Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
BEACONSFIELD, by Phyllis Manning:
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Thursday, January 10, 2013:
Mary Ann SMITH retired from the Ringgold County Law Enforcement team on December 31, 2012
Raymond and Darla DOSER of Lovilia visited with Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER Monday afternoon. Pat HERRAN of
Houston, TX visited several days with Mary Ann and Jim SMITH. Pat is a cousin of Mary Ann's and it had been 38 years
since her last visit. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday March 28, 2013:
March 25 - Rev. Raymond and Dola DOSER of Lovilia visited Beaconsfield United Methodist Church Sunday, March
24, and Rev. DOSER was guest speaker. Rev. DOSER is the brother of Esther McALEXANDER.
Mary Ann SMITH attended the funeral of her aunt in Grant City, MO last Saturday. Eugene McALEXANDER
reported that Beaconsfield received four inches of snow Saturday night and Sunday, which melted down to .35
of moisture. He also informed everyone that the Beaconsfield area has received 40 inches of snow this winter.
Eugene has a weather station which gathers weather information for the National Weather Service of Johnston. ~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, April 04, 2013:
Several members of Beaconsfield United Methodist Church joined the Kellerton United Methodist Church in
celebrating Easter Sunday at the Kellerton church.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 20, 2013:
Rex and Ann WALTERS traveled to Des Moines where Rex got a good report on his cataract surgery.
Richard THOMAS was guest speaker at the Beaconsfield United Methodist Church on June 2.
Congratulations to Andy and Beckey McALEXANDER for their brand new daughter, Kenzington Marie, who was born May 30, 2013.
On Sunday, June 9, the Beaconsfield United Methodist Church held its annual "Cradle Rock." The babies who were rocked were
Cyrus Michael HERZBERG, born February 14, 2013, son of Eric and Tara HERZBERG of Grand River. His grandparents are Kevin
and Betty HERZBERG, Kathy ABLE and Ed and Cindy CHEERS. Also rocked was Kenzington Marie McALEXANDER, born May 30, 2013,
the daughter of Andrew and Beckey McALEXANDER. Kenzington's grandparents are Rose and the late Jerry McALEXANDER, Rick
and Cathy WHITE and Sandra WHITE. Great-grandparents are Kenneth and Virginia McALEXANDER and Dorothy WHITE.
Ellen HOHBACH of White Lake, SD visited her parents, Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER, and went with them to Eugene's cataract
surgery. ~ ~ ~ ~June 17 - Steve WOLFE returned home in Beaconsfield after spending two weeks in California at the home of his
daughters. While there he attended the wedding of his granddaughter.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 18, 2013:
Wednesday, July 3, was the 61st wedding anniversary of Jack and Phyllis MANNING. There was no celebration, except that
Phyllis attended a book club meeting in Mount Ayr and also the Mount Ayr Public Library board of trustees meeting.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 01, 2013:
Congratulations to Rick and Marilyn HAWKINS of Leon on their wedding anniversary July 15.
Levi HENRY, grandson of Mike and Connie NEESSEN, won first place in his age group at the pedal tractor pull at the
Ringgold County Fair. He will go on to the state pedal tractor pull in Marshalltown in August.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 15, 2013:
Assisting Kennth and Virginia McALEXANDER to celebrate his 85th birthday on Tuesday were Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER,
Shirley McALEXANDER of Mount Ayr, Larry and Cathy McALEXANDER of Trynor, granddaughters Hannah and Ella, and Pat McALEXANDER.
The HYNEK family's "Pumptown" band performed at the Missouri State Fair at Sedalia, MO, over the weekend.
Dick JACKSON was guest speaker at the Beaconsfield United Methodist Church, Sunday, August 11th. Get well wishes are
sent to Jim SMITH, who endured a farm accident, being pinned between two pickups and suffering a compound fracture to his
leg. He is recovering in Methodist Hospital in Des Moines.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 05, 2013:
September 2 - Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER celebrated Eugene's 89th birthday with a dinner at athe home of Kenneth and
Virginia McALEXANDER this pst Tuesday. Shirley McALEXANDER of the Mount Ayr Heath Care Center spent Sunday with her
parents, Kenneth and Virginia McALEXANDER. In the afternoon they attended the wedding of Amy Hynek and Stacey McFARLAND.
Rose, Andy and Becky McALEXANDER also attended the wedding.
BENTON, by Mary Swank:
Thursday, March 14, 2013:
March 11 - Congratulations to Matthew SWANK and Mary Katherine McGARY on the birth of their daughter, Lea Ann,
born Tuesday, March 5, at 1:10 p.m. She weighed six pounds, five ounces and was 19 inches long. Grandparents
are Mike and Malinda SWANK, Paul McGARY and Katherine and Alan HAMON. Great-grandparents are Joan and Don
SRINGHAM, Mary and Junior SWANK and the late Mary Ann McGARY, Dennis McGARY and Aaron GENTRY.
Great-great-grandparents include Jeraieline GENTRY and Wilma WHITE and the late Jim and Dorotha HALEY, Sandy
and Coleen STRINGHAM, Lyle and Georgine SWANK and Howard WHITE.
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Thursday, August 01, 2013:
July 29 - The community would like to extend sympathy to the family of Judy BLUNCK SNEDEKER. Graveside services were held
Tuesday, July 30, at the Benton cemetery.
HICKORY GROVE by Rosa James:
Thursday, March 14, 2013:
March 11 - Three swans were swimming around Lake Vera Monday morning. Hopefully that is a sign of spring.
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Thursday, June 06, 2013:
June 3 - Ronnie SHIELDS participated in the annual KSIB Creston ride Saturday.
Friday JoKaye SHIELDS, Cricket WASKE and Ally WASKE left for Waterville, MN where they attended an open house to honor
Dorothy PRAHL on her 80th birthday. The open house was held Saturday and five other couples who neighbor in Arizona
attended. JoKaye and family returned home Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 20, 2013:
Gene MOTSINGER attended the MOTSINGER reunion Saturday at the Waubonsie Hall in Benton. Sunday evening Gene called on
Darrell HOLDEN and Brad HOLDEN. Monday evening of this week Billi ADLI and Molly visited with Gene and brought some
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 04, 2013:
Vickie JEANES' sister, Colleen HIATT, passed away Monday of this week. Deepest sympathies and prayers go out to the
JEANES family.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013:
July 8 - This community was shocked and deeply saddened with the sudden death of Walt and Beverly McGinnis' granddaughter,
Olivia McGINNIS-TAYLOR. She was a great softball player and was loved by everyone. Prayers and condolences go out to the
family. Rose JAMES hosted the JOHNSTON family Fourth of July celebration with a backyard barbecue and everyone had a
good time. Attending were Neil and Irma JOHNSTON, Debbie SCROWTHER, Jarred and Olivia of Pleasant Hill, Del and Kris
JOHNSTON and family of Ames, Allen and Sandy JOHNSTON of New Virginia, Ron and Jeannie JOHNSTON of Norwalk, Nick and Jen
JOHNSTON and family of Indianola, Steve and Lori JOHNSTON of Williamsburg, Kevin and Tammy JAMES and Jena and Joe and
Susie CATANZARETI. Steve and Lori stayed overnight with Rose. The next day Joe, Susie, Steve, Lori and Rose enjoyed lunch
together at the cafe in Allendale, MO.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 25, 2013: July 22 - Saturday night Alan and Becky TAYLOR hosted a neighborhood wiener roast/picnic
at the Fry Chapel Park. Among the neighbors attending were Walt and Beverly McGINNIS, Charlie and Vickie JEANES,
Josh and Lizzie HANAWALT and family, Liz RINEHART, Amon HUNT, Doris OVERHOLTSER and Rose James.
Neil and Irma JOHNSTON and Rose JAMES attended the OLNEY family reunion Sunday at the community hall in Redding.
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Thursday, August 01, 2013:
July 29 - Ronnie and Jo Kaye SHIELDS attended the Southern Iowa Plowboy National Tractor Pull Thursday night in
Corydon and Friday and Saturday nights in Indianola where Rod SHIELDS placed first in his class.
The DENNEY family, including Walt and Beverly McGINNIS and Jim and Karen DENNEY, hosted the HENSLEY family reunion
Saturday night at the Mount Ayr First Christian Church.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 29, 2013:
August 26 - Friday night Charlie and Vickie JEANES were guests at the wedding rehersal supper for Christ CADLE and
Ashley WEST which was held at the Methodist church at Lenox. The next evening they and Lizzie HANAWALT attended teh
wedding at the church.
KELLERTON by Kathy Still & Jan Holmes:
Thursday, April 18, 2013:
April 15 - The spring fling at the community center Saturday was a success. There were several vendors there with some
awesome creations. They will have their annual fall craft show in the late fall. Come and join them then. This Saturday
evening is the SIPR supper. Come and enjoy the usual biscuits and gravy and a few different surprises.
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Thursday, April 25, 2013:
Sunday Linda FOLAND, Vicki JACKSON, Melba TAYLOR and Sandy CAMPBELL drove to Grand Island, NE for Ann HINRICHS'
funeral services. Ann was Oleta (HIGDAY) LANPHIEAR'S daughter who passed away during surgery due to complications. Ann
was 70. She leaves her husband, Marlin, and daughter, Sara, of Grand Island. Sympathy is extended to the family.
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Thursday, June 06, 2013:
Esther JACKSON celebrated her 93rd birthday Monday, June 3, with family. Those present helping Esther celebrate were
Jenny, Abi, Bekha, Rachel, Sam, Eli and Jon SWERSIE of Newton and Dick and Camille JACKSON.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 13, 2013:
Evalee WHITE was able to celebrate her 84th birthday with daughter, Dee and John EURITT, Saturday, June 8, with lunch
and dinner at their home. Unfortunately, on Sunday, June 9, on Dee's 61st birthday, Evalee was taken to the hospital where
she passed away Monday. Deepest sympathy is extended the family. Evalee was a sweet little lady. She helped every month
washing dishes for the breakfast for supper. She will be greatly missed.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013:
Dick and Camille JACKSON returned on Monday, June 24, from a long weekend visit with Racinda, Dave, Cyan and Liam GODBOLD
in Windsor, CO. The JACKSONS celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary on June 18.
There were 25 children attending a community Bible school held at the United Methodist Church this past week. The lessons
from "Under the Story Telling Tree" were on Jesus' parables. Music, crafts, games and lunch were enjoyed each day. There
were 17 persons who came to help at various times during the week. The offering of $154 taken during the week was
designated for the Ronald McDonald House to help families with children who are in the hospital.
Camille JACKSON enjoyed visiting with high school friends Thursday afternoon at the home of Marie BURMEISTER. Sharing the
conversation were Susie LIDEY, Joen BROWN, Marie BUREMIESTER and Marie STILL. Dick JACKSON and Phil BURMEISTER joined the
friends for dinner.
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Thursday, August 01, 2013:
Doug PRIME'S brother Harvey AUSTIN of Cartersville, passed away on July 19. Doug and LaDonna traveled to the funeral,
which was held in Mason City.
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Thursday, August 15, 2013:
Next Tuesday, August 20, will be the Food Pantry here in Kellerton. Kathy and her crew are planning for it to be at the
new building (the old bank building) on Main Street across west from the old FUGATE gas station, instead of teh Bank of
Christ Church basement. They still have quite a bit of work to do, but with some good help and lots of prayers, they are
hoping they will be in their new place. The new facility will be so convenient; all on one level, and easily accessed.
Myron and Shirley INGRAM hosted the INGRAM Reunion Saturday at the SIPR center in Kellerton. They reported 34 were in
attendance and all had a good time. Dave, Racinda, Cyan and Liam GODBOLD of Windsor, Colorado; Randy, Theresa, Nicholas
and Eleanor JACKSON of Des Moines and Dick and Camille JACKSON met in Kearney, Nebraska for a family weekend August 2-5.
Dick and Camille JACKSON attended the reunion for the descendants of John August GOLDNER held Saturday, August 10, at the
Tingley Community Building.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 26, 2013:
Dave and Racinda GODBOLD of Windsor, CO are the parents of a daughter, Grace Ember, born September 14. She weighed four
pounds, four and one-half ounces and was 16 1/2 inches long. She was welcomed home by sister Cyan and brother Liam as well as
maternal grandparents, Dick and Camille JACKSON. Paternal grandparents are Jerry and Darlene GODBOLD of Spirit Lake.
Great-grandparents are Florence LAWHEAD of Mesa AZ and Esther JACKSON of Mount Ayr. While in Colorado Dick and Camile helped
daughter Racinda GODBOLD and grandson Liam GODBOLD celebrate their birthdays. They returned Sunday.
Rod and Connie SMITH and Junior and Margaret SMITH went Sunday morning to Liberty, MO where they attended church that was having
a recognition celebration for their 94-year-old uncle, Vernon FEST. He was being honored for 65 years as an ordained minister
in the Assembly of God Church. He stood up and told them, "I'm 94 and I'm going for more!"
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Thursday, December 05, 2013:
Sandy CAMPBELL went to a surprise 79th birthday party for Harold FOLAND Saturday.
MALOY, by Joan Jackson:
Thursday, March 21, 2013:
March 18 - Richard and Carole DAVISON recently received word that they have a new great-grand-daughter. Their
granddaughter, Ashley MOSS, and her husband, Jacob, of Dallas, TX had a new baby girl on February 26. Olivia
Claire was welcomed by a big sister.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 06, 2013:
The WARIN family attended the Iowa Junior Simmental Association Field Day in Indianola over the weekend. Megan showed her
Simmental heifer and placed ninth overall. Katelyn WARIN was one of the recipients of the IJSA Scholarship for the year.
Congratulations to these young ladies.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 13, 2013:
June 10 - Congratulations to Riley WEEHLER and his roping partner, Payden DAWSON. The boys are the Iowa State High School
Team Roping Champions. They won the event in Waterloo over the weekend and will be competing in the National High School
Rodeo in Wyoming in July. Riley also placed fourth in the calf-roping event and also will be in that event in Wyoming.
Riley's parents, Neil and Jill WEEHLER, were in Waterloo for the rodeo. Keeping the rodeo events in the family, Riley's
cousin, Shelby WHITING qualified in the goat tying and break-away roping in Kansas. She too will be going to the Nationals
in Wyoming. Her sister, Shay, qualified in goat tying for the Kansas Junior High rodeo. She will be going to the Junior
High Nationals. Their mother, Shelly, is originally from Mount Ayr.
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Thursday, June 27, 2012:
Wendell, Joan and Curt JACKSON went to the WAUGH reunion Sunday. A meal prepared by the Middle Fork parishioners was held
at the Frontier Hall in Redding at noon. Others who attended were Glen and Alice GARDNER, Sharon GARDNER of Creston, Nancy
KUNZE, Charles and Becky ABARR and grandchildren of Redding, Charles and Melba JACKSON of Clearfield, Roger and Carolyn
SHUPE of Cameron, MO, Marvin and France FINE of Saint Joseph, MO, Linda JACKSON of Mount Ayr and Barbara BELLIZZI of
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 04, 2013:
July 1 - Brian TERRELL and Betsy KEENAN hosted the annual Solstice party the weekend of June 22. Thirteen members of Brian's
family were able to come. All three of Brian's brothers, their wives, nephew, nieces and children from Wisconsin and
California attended. Other guests were from Lamoni, Des Moines and Missouri. Wendell RAY of Creston, along with
some of his school friends, joined the group. His mother, Veronica, came from Missouri. The group enjoyed a potluck
supper and folk dancing in the Maloy park. That was followed by a bonfire and music at the home of Brian and Betsy.
Many guests stayed the night in tents and were around for breakfast Sunday.
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Thursday, July 25, 2013:
Laura DAVISON and Megan WARIN attended dance camp in Des Moines Thursday through Saturday. Saturday Robert, Julie
and Amber DAVISON went to Hy-Vee Hall to watch the girls' performance at the camp. The team received a superior
rating. The Neil WEEHLER family returned home Friday from Rock Springs, WY. Riley was there to compete in roping
events at the National High School Rodeo Finals. The Iowa rodeo team placed 10th over all.
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Thursday, July 18, 2013:
Wendell JACKSON received word that his brother-in-law, Albert DERBY, had died Friday. He was the husband of Wendell's
sister, Janet. They lived in Colorado.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 01, 2013:
July 29 - The community of Maloy extends sympathies to the MOBLEY and BJUSTROM families. Marci MOBLEY'S husband, Garry
BJUSTROM, passed away Thursday.
Payton WEEHLER participated in the youth rodeos in Leon Saturday and Osceola Sunday, He and his roping partner and cousin,
Houston STEPHENS, placed fourth in the team roping event Sunday. Dick and Joyce WEEHLER attended the rodeo Sunday.
Bernd and Sabine EBKE-BUSCHER of Dortmund, Germany arrived Tuesday to visit with Brian TERRELL and Betsy KEENAN. They had
not been to Maloy since they came with their sons in 1996 but have been friends of the TERRELLS for about 30 years. Thurday
they all went to Kansas city to see a special exhibit at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Friday the group went to Lamoni
and had dinner with their friend, Sophie RYAN. Saturday Bernd and Sabine cooked for everyone. Don RAY joined the for
dinner. The visitors left Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 08, 2013:
Maloy will soon have a new resident. Jordan STEWART has recently purchased the former Marin HINTZ property.
The Catholics of Ringgold county have a new priest, Fr. Dave POLICH. He lived in the rectory in Maloy 23 years ago
and has returned. This time he will be living in Osceola.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 15, 2013:
Sunday Kathi BRABY went to the Iowa State Fair to watch Hattie DUKES dance on the Bill Riley Stage. The Norwalk
Superstars, which Hattie is a member of, were having an exhibition of their competition teams. Payton WEEHLER was the
Junior All-Around Cowboy Champion over the weekend at the Stephens Arena Youth Rodeo near Glenwood. Payton participates in
several events. He received a very impressive belt buckle for his efforts. Congratulations Payton! Robert, Julie, Laura
and Amber DAVISON attended a family dinner on Saturday in the home of Keith and Nancy SACKETT. They visited with many
relatives including Julie's cousins, Matt, Melia, Brennan and Derrick DOUGLAS of Liberty, MO; Bob and Barbara ALLEN of
LeGrange, Iowa; James, Jill and Nolan BARTH of Grundy Center; and Tom, Kristi, Raines, Mya and Rowan SACKETT.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 29, 2013:
August 26 - Word was received that a former Maloy resident, Sheryl KEENAN, has become a very proud great-grandmother.
Her great-granddaughter, Londyn Joy WULF, was born August 20. She weighed eight pounds, one ounce and was 20 inches
long. Londy's parents are Don and Meredith WULF of Ankeny. Proud grandparents are Paul and Lynn BAKER of Creston.
Grandma Lynn grew up in Maloy. Saturday evening Greg, Amy, Emma and Gracie MOBLEY attended the wedding and reception
of Brandon BJUSTROM and Kelli Jo WETZEL. Saturday evening Craig and Kathi BRABY attended the wedding of John WALSH
and Hillary BLENNER. John is the son of Pat and Leanne (O'MAILA) WALSH, who used to live in Mount Ayr. John is the
grandson of Bob and Mary Ann POTTORFF of Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 12, 2013:
Caleb and P.J. HOLMES have a new baby. Tyler HOLMES was born last week.
Joe, Donna, Katelyn and Megan WARIN attended the high school football game Friday night. The WARINS, along with
other members of Donna's family, dedicated the "Raider Rider" in memory of Donna's father, Duane POORE. The golf
cart will be used at athletic events to transport fans to and from the parking lot to the stands at the football
field and track.
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Thursday, October 31, 2013:
Saturday the BRABY family attended the wedding of Cary and Debbie BRABY'S daghter, Taylor BRABY, to Daniel SADLER.
The beautiful wedding and reception was in Saint Joseph, MO.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, December 05, 2013:
Sunday the HAYNES family (46 members) and a few other relatives celebrated Kathy BRABY'S parents' 60 anniversary. Fred
and Joyce HAYNES were married on Christmas Day. The family gathered in Lenox and were able to get a family picture with
46 of the 54 family members present. All of Kathi's brothers and sisters were able to attend.
Mount Ayr Personals:
Thursday, August 01, 2013:
Visitors over Ayr Days at the Guelda BARKER home were Marlys MEACHAM of Tucson, AZ, Jim and Janet KNEDLER of Topkea, KS,
Jerry and Jean BARKER of Mount Pleasant, David and Karmen SMITH and Bradyn of New London, Darrel and Diann BAKER of
Madison, WI, and Cory, Epiphany and Marshal KNEDLER of Vermillion. SD. Denzle and Betty BETHARDS of Garden Grove visited
Thursday afternoon in the BARKER home.
Dean and Rose MERRILL motored to her son, Rob FUGATE'S home for Rose's 80th birthday. This day was right on the date,
July 27, of Rose's birth. A dinner was enjoyed at noon. A lot of visiting and laughter was had during the meal. The
afternoon was spent viewing many pictures from the past years. Rose's four children were all present. They included
Vickie and Robert LEWIS of Marshalltown and son Brian LEWIS of Des Moines; Tamara FUGATE of Houston, TX; Michael and
Cindy FUGATE and daughter of Des Moines; Rob and Jennifer FUGATE and Jason and Riley of Saint Charles. Earlier in the
week Michael FUGATE and son Tyler of Des Moines, Tammy FUGATE of Houston, TX and Brian LEWIS of Des Moines all went on
RAGBRAI again this year. They enjoyed three days riding together.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 26, 2013:
Congratulations to Hazelee SAXTON on becoming a great-grandmother on September 17, 2013. Jase Andrew ENGLAND was born,
weighing seven pounds, one ounce and was 19 inches long. Parents are Brett and Jodi ENGLAND. Congratulations to Kathleen
FREED on the birth of her great-granddaughter, Brynslei Kathleen BEHRENS. She was born August 23, 2013 at 9:38 p.m., weighing
seven pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. Brynslei was welcomed home by big sister, Bella. parents are Elexis and
Josh BEHRENS. Gerata SCOTT became a new great-grandmother on August 24, 2013. Olivia Christine GRISMORE was born to
Nathan and Jamie GRISMORE of Osceola. Olivia was welcomed home by big brother, Keaton, six. Congratulations go out to
Jack PADGITT and Helen Mae BANKS on becoming great-grandparents again on September 7, 2013. Chole Mae DOWNING was born,
weighing six pounds, nine ounces and was 18 inches long. Parents are Sheryl and Matt DOWNING of Creston. Carmeta SHIELS
became a new great-grandmother on September 10, 2013. Tess Josephine DENKER ws born weighing five pounds and 13 ounces and
was 19 inches long. Parents are Mike and Ashley DENKER of Omaha, NE. Amber FOOKEN and Alicia SHIELDS are second cousins and
Freda SHIELDS is a great-great-aunt. Tess was welcomed home by big sister, Avery, three.
Down REDDING WAY by Mary Troyer:
Thursday, January 03, 2013:
December 24 (delayed) - Last week the three parochial schools had their Christmas programs, reciting poems and singing Christmas carols all by
memory. They did a good job. December 31 - We had a white Christmas and nice winter weather after all. Children enjoyed
skating. Several have started to store ice in their ice houses. But with this warming trend Sunday it was hard on the ice.
The last few years have been quite a fickle to get ice stored with not being cold enough long enough. Eli YODERS received
news of a new granddaughter born to Jacob and Alma YODER December 28 named Rebecca. She was welcomed by a happy brother,
Steven, eight years old, as well as mom and dad of Centerville.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, January 10, 2013:
Eli and Rachel MILLER made an emergency visit to the hospital in Maryville, MO with baby Cephas, 20 months old. He had a
hard case of croup.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, February 07, 2013:
February 4 - Already one month of the new year is gone. A variety of precipitation the past week gave
everybody a taste of wintertime activities -- rain, snow, strong wind, skating, skiing, also several sunny
days. A high of 50 degrees and a low of zero. Aden and Barbara PLANK, John, David and Matthew of Leroy, MI
were in the area several days last week visiting former neighbors and also doing a business transaction.
They left for Bloomfield Saturday afternoon to visit parents, Eli and Sarah MAST. Esther BYLER of Fredonia,
PA was a special guest in the Junior MILLER home over the weekend. Albert and Mary YODER received the news
of a grandson born to John and Ada BONTRAGER of Hale, MI named Aaron, their first-born. William MAST, son of
Sammy and Alma, is scheduled for eye surgery today in an Iowa City hospital.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, February 14, 2013:
Junior MILLERS had a quilting Thursday for the church women where 14 attended. Saturday they had another
quilting bee for the youth girls. The one quilt was a Jacobs Ladder design done in blues. The other one was a
plaintop with roses.
Thursday, April 04, 2013:
March 25 (delayed) - News on the agenda is the forthcoming wedding of Levi MAST (Sammy and Alma) and Ruby
BONTRAGER (Roy and Cora). Their special day is scheduled for April 24.
Jerry Bontrager, 13, (Felty and Lizzie) ended up with a broken leg Friday evening when the horse he was riding
slipped on the blacktop road and fell on his leg. He was taken to Ringgold County Hospital and from there carted on
to a Des Moines hospital. He came home Saturday evening but had a restless night with ongoing pain.
Timber View school had two days with two smiling young boys. Nelson Roy TROYER (Reuben and Ada), their youngest,
and Virgil TROYER (Nelson and Lucy) their oldest child.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, April 18, 2013:
Monday the pupils and teachers of Timber View school are going on a nature hike. They had been planning or this three weeks
ago but always something delayed them, either some pupils were sick or the weather wasn't favorable.
Felty BONTRAGERS are loading a truck with machinery, etc. and leaving Tuesday morning for Minnesota where they want to
move to in two weeks.
Joseph MILLER made a trip to Fredonia, PA last week to visit aspecial friend, Esther BYLER.
The school term is winding down to the last days. Jackson Corner is having its program and picnic April 16 and Middle Fork
April 19.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, April 25, 2013:
Born to Jacob and Mattie PLANK was a daughter on April 16 named Miriam. She was welcomed by three sisters and three
brothers. Daniel DETWEILERS of Princeton, MO were with maternal parents.
Thursday evening Eli YODERS took home a dairy cow.
The Roy BONTRAGER family are all astir these days making preparations for the upcoming wedding Wednesday, April 24, of
daughter Ruby and Levi MAST. Middle Fork had their last day of school last week with a closing program, picnic and the
looked-forward-to softball game.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, May 02, 2013:
April 29 - April 24 was the wedding of Levi MAST (Sammy and Alma) and Ruby BONTRAGER (Roy and Cora). The special witnesses
were Noah BONTRAGER, brother of the bride, and Lucinda MULLET, cousin of the bride, of Indiana, William MAST, cousin of the
groom, of Princeton, MO and Rosanna MAST,sister of the groom. A great-uncle, Roy W. MILLER of Middlebury, IN, performed the
ceremony. Dinner and supper were served at the bride's home to 350 guests. Six different states were represented that day.
Levi and Ruby moved into the former Levi MAST home, now owned by Bill QUICK, according to reports.
April 26 was the school picnic at Timber View with a program by the students singing six songs all by memory. The softball
game followed.
Vernon and Mary TROYER had a family reunion Saturday, April 27. Coming from Monte Vista, CO were Ivan and Magdalena
TROYER and seven children, also Matthew MILLERS and baby. From Jamesport, MO were Kenneth and Becky TROYER and two boys.
From Bloomfield were Samuel and Leona YUTZY and eight children, Ben and Clara YUTZY, Aaron YODER and Susan YODER. Coming
from Princeton, MO were Junior and Becky DETWEILER and five children. The locals were Pauls, Reubens, Jonases, Aarons and
Nelsons, all TROYERS, and Herman MAST'S family. It was a short enjoyable day with lots of activity. Precious memories, how
they linger. Eli YODERS and Katie attended a wedding of a niece in Reedstown, WI last week. Eli and Frannie
HOCHSTETLER also attended the same wedding. The bride being Eli's sister.
April 30 - Felty and Lizzie BONTRAGER and two remaining children at home are loading a truck and moving to Pierz, MN.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 06, 2013:
Eli and Rachel MILLER and family moved to Priez, MN last Wednesday. Going along to help unload were Jacob PLANK, Herman
MAST, Robert DETWEILER, Jesse TROYER, Joe and Rosa MILLER, Mrs. Albert YODER and Aaron and Malinda BEECHY.
Nelson and Lucy TROYER and three children took two buggies to Barry, IL that he (Nelson) built for someone. They stayed the
weekend and attended church.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 13, 2013:
Guests at the church services in the Jonas TROYER home Sunday were the elderly minister Andy YODER and son Lee, Andy and
Bev MILLER, William and Esther YODER, Aaron, Mary Esther, Louise, Isaac and Susanna, all of Bloomfield, and Andy
SHETLERS and four children of Diagonal.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 20, 2013:
The MAST relatives had a gathering and wiener roast last Wednesday evening at Lester BEECHY'S. Involved were Jonas and Paul
TROYERS, Junior and Joe MILLERS and Herman MASTS. Special guests of Jamesport, MO were parents Joe and Viola MAST and
Norman KAUFFMANS and also Esther BYLER of Fredonia, PA who was visiting in the Junior MILLER home.
Guests with the Samuel BONTRAGER family last week were three of Samuel's brothers from Wisconsin, namely David, Dennis
and Roman, and their wives. They all, plus Samuels and Ora HOCHSTETLERS, went to Bethany, MO for church Sunday.
Jake and Barbara Ellen HERSHBERGER of Costa Rica were guests of Vernon and Mary TROYER Thursday night. Jake is a brother of
Mary. Roy BONTRAGERS and family still at home are leaving for Wisconsin Monday morning with plans to attend two weddings.
One is in Wautoma of a niece and the other one in Bonduel of brother Memmo (widower) who is betrothed to his
sister-in-law, a widow. Friday they have a HERSHBERGER reunion to attend in Vestburg.
Junior and Becky DETWEILER of Princeton, MO came to parents Vernon and Mary TROYER'S Saturday evening. Visitors with
Vernon TROYERS Sunday evening were the Jonas and Reuben TROYER families. The DETWEILERS and Vernon and Mary TROYER went
to board the train Monday morning in Creston, Indiana bound.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 11, 2013:
The Jacob SCHROCK family went to LaPlata, MO over the weekend visiting parents/grandparents. Eli MILLER (deaf) also went
along to visit his brother, Jacob, who is also deaf and not well.
Eli and Fannie had visitors this past week when their son, Ezra (deaf), and wife Linda visited them several days. Ezra
had a longing to have a buggy ride so Eli escorted them to the two Amish stores.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 25, 2013: Visitors with Aaron TROYERS today to see the new baby were Alva and Viola BONTRAGER, Samuel
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 18, 2013:
Born to Aaron and Lena TROYER was a son, July 10, named Titus. He is welcomed by brother Emanuel Ray. Grandparents are
Eli and Linda YODER and Vernon and Mary TROYER. Great-grandmother is Sarah HERSHBERGER of Stuarts Draft, VA.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 15, 2013:
August 28 is the planned day for the wedding of Raymond YUTZY (Samuel and Leona) and Susan YODER (Lloyd and Mary), both
of Bloomfield. Raymond is a grandson of the writers.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 22, 2013:
Jacob PLANK is building a hay barn. Sam MILLERS had a family gathering Thursday of Vera's siblings, Mahlon MASTS pf
Fremount, MI, Raymond MASTS of Jamesport, MO, Reuben TROYERS, local and parents, Jonas and Wilma MAST of Jamesport, MO>
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 29, 2013: Timber View school is preparing to start today (Monday) with 22 pupils enrolled. Teachers
Nancy TROYER is in her third year of teaching and Naomi BEECHY will have her first experience of teaching. They have two little
first graders, Nelson Ray TROYER (Reuben's) and Virgil TROYER (Nelson's).
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 12, 2013:
Four-year-old Darin, son of John and Rose TROYER of Jamesport, MO, passed away Saturday in the hospital, having a defective
heart condition. He was the little sun beam in the family and died unexpectedly. Going for the visitation Sunday afternoon
were the TROYERS, Vernon and Mary, Reuben and Ada, Jonas and Ida Mae and three sons, Aaron and Lena and two sons, Paul
and Nelson. Noah, Dena and Ruby BONTRAGER attended the wedding of a cousin in northern Indiana in the Calvin YODER home.
Samuel and Ada BONTRAGER and Mrs. Edna BONTRAGER traveled with them and attended the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Toby BONTRAGER,
67, in Nappance, IN. Mrs. Ora Florence HOCHSTETLER traveled with family to Ohio to celebrate her uncle, Jonas YUTZY'S 90th
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 26, 2013:
September 23 - Sympathy goes to Alva and Viola BONTRAGER in the loss of their first-born, a son born September 15. But God
called him home at the tender age of six days old. He was in Children's Mercy in Kansas City. He underwent surgery at two-days-old,
plus had other major issues and couldn't handle it. Grandparents are Roy and Cora BONTRAGER and Lester and Dena BEECHY.
Great-grandparents are Joe and Vila MAST of Jamesport, Levi and Anna BEECHY of Humansville, MO, Mrs. Mary BONTRAGER of
Downing, MO, and Marvin MULLETS of Arthur, IL. Funeral is Monday, Sept. 23, at the Levi MAST residence.
The storm Thursday afternoon did some minor damage in its path. At Robert DETWEILER'S it busted three screens in the
house and bedding on the bed was whipped out the window.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 03, 2013:
Monday, Sept. 23 was the funeral of baby Roy, six-day-old son of Alva and Viola BONTRAGER, where 250 people attended.
Worthy to mention was that the four grandparents and seven living great-grandparents attended, which are Roy and Cora
BOONTRAGER and Lester and Dena BEECHY (both local). Great-grandparents are Marvin and Kathryn MULLET of Arthur, IL,
Mrs. Reuben Mary BONTRAGER of Downing, MO, Levi and Anna BEECHY of Humansville, MO and Joe and Viola MAST of Jamesport, MO.
Pallbearers were Joseph and Nelson MILLER. Assisting were Enos DETWEILER and Chris BONTRAGER. This was the couple's first-born
and leaves aching hearts and empty hands. Their address is [address], Redding, IA 50860.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 24, 2013:
Born to Alvin and Mary BONTRAGER was a son October 8 named Jacob. Their fifth son, 10th child. Grandparents are Mose and
Katie BONTRAGER of Bloomfield and Monroe and Mattie SCHROCK of LaPlata.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 31, 2013:
Last week a group of the TROYER clan attended the wedding of Alvin Jay MALLET and Mary Ellen TROYER in Monte Vista, CO. THose
going were grandmother Mary TROYER, Aaron and Lena and two children, Nelson and Lucy and three children, Jonas, Rosanna,
Lavern, Joanna, Nancy, Jesse, Ivan and Lee, all TROYERS, and Esther MAST. Susan and Laura and Norman YODER of Bloominfield
traveled with the rest of the group. One group stopped at Colorado Springs and visited Garden of the Gods and drove to
the top of Pikes Peak. That drive to the top isn't for the faint-hearted but it is an awesome view.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 28, 2013:
November 25 - Joe and Rosa MILLER, Ruth Ann and Harvey loaded trucks (four semis) and left for their new home in Pierz, MN,
leaving Tuesday evening. Going along to help unload and settle were Levi and Rosa MILLER, David and Martha YODER, Mrs. Paul
TROYER, Mrs. Junior MILLER, Joseph, Nelson and Rosa, Reuben TROYER, John MILLER (Sam's), Isaac DETWEILER (Robert's),
Mosie BONTRAGER (Alvin's) and Jacob SCHROCK. Jacob SCHROCK picked up a load of groceries in Minneapolis, MN for their store.
The writers received the news of another grandson, born to William and Esther YODER of Bloomfield on November 21, named
Elmer. Grandparents are Ezra YODERS. Great-grandparents are Andy YODER and Mrs. John GINGERICH, all of Bloomfield. Maternal
great-grandmother is Mrs. Sarah HERSHBERGER of Stuarts Draft, VA.
Thursday, June 06, 2013:
Nola OLNEY of Sacramento, CA called on Helen COMBS Friday. Among those attending the COMBS cousins reunion Monday in
Mount Ayr were Helen COMBS, Lil RINEHART, June and Vance COMBS, Bonnie and Hal of Cape Girardeau and Ed and June COMBS
of Des Moines. Helen COMBS went to Jane and Doyle SAVILLE'S 50th wedding anniversary party at the Mount Ayr First Christian
church Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 04, 2013:
Ed and June COMBS of Des Moines, Helen COMBS and Lil RINEHART went to the Redding school alumni meeting Saturday at
the Frontier Hall in Redding.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 11, 2013:
July 8 - Sincere sympathy to Bev and Walt McGINNIS on the loss of their granddaughter, Olivia McGINNIS-TAYLOR, on Thursday.
Olivia is the daughter of Karla and Carl McGINNIS-TAYLOR and was 12 years old. Services will be held Tuesday in Omaha, NE.
Morris CARPENTER sponsored an antique tractor show in his yard over the Fourth of July weekend. He and other tractor
owners took a ride to Allendale, MO Saturday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 18, 2013:
A wedding shower for Brian and Abby QUICK is planned for Sunday afternoon, July 28, at 1:30 p.m. at the Frontier Hall in
Redding. Everyone is welcome.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 25, 2013: Sympathy is sent to Sharon WALKUP on the death of her father, Don GLEW, of Ackley, Friday.
His funeral will be held on Wednesday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 01, 2013:
Sympathy is sent to Becky ABARR on the recent death of her father, Richard E. ANDREWS, in Loveland, CO.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 15, 2013:
Steve, Tracee, Lew, Reas and Trace KNAPP went to the HILL family reunion in St. Joseph [MO] Saturday. Others attending
were Beulah HUTCHINSON from Mount Ayr, Karla and Jerry HYNES from Creston, Karen HANISCH and family from West Des Moines.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 22, 2013:
Betty ROBERTSON and Wanda HOSFIELD went to the ROACH family reunion in Grant City [MO] on Saturday.
Becky ABARR'S fiber artworks were featured at a showing at the Blue Frog in Lamoni. Charles and Becky went to the
reception Sunday honoring Becky. Dick SNETHEN and Dan QUICK went to the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia last week, where
Dick got third place and Dan got first place in the tractor pull. Saturday Ron SNETHEN got eighth place in the
gymnastics competition at the Iowa State Fair. Bobbi and Michael BAINUM went to Storm Lake Friday to funeral services
for Norm HOGREFE. Norm, age 65, was the maternal grandfather of Tristan BAINUM. The Methodist Action Club held their
annual family picnic at the Redding United Methodit Church Wednesday evening.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 29, 2013:
August 26 - The descendants of George W. and Rachel C. OLNEY will meet for their annual family reunion at noon on
Sunday, Sept. 1, at the Frontieer Hall in Redding. Peggy and Jerry OVERHOLSER went to the MARTIN family campout at
Fogle Lake over the weekend. Others in attendance were Bob and Verna MARTIN and family, Beth and Roger ELLIOTT and
family and the OVERHOLSER family.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 05, 2013:
September 2 - The Worth County VFW Auxiliary had a food stand at the Grant City, MO Sesquicentennial celebration Saturday
Christina CHARLES and Bobbi BAINUM working at the stand. Tristan BAINUM was a weekend guest at Bobbi and Michael BAINUM'S.
Bobbi and Michael BAINUM and Joe, Gina, Maya, Eli and Tristan BAINUM went to the HUNT family reunion Sunday at the Allendale,
MO community hall. Michael BAINUM, Joe and Gina BAINUM and family and Tristen BAINUM went to the Third Annual Tadd
BAINUM Memorial Burnout contest at Diagonal Sunday afternoon.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 26, 2013:
September 23 - Charles, Becky and Ian ABARR returned home Tuesday from Colorado where they had gone to visit family and attended
the memorial service for Becky's father, Richard ANDERSON. They were guests of Megan and Jake AUGUSTINE and family while
they were there. Wednesday they attended the funeral of Elizabeth (SHUEMAKER) THOMAS in Pleasant Hill. Andy, Weldon and
Isabel ABARR also were there.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 03, 2013:
Ed and June COMBS of Des Moines are the new great-grandparents of Blake Owen, born on Friday to Tara COMBS and Justin
BALES of Des Moines. Carl COMBS is the new grandfather and Helen COMBS is Blake's great-aunt.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 21, 2013:
November 18 - Congratuations to Oney BRUMFIELD on the birth of her great-granddaughter, Hayley Elaine STEGMANN, on November
16. The new parents are Dakota and Uva STEGMANN in Minnesota. Hayley weighed four pounds, 10 ounces at birth and has an
older sister, Riley.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 28, 2013:
Kathy and Dan QUICK hosted the QUICK family Thanksgiving celebration Sunday. Their guests were Kenny and Berta QUICK,
Bill and Ginny QUICK, Jeff and Rhonda QUICK, Bruce and Kris QUICK, Brian and Abby QUICK and Josh, Rebecca, Cliff, Bryson
and Kaden Smith, Carrie, WIley, Louden and Calvin MAIN, Alison and Berkley DAVIDSON, Morgan QUICK, Colton, Amelia and
Jaxon QUICK, Austin QUICK, Cacey WILSON, Ashton QUICK, Karen QUICK, Molly LYNCH and Burt MURPHY.
Condolences are sent to Berta QUICK on the death of her sister, Bess PICKERING of Grant City, MO.
Thursday, July 25, 2013:
Wishes are extended to Ethel CAMPBELL whose sister passed away last week.
Word was also received here that Madeane (BEEN) SWINEHART has passed away. Her services were held Tuesday in Des
Moines. She is survived by one brother, Milo BEEN. Edith WOOD will observe her 99th birthday July 24. Her
address is 893 U.S. Hwy. 14, Greybull, WY 82426. She'll enjoy cards.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 21, 2013:
Happy birthday wishes were extended to Marge PERRY. This dear lady observed her 94th birthday on Wednesday, Nov. 13.
Wishard Chapel, by Carol McCreary:
Thursday March 28, 2013:
Sad news this week of the passing of a beloved former pastor at Wishard Chapel. Rev. Robert SHREVE was involved
in a head-on collision due to black ice. After two surgeries for head injuries, he passed on Sunday, March 24.
He was pastor for the Wishard, Tingley and Ellston charge of the United Methodist Church in the early '70s
and lived in Tingley. Bob's wife, Margurite, and daughter, Barbara, were also injured in the accident and are
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, April 18, 2013:
Congratulations to Teresa DILLENBURG who got a first and a fourth at the Special Olympics this past weekend. She will now
compete in Ames on May 4 in the state competition.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, April 25, 2013:
April 22 - Last Sunday wasa special day at Wishard Chapel Community Church and the attendance was once again a packed
house. The event was the dedication of Jase Lee ARMSTRONG. Pastor Bill's sermon was "By Mercy to Grace." Praise Team
consisted of Cindy STEPHENS, Ruth GREGG, Jodie WURSTER and Grace WARIN. Congratulations to Jared and Chelsea ARMSTRONG on
the dedication of their son, Jase Lee ARMSTRONG. Jase is the grandson of Pastor Bill ARMSTRONG and SandyARMSTRONG.
Several family members attended church to witness the dedication.
News came that David WEEDA is being nominated to be in theAdams County Speedway Hall of Fame. To vote for David, go to
the Adams County Speedway Face-book page and scroll down to Hall of Fame and click on the survey monkey link to vote. If
you have trouble, call Carol Anne McCREARY for more information.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 13, 2013:
June 10 - Wishard Chapel had a good meeting and a great potluck dinner Sunday. Coming up this next Sundayon Father's Day,
the ladies of the church will serve breakfast to the men. On the menu will be waffles,ice cream, egg casserole, fruit and
meat. Ladies can bring anything to go along with the main meal. Call Barbie BELZER for more suggestions.
Baptism Sunday will be June 23 at Loch Ayr at the cabins of Bill and Sandy ARMSTRONG and Brent and Jodie WURSTER. They are
to begin at 4 p.m. followed by a potluck picnic. A grill will be available. All are welcome to come to this event.
Bible school at Wishard will be July 21-25. All children are invited to attend. Call Sandy ARMSTRONG to register. The theme
will be a Safari adventure. Supper and snacks will be provided each evening.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 11, 2013:
Hearts and prayers go out to the McGINNIS family in the loss of their 12-year-old granddaughter, Olivia.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 25, 2013:
Prayers have been answered as Mark and Radonda GREGG have received news that the skin graft on Bracie's foot is
healing. The long process of healing is ahead.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 12, 2013:
September 2 (delayed) - Last Saturday, Sept. 7, there was a benefit for Ruth BLANTON at the Southwest Iowa REC building
in Mount Ayr starting with supper, gospel music and an auction followed. Ruth needs help raising funds to travel to the
Cancer Centers of America in Colorado Springs for help with her cancer. Ruth's son Samuel also needs prayers for some
problems with his heart. The family is in their prayers.
September 9 - There was a good turnout for Ruth BLANTON'S benefit Saturday evening. Over 100 people attended. Music from
First Things First, Butch and Ina CHAPIN, Simly Voices and Gary and Ardyth KEPLINGER entertained and then an auction
made for a great evening. The Women of Wishard met at the home of Barbie BELZER last Wednesday evening. Faith SHINKLE
had the devotion and Kathy JOHNSTON from the Food Bank at Kellerton gave a presentation on their mission. Also Janelle
STAATS visited and reported the new transition at the Neighborhood Center. Volunteers are needed in both places.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 31, 2013:
October 28 - Congratulations to Jerry PHIPPS and Melissa Van De POL on their marriage at the Lesanville Church on
October 26.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 03, 2013:
Congratulations to Scott and Laura PETERSON who were married at Wishard Chapel Saturday afternoon.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 21, 2013:
Congratulations to Jodi BEERMAN and Jeff KRUGER on their marriage Saturday evening at Wishard Chapel.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, December 19, 2013:
December 16 - Saturday evening, Dec. 14, Wishard Chapel held its Sunday school Christmas program. It was a lovely program that
followed caroling at the nursing homes and group home and a light supper. Each class presented a Christmas though. The
children played two numbers on the bells, an orchestra of Luke WURSTER, Brad WURSTER, Andrew BELZER, Breanne BYRD and Cody
WEEDA played "Joy To the World." Laurie Ann BELZER played a piano solo and Breanne BYRD sang "Away in a Manger." A total of
19 children participated in the program followed by an ornament exchange.
Sunday aftrnoon, Dec. 15, First Things First presented "Christmas in the Country: at Wishard. A large crowd attended and
stayed after for the soup supper. Part of the proceeds were donated to the STARMER family, whos baby is waiting for a heart
in Iowa City.
Austin Andrew ROUDYBUSH arrived on Monday, August 26, 2013, at 3:06 p.m. at Iowa Methoddist Medical Center West
in Des Moines. The proud parents are Kevin ROUDYBUSH and Tonia POINTIER of Osceola; grandparents are Andy and Terresa
POINTIER and Gary and Kris ROUDYBUSH of Osceola; great-grandparents are Oliver and Delores ANSLEY and LuElla
POINTIER of Osceola. Austin is welcomed home by his 23-month-old brother, Aiden.
Lester and Amber ELLIOTT of Diagonal are the proud parents of a baby boy, Brody Earl ELLIOTT, who was born
on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, at Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston. Grandparents are Kenny and Dee Dee
SOBOTKA of Diagonal; Karen ELLIOTT of Clearfield, and the late Lester L. ELLIOTT of Creston. Great-grandparents are
Joe and Bernadine SOBOTKA of Diagonal; Louise and the late Dean FROST of Mount Ayr, and Eileen MATHENY of Clearfield.
Danielle EMBREE and Austin JONES of Creston are the proud parents of a baby daughter born on Sunday, August 25, 2013, at
Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, Sarah Michelle JONES-EMBREE. Grandparents are Doug and Nancy EMBREE, Rebecca
WATKINS and Rodney JONES, all of Creston, and April HARTSAW of Biloxi, MS. Great-grandparents are Beverly STRAW of
Gretna, NE; Royce and Judy DREDGE of Mount Ayr, and Jim JONES and Jeanne JONES, both of Creston.
Joe and Heather WERNER of Diagonal are the proud parents of a baby boy, Jacob LeRoy WERNER, who was born on
Thursday, August 29, 2013, at the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston. Grandparents are Jim and Ann WERNER of
Diagonal and Amy BROWN and Mike BROWN of Lenox. Jacob is welcomed home by an older sibling, Ty WERNER, age one.
Andy and Beckey McALEXANDER of Ellston are the proud parents of a baby girl, Kenzington Marie McALEXANDER
who was born May 30th, 2013 at Methodist West in West Des Moines, weighing 10 pounds and 20 inches long. Grandparents are
Sandy WHITE, Rick and Kathy WHITE, all of Grand River, Rose McALEXANDER, Beaconsfield; great-grandparents are Dorothy WHITE
of Grand River, Kenneth and Virginia McALEXANDER of Ellston and Betty TRAVIS of Creston. Kenzington is welcomed home by big
brother Braxton.
Matt and Sheryl DOWNING, Creston, are the proud parents of a baby girl, Chloe Mae, born Friday, September 6, 2013 at
Greater Regional Medical Center, Creston, weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces, 18 inches long. Grandparents are Allan and Naomi
DOLECHEK, Kellerton, and Curt and Michelle DOWNING, Creston; great-grandparens are Don and Sharon DOWNING, Arden
and Carol KRAMER, all of Orient, Leland and Sandra DOLECHEK, Osceola, and Jack and Helen PADGITT, Mount Ayr; great-great-grandmother
is Edith WOOD, Greybull WY. Chole is welcomed home by Mikaela (8) and Chasse (6).
Adlyn Denise May was born August 27th, 2013 to Alex and Tanicia MERCER, weighing seven pounds and eight ounces. Angela (6)
and Tysen (4) welcomed her home. Grandparents are Richard and Lori MERCER, Kellerton, and Nancy and Kevin CULPEPPER,
Waterloo; great-grandparents are Janet MERCER, Mount Ayr and Paula WATKINS, Waterloo; great-great-grandmother is
Maxine WATKINS of Des Moines.
Shayla GREENE and Camron COLLIER of Grand River are the proud parents of a baby daughter, Kamryn Elizabeth COLLIER, who
was born at Greater Regional Medical center in Creston on Monday, December 2, 2013. The little lady weighed seven pounds,
two ounces and measured 20 inches.Grandparents are Mack and Jeanine GREENE of Mount Ayr and Doug COLLIER and JoAnn a
and Janie STARK, all of Kellerton. Great-grandparents are Cleone HOSFIELD of Mount Ayr and Donna and Marion STARK of
Kellerton. Kamryn is welcomed home by siblings Bracken COLLIER, five, and Wyatt COLLIER, two.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, 2013
