline Gottemoeller of New Haven, Missouri. Henry
Thomas is welcomed home by siblings Spencer age 5 and Joseph age 12. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 10, 2016
REDDING - Congratulations to Chevy and Jessica Davison of Grant City on the birth of their new baby girl on Thursday. Cora Lea is welcomed home by an older brother, Chase,
and is grandchild number three for Carmen Davison. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 17, 2016.
Shawn Young and Miranda Zollman of Mount Ayr are the proud parents of a healthy little boy, Owen Cecil Harry Young who weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces and was 19
inches tall. He was welcomed home by three brothers, Kazzey (4), Dillon (3) and Jase (1). His grandparents are David and Karolyn Zollman of Mount Ayr and Shirley of Blockton.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 24, 2016.
Lindsey and Dallas Early of Clearfield are the parents of a little girl, Madilynn Jane Early. Madilynn was born March 20 and weighed six pounds and was 19 3/4 inches long.
She is welcomed home by her big brother Jarek Earley (2). The little girl is also welcomed by grandparents JoAnn and Shelby Bullock of Ellston and Laura and Jamie
Mitchell of Lenox. Her great-grandparents are Pam and Darol Mitchell of Lenox and Mary and Roger Adkins of Nevinville, Iowa. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, March 24, 2016.
Scott and Kelsey Kinyon of Creston, Iowa welcomed a baby girl on March 27, 2016, born at Greater Regional Medical Center. Callie Lynn Kinyon weighed in at 6 pounds and 13 ounces at measured
19 1/4 inches. Grandparents of Callie are Gerald and Anna Kinyon of Creston and Jay and Pat Meester of Mount Ayr. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, April 07, 2016
CLEARVIEW HOME - Congratulations go out
to Wendy and Nathan Creveling on the birth of a baby boy, Clayton Gene on May 16 at 1:36 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 inches long. Clayton was welcomed by big brother, Coy. Grandparents
are Erin and Nick Doolittle, Tammy, Novy and Kevin and Deb Creveling. Great-grandmother is Clearview's resident, Donella Creveling. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 26, 2016
Cody and Valerie Morris of Creston, IA announce the birth of their son, Brantley Eugene Morrison. Brantley was born on May 19, 2016 at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston. He weighed
8 pounds and 1 ounce and measured 20 inches. Grandparents of the baby boy are Ernie and Nancy Morrison of Creston and Darren and Tawnya Jones of Mount Ayr. Great grandparents include
Jack and Colleen Antisdel of Creston and Jim and Linda Crawford of Prescott. Brantley's great-great grandparent is Louis Brown of Osceola. Welcoming Brantley home is Rylynn Morrison, age 14 months.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 26, 2016
Liam Paul Carruthers was welcomed into this world by his parents, Lindsy Reeser and Ryker Carruthers of Lenox, IA on May 18, 2016. Liam was born at the Greater Regional Medical Center
in Creston. He weighed 8 pounds and 12 ounces and measured 20 1/2 inches. Grandparents of the baby boy are Debby Denhardt of Wausau, WI, Darrell Reeser of Carlisle, IA, Daniel Carruthers of Lenox, IA.,
and Sandy Peterson of Lenox. Great grandparents are Karen and Mike Rech of Ankeny, Margery Carruthers of Lenox and Janis and Bill Peterson of Moorland, IA. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 26, 2016
A baby boy was born to Bob and Jacque Sobotka of Mount Ayr, Iowa, on April 13, 2016 at the Greater Regional Medical Center at Creston, Iowa. Leo Ivan weighed in at 10 pounds 13 ounces and measured 22 1/2 inches.
Grandparents are Steve and Cyndi Sobotka and Bill and Sandy Armstrong, all of Mount Ayr. Great grandparents are Patty and Wallace Sobotka of Benton, Jack and Ginny Carson of Diagonal, and Ryland and Georgia
Garner of Carrollton, Iowa. Leo was welcomed home by siblings, Elizabeth, age 14, Andrew, age 12, Jacob, age 9, and Ronny, age 7. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, April 21, 2016
Joe and Lindsey Catanzareti of Mount Ayr are proud to announce the birth of their newborn daughter, Joslyn Ardell Catanzareti. Joslyn was born at Mercy Medical center-Downtown [Des Moines] on April 12, 2016 at
10:28 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. She is welcomed home by her proud big brother Adrian Catanzareti. Grandparents are Joe and Susie Catanzareti and Merle and Rhonda Triggs of
Mount Ayr. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, April 28, 2016
Derrick and Kasey Dredge of Mount Ayr are the proud parents of a baby son, Draven Alvin Dredge, who was born on Monday, April 11, 2016, at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. The little
man weighed nine pounds, two ounces and measured 20.25 inches. Grandparents are Eric Dredge of Mount Ayr, Diana and Shannon Arends of Diagonal, and Marvin and
Rhonda Feick of Orient. Great-grandparents are Royce and Judy Dredge of Mount Ayr and William and Maxine Tridle and Max and Phyllis Feick, all of Orient. Draven was welcomed home by older
sisters, Darsey Jo, age four, and Daisey Renae, age two. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 05, 2016
David and Christy Ayers of Creston announce the birth of their daughter, Penelope LeeAnn Ayers, born on May 3, 2016 at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, Iowa.
Grandparents of the baby girl are Raymond and Kay Ayers of Creston, IA and Ned and Martha Cox of Osceola, IA. Great-grandparents are Lee and Deloris Ayers of Webster City, Iowa.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 12, 2016
Amanda and Lucas Angus of Mount Ayr announce the birth of their daughter, Esme Lavon Angus on May 4, 2016, at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, IA. The baby girl
weighed in at 10 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 20 3.4 inches. The grandparents are Warren and Betty Angus of Mount Ayr, Jodi Angus of Kellerton, and Scott and Nancy Bohanan of
Mount Ayr. Great-grandparents include Ruth Angus, Darlene Bear and Jerry and Anne Townsend, all of Mount Ayr. Esme is welcomed home by siblings, Lewis, age 3, and Brooklyn, age 2.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 12, 2016
Nathan and Wendy Creveling announce the birth of their son, Clayton Gene Creveling. Clayton was born on May 16, 2016, at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, IA. He
weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and measured 20 inches. Grandparents of the baby boy are Nick and Erin Doolittle of Mount Ayr, Kevin and Deb Creveling of Ellston and Lonnie and Tammy
Novy of Creston. Great-grandparents are Gary and Kay Doolittle of Mount Ayr, Donella Creveling of Ellston, Gene and Linda Bullock of Ellston and Merlin and Geri Humpal of Seaside, OR.
Welcoming home Clayton is his big brother, Coy, age 2 1/2. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 19, 2016
Cody and Valerie Morrison of Creston, IA announce the birth of their son, Brantley Eugene Morrison. Brantley was born on May 19, 2015 at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston. He weighed
8 pounds and 1 ounce and measured 20 inches. Grandparents of the baby boy are Ernie and Nancy Morrison of Creston and Darren and Tawnya Jones of Mount Ayr, Great-grandparents include Jack
and Colleen Antisdel of Creston and Jim and Linda Crawford of Prescott. Brantley's great-great-grandparent is Louis Brown of Osceola. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 26, 2016
Liam Paul Carruthers was welcomed into this world by his parents, Lindsy Reeser and Ryker Carruthers of Lenox, IA on May 18, 2016. Liam was born at the Greater Regional
Medical Center in Creston. He weighed 8 pounds and 12 ounces and measured 20 1/2 inches. Grandparents of the baby boy are Debby Denhardt of Wausau, WI, Darrell Reeser of Carlisle, IA, Daniel
Carruthers of Lenox, and Sandy Peterson of Lenox. Great-grandparents are Karen and Mitch Rech of Ankeny, Margery Carruthers of Lenox and Janis and Bill Peterson of Moorland, IA.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, May 26, 2016
WISHARD CHAPEL - Congratulations to Austin and Casey Quick on the birth of their baby girl on Friday, June 17.
REDDING - Congratulations to Austin and Casey Quick on the new baby girl, Elena Kristine, born on Friday in Des Moines. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 23, 2016
DOWN REDDING WAY - Alva and Viola welcomed a son, born June 7, named Wilbur, and greeted by a sister, Irene. Grandparents are Roy and Cora Bontrager and Lester and Dena Beechy, both local. Great-grandparents
are Mrs. Mary Bontrager of Downing, MO., Marvin Mulletts of Arthur, IL., Joe and Viola Mast of Bloomfield, Levi and Anna Beechy of Humansville, MO. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, June 23, 2016
Jessie Woollums has become a great-grandmother. Her identical twin granddaughters, Lean and Sarah, gave birth to Reid and Samantha. Reid is the son of Lyle and Leah Rodgers of Denver, CO. Samantha's parents
are Nick and Sarah Mariuz of La Jolla, CA. Grandparents are Joe and Diane Masternick of Rochester, MI. Leah and Kyle have been married nine years and Nick and Sara four years. The babies are their first children.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 07, 2016
DOWN REDDING WAY: First-time parents are Noah and Esther Bontrager, who had their first born July 21, a son named Matthew. Grandparents are Herman Masts and Roy Bontragers. Great-grandparents are
Wilma Mast of Marion KY, Vernon and Mary Troyer (local), Marvin and Kathryn Mullet of Arthur, IL., and Mary Bontrager of Indiana. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, July 28, 2016
Jesse and Jessica Shade of Shannon City, IA welcomed a new baby son to the world on August 13, 2016. Michael Dean Shade was born at Greater Regional Medical Center of Creston, IA, weighing in at 7 lbs.,
8 oz. and measuring 18 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Larry and Kim Overholser of Benton, IA and the late Mike and Brenda Shade of Afton, IA. Great-grandparents are Donnie Adams and the late Patricia Adams of
Mount Ayr, IA, the late Delores Shade and Murry Shade of Creston, IA, and the late Forest and Lucille Overholser of Diagonal, and Dean Paxson of Creston, IA. Michael is welcomed home by two siblings, Kayli,
age 8, and Adrianna, age 2. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, August 18, 2016
CLEARVIEW HOME - Congratulations to Elaine Goff on the birth of her daughter last week. Emersynn Ollie-Raye Breese was born August 1, 2016 at 12:58 p.m. She weighed in at five pounds, 7 ounces and
measured 19 inches long. The proud parents are Elaina Goff and Austin Breese. Grandparents are Thomas and Rebecca Goff and Brenda McKay and Dave Breese. They are all doing well.
~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, August 11, 2016
CLEARVIEW HOME - Congratulations to Katie McVey on the birth of her son, Isiah Edward, on August 24. He weighed nine pounds, 9.5 ounces and was 23 inches long. Proud grandmother is
Jackie McVey and great-grandfather is John Waters. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, September 01, 2016:
Jake and Melanie Rice of Clearfield, IA would like to announce the birth of their son, Harley Kenneth Rice. Harley was born on September 17, 2016 at 3:46 pm. He weighed in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces and
measured 20 1/2 inches. Harley's grandparents are Howard and Janet Acklin of Graham, MO and Greg and Peggy Rice of Creston, IA as well as Randall and Kathie Wilson of Nixa, MO. Great-grandparents
of the baby boy are Beverly Warner of Savannah, MO, Lois Carter of Barnard, MO, and Richard Wilson of Bedford, IA. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, September 29, 2016:
Brian and Lauren England of Mount Ayr would like to announce the birth of their daughter, Reese Elizabeth England. Reese was born on September 23, 2016 at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, IA. She
weighed in at 6 pounds and 13 ounces and measured 19.5 inches. Grandparents of the baby girl are Todd and Julie England of Mount Ayr, IA and Tom and Laura Robinson of Coggon, IA. Great-grand parents include
Robert and Lois England of Mount Ayr, IA and Elmer and Nancy Young of Afton, IA. Great-great-grandparents are Mary Lu Robinson of Coggon, IA and Jeanette Wilson of Miles, IA. Reese is welcomed home by
sibling Maddox England, 2 years old. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 13, 2016:
WISHARD CHAPEL - Paul and Nancy Dykstra announced the birth of their new granddaughter. She weighed in at over eight pounds. Mother and baby are doing fine. Congratulations! ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 13, 2016
Tess and Tanner Rinehart would like to announce the arrival of their son, Clyde Steven Rinehart, born at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, IA. Clyde was born on October 21, 2016 and weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 20 inches. Grandparents of the newborn boy are Jackie and Hugh Whitson of Ellston, IA and Kathy and Lynn Rinehart of Mount Ayr, IA. Great-grandparents are Fran Ellis of Van Wert, IA, Keith and Beth Whitson of Beaconsfield, IA, Joyce Myer of Savannah, MO, Edna Jones of Mount Ayr, IA and Joan and Park Rinehart of Mount Ayr, IA. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 27, 2016
Robert and Shannon Brunner of Mount Ayr would like to announce the birth of their daughter, Naomi Roselyn Brunner. Naomi was born on Nov. 3, 2016 at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston. She weighed in at 5 pounds and 3 ounces and measured 18 inches. Grandparents are Charles and Sharon Weiman of Tingley. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, November 10, 2016
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, 2016