Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
BEACONSFIELD, by Loretta Rotert:
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
Dick JACKSON was the guest speaker a the United Methodist Church in Beaconsfield Sunday morning.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 18, 2012:
October 8 - Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER and Kenneth and Virginia McALEXANDER attended funeral services in Sidney for
Eugene and Kenneth's brother, Carl McALEXANDER. Carl was 92 years old. Also attending the funeral were six of Eugene
and Esther's children and Larry and Cathy McALEXANDER, Deb and Chris Van HORN and Rose McALEXANDER.
The guest speaker at the Beaconsfield United Methodist Church was Luria STAATS of Ellston.
Beaconsfield astronaut Peggy WHITSON had a speaking engagement in Des Moines on Saturday. Her mother, Beth WHITSON, went
to Des Moines to visit with Peggy.
Thursday, November 15, 2012:
October 28 (delayed) - Congratulations to Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER who celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on
Wednesday, Oct. 24. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 22, 2012:
November 12 (delayed) - Sympathy goes out to the children of Mabel WALTERS. She passed away in West Liberty. Her funeral
was held at Saint Joseph's Catholic Church in Mount Ayr Saturday morning. Several people from the community attended the
funeral mass from the area. Among those attending were Rex and Ann WALTERS, Beth WHITSON, Virginia McALEXANDER, Eugene and
Esther McALEXANDER and Bill and Angie HYNEK.
Sunday morning the Kellerton and Beaconsfield United Methodist Women united to present the Sunday morning service at the
Beaconsfield and Kellerton churches. The charge-wide Thanksgiving service was held at the Beaconsfield church Sunday evening.
A very good crowd attended the service.
BENTON, by Mary Swank:
Thursday, November 15, 2012:
November 12 - Congratulations to Michael and Hanna CAMACHO of Creston on the birth of their daughter, Sophia Nicole.
Sophia was born Monday evening at 10:22 p.m. at Methodist West in Des Moines. Sophia weighed five pounds, 10 ounces and
was 18 inches long. Grandparents are Mike and Nancy GEPNER of Mount Ayr and Mary GEPNER is the great-grandmother.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 22, 2012:
November 19 - Congratulations to Ben and Kristen GRAHAM on the birth of their daughter, Ella Marie. Ella was born on
Wednesday, November 14, and weighed eight pounds and was 19 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Jerri GRAHAM of Des Moines
and Tom and Jan CHRISTENSEN. Sandy TAYLOR of Mount Ayr is the great-grandmother.
Thursday, August 23, 2012:
Sympathy is extended to our neighbors, Beau and Shanen EBERSOLE, on the loss of their home to fire Sunday evening.
Thankfully they were not home and no one was injured.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 30, 2012:
A HUFF family reunion was held at the Community Building in Kellerton on Saturday. In attendance were Carroll and Ellen
HUFF of Albany, OR, their sons, Ken HUFF of Cambodia and Brett and wife, Lee and their children, Mark HUFF and Katie
SHROY, and Ellen's sister, Ann McCARTER, Janet HUFF MERCER, Rich and Laurie (sic, should be Lori) MERCER, Tony, Ashley, Logan and Jackson
MERCER, Terry and Joan MERCER and daughters, Andy MERCER, Connie HUFF, Chris HUFF, Jon and Jenn HAUSCHILDT and Carter and
Ethan, Jarod and Amanda BEEDE and Zoe, Justin and Holly BEEDE and Koen and Jourdan, Jake and Jo HUFF, Willis and Betsy HUFF
and granddaughters, Schuyler and Madison, Christopher HUFF and Derek GATON, Candy HUFF, Kathy and Dale GARNER and Jeff
MERCER. A cousin, Kara NICKELS from Omaha, NE also came for the day. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. If I did I apologize.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
October 1 - Linda SWANSON went to Des Moines Friday and met family and all enjoyed lunch at Mama Lacona's to celebrate
her uncle, Carleton GREENMAN'S 80th birthday. That afternoon she attended the craft show at the fairgrounds and Sunday
went to Dave and Stacy JONES to celebrate Cody's seventh birthday party.
Harold and Jeannette WILLIAMS went to Red Oak Sunday to help their great-grandson, Taylor, celebrate his fifth birthday.
Hester DERSCHEID visited Saturday with her grandson, Reggie, and his family, Amanda, Summer, Nick and Regan. Sunday she
enjoyed the potluck dinner at the Methodist church in Kellerton.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 22, 2012:
Those from the area attending the Thanksgiving supper at the Methodist church in Beaconsfield Sunday night were Hester
DERSCHEID and Ernie and Judy MERCER. Hester DERSCHEID had a visit from her granddaughter, Rachel, and also a
great-granddaughter, Reagan. She also attended a shower for baby Finnegan, grandson of Maurice and Marsha JONES.
Clearview Home, by Activities Staff:
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
Congratulations to Joe and Julie ROUTH and Matt and Katie ROUTH on the birth of their new grandson and nephew, Grady
Edward. Tricia and Jeff UITERMARKT gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on September 7 at 1:02 p.m. He weighed nine
pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. He welcomed home by big brother, Decker. Great-grandmothers are Shirley
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
Ronnie and Jo Kaye SHIELDS are proud great-grandparents of Riley Elizabeth WASKE, daughter of Joe and Amanda WASKE.
She was born on Monday, Sept. 24, at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. She weighed six pounds, 11 ounces and was 19 1/2
inches long. Grandparents are Dr. Keith and Jamie MILLER, Bob McLEOD, Cricket WASKE and Chuck WASKE.
MALOY, by Joan Jackson:
Thursday, September 20, 2012:
September 17 - Betsy KEENAN did a weaving demonstration in Lenox Saturday. She was participating in the Civil War
Re-enactment. Betsy had a chance to visit with friends Sandy MAXA and Rebecca ABARR who were making pine needle baskets at
the same time.
The Maloy Shamrocks 4-H Club picked up trash on Highway 2 Sunday afternoon. They have adopted a stretch of highway from
the Martena MOBLEY property west to the top of the next hill. This is a great service project for the young people and
their parents. If you see these or any other organization on any road, take note and slow down to protect the workers. It
was reported that this wasn't happening Sunday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 01, 2012:
October 29 - Liz LYNCH, a former Maloy resident and correspondent for the Record-News, will turn 90 on November 11.
Her family is planning a card shower for her. Her address is Elizabeth LYNCH, [address], Mount Ayr, IA 50854.
The WEEHLER family recieved word that Norma WEEHLER'S youngest sister, Erma BICKEL WENTZ of California, passed
away Sunday. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 22, 2012:
Sunday Julie, Laura and Amber DAVISON went to a baby shower for Joel DOLECHECK at The Lighthouse church. Joel is the son
of Darin and Darla DOLECHECK.
MOUNT AYR Health Care Center, by staff:
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
Dorothy SOBOTKA celebrated her 92nd birthday Sunday with cake for everyone after the evening meal. Happy birthday,
Thursday, August 30, 2012:
Sybil KELLEY has receivedword of the passing of her aunt, Dorothy M. (DENHART) ALLPRESS of Redding, CA on August 23, 2012.
She was born July 8, 1919 on the family farm north of Mount Ayr to the late Howard and Paroda (NEWTON) DENHART and was a
sister of the late Mary HATTON of Tacoma, WA, Ninabel STUCK and John H. DENHART of this city.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 18, 2012:
A KELLER family reunion as held at the Clearfield cafe Saturday. Those who attended from this area were Don STAMPER,
Louise STAMPER, Phillip STAMPER, Barbara WALTER and Guelda BARKER.
REDDING, by Bobbi Bainum:
Thursday, August 16, 2012:
Word has been received that former Redding resident Beverly STEPHENS died recently in Colorado. She was the sister of Sam
StEPHENS. Gaylan COMBS, also aformer Redding resident died on Saturday in Mount Ayr. His funeral services will be held
on Thursday. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 15, 2012:
November 12 - Sympathy is sent out to Gladys JONES and family on the death of her son-in-law, Frank LONETTI Sunday. Frank,
wife Marcia and daughter Trenae were former Redding residents and were currently living in Anthem, AZ.
Rita GREENE, Kyla McCLAIN and Della Ware visited Gladys Sunday evening to offer their condolences.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, November 22, 2012:
Berta and Kenny QUICK went to Creston Friday to see their new great-grandson, Jaxson Doyle QUICK, who was born on November
15. Congratulations to his parents, Colton and Amelia QUICK. He weighed seven pounds, five ounces at birth.
Lawrence JEFFERSON of Gallitan, MO visited with Kenny and Berta Saturday.
Down REDDING WAY by Mary Troyer:
Thursday, August 23, 2012:
Aden PLANKS are in Leroy, MI making preparations for their move there in the near future.
Albert YODER'S twins, Leroy and Levi went along and are visiting their brother, Noah and family at Evart.
Neighbors and church families are helping the Nathan YPDERS pack for their move to Hamilton, MO Tuesday, August 21.
The young folks were at Reuben TROYER's Wednesday evening. The boys dismantled their greenhouse in preparation to build
the one Reuben bought from Aden PLANK recently. The girls did various jobs around the house.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 30, 2012:
Floyd PLANK had a public auction Thursday to sell his excess things. The following day Jacob PLANK hosted a PLANK reunion.
Over 100 attended from various communities.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 11, 2012:
Born to Robert and Iva DETWEILER was a son, Jonathan, on August 30. He is welcomed by four brothers and four sisters.
Grandparents are Robert and Lydiann DETWEILERS of Milton and Felty and Barbara MAST of La Plata, MO.
Junior and Mary KAUFFMAN and six children loaded a truck and had an auction August 30 and left for Fertile, MN that
evening and arrived at their destination 12 hours later.
Aden and Barbara PLANK and two little boys loaded a truck with the church family's help and left for LeRoy, MI the
evening of September 5. John MASTS and son Raymond, Lorene BONTRAGER, Katie YODER and Fannie BONTRAGER went along to help
them get settled in. They returned home Saturday evening bringing John and Ada BONTRAGER of Hale, MI along to maternal
parents, Albert YODERS.
School bells are ringing again over the hills and vales. Teachers at Jackson Corner are Mary BONTRAGER and Emma YODER. At
Middle Fork are Esther MAST and Rosie MILLER and at Timber View are Joanna and Nancy TROYER.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 20, 2012:
Two young souls have agreed to step into the bonds of holy matrimony, being Alva BONTRAGER, son
of Roy and Cora, and Viola BEECHY, daughter of Lester and Dena. The day is set for October 18.
Several neighbor women were at Reuben TROYER'S last Thursday giving Ada a lift with her work. Canning 40 quart of vegetable
mix, making noodles, baking cookies, sewing and ironing as well. It takes a lot of grub to keep a family of eight boys
happy and fed and in clean clothes. Their three girls are all in school, two as teachers and one as a pupil. Robert and
Iva DETWEILER went to Wautoma, WI to attend the funeral of an uncle, Menno MAST. The Herman MAST family is expected home
Tuesday from their week-long trip to Marion, KY to attend a wedding and also visit mother/grandmother, Wilma. They also
made a trip to Morgantown, KY to visit a sister, Mary and Jonas YODER. Ada BONTRAGER is the substitute teacher in Esther
MAST'S absence at Middle Fork.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 27, 2012:
The area received the shocking news of the sudden instant death of Raymond HERSHBERGER, 14, son of Mervin, Jr. and Barbara
of August, WI. They used to live in this area but moved out a year ago. It was an accident at the sawmill. Three vanloads
went for the funeral Thursday and came home Friday night. Ora and Florence HOCHSTETLER attended the wedding of a nephew,
son of Melvin, Jr. and Katie GRABER, in Loganville, WI last week. They traveled with relatives of Jamesport, MO.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
Jonathon DETWEILER, son of Allen and Alma of Princeton, MO, and Magdalena MAST, daughter of Levi and Susie, have chosen
October 25 to step in to the bonds of holy matrimony.
Eli and Sarah MAST loaded a semi and a long flatbed with their belongings Friday and headed for Bloomfield that evening.
Dan KING was the hauler. Saturday the neighbors painted the house throughout. Monday Jacob and Mary SCHROCK and seven
children want to move in. They are the
new owners of E & S store. The dry and very warm weather is what sweet potatoes thrive on and they were extra big this
summer. Some were harvested that weighed eight pounds and quite a few at five pounds.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 18, 2012:
Born to Eli and Franie HOCHSTETLER was a son, Levi, October 13. Welcomed home by four sisters and one brother.
Grandparents are Lvi HOCHSTETLERS of Reedstown, WI and John SHETLERS of Wisconson.
Area folks have beengoing out in three directions to attend funerals. Robert DETWEILERS received the death message
of Robert's mother, Lydia Ann, of Milton. Robert's family, all left as soon as they could Thursday evening two van loads
went for viewing and visitation. Friday Levi and Rosa MILLER and Alvin and Mary BONTRAGER went for the funeral. Felty
and Lizzie BONTRAGER attended the funeral of an aunt by marriage in Tennessee, traveling with relatives of
Stanberry, MO. Roy BONTRAGERS had the death message of a sister-in-law, Mrs. Menno MULLET (Ruby) of Wautoma, WI. Roy's
plans were abruptly changed when Roy ended up in the hospital Friday morning with internal bleeding. He was life
flighted to Des Moines where he received three units of blood. He was released Saturday evening. The rest of the family
left for Wisconsin early Sunday morning, all except Alva who stayed with his dad. The funeral is Monday. Thursday
is to be the wedding of Roy's son, Alva, and Viola BEECHY. A full week for them.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 25, 2012:
The beautiful fall foliage enjoyed this fall is coming to an end. Fall mums are still very colorful. Box elder bugs are
quite a nuisance. Thursday, Oct. 18, was the wedding of Alva BONTRAGER, son of Roy and Cora, and Viola BEECHY, daughter
of Lester and Dena. Their
special witnesses were Noah BONTRAGER and Emma BEECHY, Alton BEECHY and Dena BONTRAGER. All are siblings of the bride
and groom. Joe MAST, grandfather of the bride, performed the ceremony. It was a cool, windy and rainy afternoon but they
had plenty of room for everybody. Over 300 guests were served dinner. Worthy of mention was that the four sets of
grandparents were there (minus one deceased grandfather) namely, Joe and Viola MAST of Jamesport, MO, Levi and Anna
BEECHY of Humansville, MO, Marvin and Kathryn MULLET of Arthur, IL and Mary BONTRAGER of Downing, MO. Alva and Viola
moved on to Junior DETWEILER'S property Saturday. Harley and Ruth Miller of Harwood, MO were with her parents, Felty
and Lizzie BONTRAGER, several days and went to the wedding and also attended church. They returned home Monday.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 01, 2012:
October 25 was the wedding of Jonathan DETWEILER, son of Allen and Alma of Princeton, MO, and Magdalena MAST, daughter of
Levi and Susie, united in marriage by Daniel YODER of Bloomfield. Their special witnesses were William MAST, brother of the
bride, Helen BEECHY o Humansville, MO, Samuel LAMBRIGHT of Mera, MN, and Lorene DETWeILER, sister of the groom of Princeton,
MO. Three sets of grandparents were present, Joe and Mattie of Princeton, MO, Levi and Lena MAST and Eli and Lizzie
BONTRAGER of Augusta, WI. Dan and Arie KAUFFMAN of Bloomfield weren't able to come as Arie received a broken leg
several weeks ago. The young couple plans to reside in the Princeton area. Levi MASTS had a public auction Saturday
after the wedding Thursday. The Allen DETWEILER family, including the four married sons, all of Princeton, Mo, stayed over
to help prepare for the sale, lunch stand and all. They had a large inventory and didn't get everything sold.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 15, 2012:
Saturday was the annual Iowa state teachers meeting at Eli YODER'S. An estimate of 300 people attended, a total of 95
teachers from across Iowa. It was an interesting day. Two of Floyd PLANK'S children had a mishap recently. First Ivan
cut his thumb along the top, length-wise, on the bony part. It happened at the mill where he works. He had to go to Des
Moines to have it fixed. About a week later when the girls were on their way home from school, the horse shied about a
big tractor rig and ditched the buggy. One of the girls received a brokenarm.
November 8 was the wedding of Roman DETWEILER, son of Junior and Becky, and Anna SPEICHER, daughter of Rudy and Barbara
of McClure, PA. The wedding was at Princeton, MO. The TROYER clan - Vernons, Pauls, Reubens, Jonases, Aarons and Nelsons --
Herman MASTS, Eli YODERS, Jacob SCHROCKS, plus 20 some young folks attended.
Mrs. Eli YODER, Katie and Rudy, Aaron and Lena TROYER and baby left early this morning (Tuesday) for Fertile, MN to visit
a daughter/sister, the Junior KAUFFMANS.
Saturday evening at dusk Vernon and Mary TROYER saw an elk in plain view as he gently loped along the horizon. The huge
antlers betrayed him. Where did he come from? ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 22, 2012:
There seems to be some misgivings and doubts about the elk that was seen in the area November 10. He was seen on the
former HOOVERr farm, in an open field. The antlers were 20-24 inches long and rounded at the end, not pointed like a deer.
It galloped more like a horse, not big graceful leaps like a deer.
Reuben TROYER had a working bee Saturday to build a sales room and storage room combined for the greenhouse they want to
move home from Aden PLANK'S place.
Cora BONTRAGER had a quilting Wednesday and Thursday for the church women, a beautiful broken star quilt with lots of
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 29, 2012:
November 26 - Sunny and pleasant autumn days are upon us. Ora HOCHSTETLER'S mother, Gertrude, 93, is with Ora and
Florence for several days while another son and wife went to Indiana for a funeral. Gertrude is from Jamesport, MO.
Mrs. Samuel BONTRAGER and Lorene went to Augusta, WI to be with a brother who was seriously hurt when he fell from a tree
stand, receiving many broken bones. Lorene stayed to help. They also have a week-old baby.
The family of the Vernon TROYERS had a heyday Friday when they came by and cut the winter's supply of wood, put railing
around the porch and various other jobs. It included the Samuel YUTZYS, Ben YUTZYS and William YODERS of Bloomfield,
Junior and Roman DETWEILERS of Princeton, MO plus the locals, Pauls, Reubens, Jonases, Aarons and Nelsons, all TROYERS,
and the Herman MASTS. With all noses counted, it was a tally of 69. It was a much appreciated and enjoyable day.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, December 06, 2012:
Wilma MILLER is helping out at the Nathan YODER home in Hamilton for several weeks. Lorene BORNTRAGER is still in
Augusta, WI helping along with her uncle David who fell 40 feet out of a tree and was hurt extensively but is gradually
improving and has less pain. Ruby BONTRAGER had several women and girls invited to help quilt a Boston Commons quilt. It
was made up and arranged in nine different colors, resembling the hues of a lovely sunset.
Thursday, August 02, 2012:
The JENNINGS were proud to have their granddaughter, April (ADKISSON) GISLASON and great-grandchildren David, Fjole,
Gisli, and Bjorgrinson as their guests. April's husband and children's father was just recently deployed to Afghanistan
for eight months. Suzanne ADKISSON will accompany them home as they return by auto-mobile.
A good number of Friday Singers were present to entertain. They included their accompanist Darlene MORGAN, their director
Bonnie MANDERS, plus Mary Jane NARIGON, Connie HUFF, Dorothy CLOUGH, Marge WERNER, Iona TRIGGS, Carol BROWN, Bill and
Norma WEBB, Dave and Wilmina JENNINGS, and Dick and Virginia WALDEN.
The band was on hand to entertain Tuesday. What a big number of members they had. Not only did
the site get to welcome newcomer Junior BROWN, he even played with the band. All were happy to have Anne and Kate JAMES
back with grandma Carmean JAMES. They also became band members this day. Other members included their accompanist Carmean
JAMES, plus Mary Jane Mary NARIGON, Pauline MURPHY, Marge Werner, Bonnie MANDERS, Rose JAMES, Harold BROWN, Bill and
Norma WEBB, Dave and Wilmina JENNINGS and Virginia and Dick WALDEN. Also good to have Rose JAMES back at the site again.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, August 16, 2012:
Arlene and Jim BURDETTE will celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary on Aug. 29. Arlene said that Jim had $300.00 and
they borrowed a car so they could go to California for their honeymoon. And, they even came home with some money. We
hope they have a wonderful day.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 20, 2012:
Being Tuesday, the band was there to entertain. Peggy SKARDA was on the keyboard as the accompanist, along with Harold
BROWN, Marge WERNER, Pauline MURPHY, Iona TRIGGS, Dorothy CLOUGH, Bonnie MANDERS, Dave PATCH, Mary Jane NARIGON, Dave and
Wilmina JENNINGS and Dick and Virginia WALDEN. They were practicing for playing in the park at Ellston on Sunday. Music makes the other work go better
Everyone was saddened when they discovered that Ken HALM had passed away over the weekend. He will be missed in Tingley.
You could find him headed for the Tingley meal site every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. He probably came the furthest of
anyone who comes regularly. Services were held Wednesday at Powers Funeral Home in Afton. Sympathy is extended to his
family. Happy anniversary wishes were extended to Gary and Dorothy BURGHER who observed their 51st wedding anniversary on September 15.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 11, 2012:
All were sorry to learn that one of Bill and Norma WEBB'S sons-in-law had passed away after battling leukemia. The WEBBS
went to be with their daughter, Rose. They and daughters Cindy GOLIGHTLY and Janelle TAYLOR returned to their home
Friday. Sympathy is extended to the family.
October birthdays were honored at a party held at the meal site Friday. Present to celebrate their birthdays were Jacque
KLEIN and Lucille BEAMAN. Lucille will observe her 94th birthday, Oct. 10. Birthday cakes for the occasion were
provided by the Beaconsfield church ladies. Ice cream was provide by Wilmoth NICHOLS in honor of her special friend,
Lucille BEAMAN. These two ladies lived next door to one another in Arispe many, many years, before Wilmoth moved last
year to be closer to her family. How special it was that her son, Bob NICHOLS, brought his mother to Tingley so these
two ladies could share the day. One of Lucille's daughters, Arlinda ABELL, brought her mother to the stie this day.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 04, 2012;
Friday found a good number of singers present to entertain. They included the accompanist, Darlene MORGAN, the director,
Marge WERNER plus Iona TRIGGS, Dave and Marge PATCH, Bill and Norma WEBB, Dick and Virginia WALDEN, Mary Jane NARIGON,
Connie HUFF, Harold BROWN and Dorothy CLOUGH. The site was also privileged to have a special guest, Mount Ayr community
school superintendent Joe DRAKE, present Friday. In a very interesting manners, he shared some information about himself
and Mount Ayr's school system and answered several questions. He's certainly not a stranger in the Tingley community.
His parents, Lloyd and Kay DRAKE, live there, as did both sets of grandparents and several other relatives.
He remained for dinner at the site. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 22, 2023:
One very important holiday, Veterans Day, was remembered by the meal site last Monday. Kathy KLOBNAK and Don WILSON
by her husband, Russ, brought a very meaningful program of gospel and patriotic music giving special tribute to the
veterans. They included a medley of songs giving recognition to each branch of the military service. Colors were posted
by four members of Legion Post #541 -- Don POORE, Charles CASE, Jim HULLINGER and Rex WALTERS. Bonnie MANDERS shared a
reading entitled "A Veteran." Each veteran present was given recognition and allowed the privilege of dining first. Veterans
present included Neil JOHNSTON, Don POORE, Joe JACKSON, Jim HULLINGER, Jack ENGLAND, Vern BROWN, Chet MUNYON, Larry FORD,
owes the veterans so much for all the freedoms that are taken for granted. Blessing this day was given by Pastor Lila
GREENE. Homemade pie a la mode was enjoyed by all as a special treat for dessert.
What a big band showed up for music Tuesday, 17 in number. They included accompanist Carmene JAMES, plus Junior BROWN,
Marge WERNER, Dorothy CLOUGH, Mary Jane NARIGON, Dave and Wilmina JENNINGS, Dave and Marge PATCH, Bill and Norma WEBB,
Rose JAMES, Iona TRIGGS, Doris Overholser, Vir-ginia WALDEN, Carolyn HARBERTS and Evelyn SICKELS.
A baker's dozen, 13, showed up to sing for Friday Singers Friday. One difference was noticed. Virginia WALDEN was the
accompanist and Bonnie MANDERS, the director. Other members included Marge WERNER, Peggy WAGENKNECHT, Dorothy BURGHER,
Mary Jane NARIGON, Dorothy CLOUGH, Bill and Norma WEBB, Dave and Marge PATCH and Don and Darlene WIMMER.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 29, 2012:
Word has been received that Anna Kathryn (Kate) CRAWFORD has passed away on November 9, 2012 in Osceola. She was born
June 18, 1942 to Clair and Hazel HEYER of Wheaton, IL. She was a resident of Tingley for many years. She grew up in
Milledegeville, IL. She attended elementary school there; attended Frances Shimer accelerated program, and graduated from
the University of Iowa with a degree in speech therapy. She worked in this field for several years. She is survived by
one sister, Kristen HEYER BROWNE; one niece, two nephews and their children, and Donna OLNY HEYER of Berrien Springs, MI,
her stepmother. There will be no services.
Wishard Chapel, by Carol McCreary:
Thursday, September 11, 2012:
Just to remind all that Sunday school is meeting again. Cindy STEPHEN is Sunday school superintendent and she and Carol
Ann WEEDA are teaching the children. Jodie WURSTER is teaching the youth and Carol Anne McCREARY is teaching the adult
class. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 27, 2012:
There will be a special all church meeting after services next Sunday, Sept. 30, to vote on a new pastor.
A special service will be held at Wishard Chapel on October 14 to say farewell to Pastor Tom and Rose Ann RUTAN who will
be traveling back to South Carolina. A potluck will be held after church.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 04, 2012:
Wishard Chapel Community Church would like to welcome
Bill ARMSTRONG as their new pastor.
In addition to the role as pastor at the church, Bill and Sandy will continue to own and operate Watson-Armstrong Funeral
Homes in Mount Ayr, Diagonal and Clearfiield. Bill has been a pulpit supply speaker for area churches for the past
five years. Bill and Sandy believe that God has opened a door of opportunity to witness to their faith and still
be available to serve the community in their times of loss.
October 1 - The big news at Wishard Chapel is the new pastor voted in last week. Bill ARMSTRONG will be serving as
pastor of Wishard Chapel and will officially begin on October 14 during the worship service. Tom RUTAN of Chesterfield,
SC has been the interim pastor since last December when the new church began. He and Bill will share the pulpit on October
14. After church there will be a potluck dinner to say goodbye to Pastor Tom and Rose Ann in appreciation for all they
have done for helping everyone to get started in this new ministry. So come and share a dish and a good wish for the RUTANS
and for Bill and Sandy. Bill ARMSTRONG will be preaching this Sunday, Oct. 7, as Tom and Rose Ann will be traveling to
Montana to visit his nephew there.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 18, 2012:
October 15 - Sunday, Oct. 14, was a special Sunday for Wishard Chapel Community Church. Pastor Bill ARMSTRONG was ordained
in a ceremony with the interim pastor, Tom RUTAN, and the congregation of 60+ people. Both pastors shared the sermon on this
special day. Special music was provided by First Things First as they sang two songs that were favorites of Tom and Rose
Ann on their last day. After the service, Connie RICHARDS, assisted by the children, presented Tom and Rose Ann with a
beautiful quilt made by Carol Ann WEEDA, Connie RICHARDS, Judy LINN and quilted by Theanna SIMPSON. The beautiful quilt was
given to the couple in appreciation for a year's work in the new Wishard Chapel Community Church. The day ended with a
wonderful potluck dinner. ~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 22, 2012:
November 19 - What a night at Wishard! This writer is speaking about Wishard Chapel's chili and oyster supper. The oyster
stew was the original recipe of Dora BENNETT who was a longtime member of Wishard. She and her husband, Charles, started
the suppers with the youth group back in the 60s. Not a year has been skipped. The chili is good because everyone makes
chili and they put it all to-gether. Of course, the dessert smorgasbord was a big hit. They served around 120 but had food
for more. It was great to have many new faces in the kitchen. Everyone helped make this supper a big success.
Wishard Chapel is excited over the new parking lot. The ditch has been leveled with loads of dirt and a lot of gravel.
There is more to come on the west side to make it easier to drive up to the ramp. Doyle RICHARDS, Danny WEEDA and Jim
McCREARY had the vision and several donated and helped pack
and haul dirt and rock. Pastor Bill ARMSTRONG'S sermon "Attitude of Gratitude" was fitting for the Thanksgiving week.
Bill had a children's sermon with donuts. Of course, they got to eat them after church. First Things First sang at Saint
Joseph's Catholic Church Sunday in honor of Father Glenn's last Sunday in the parish. After attending there, they also
sang at Wishard Chapel.
Congratulations to Pastor Bill and Sandy ARMSTRONG on the birth of their grandson born on Monday in Des Moines. The new
baby is Jace ARMSTRONG, son of Jarred and Chelsea ARMSTRONG.
Congratulations to Amelia and Colton QUICK on the birth of their new son, Jaxon Doyle, born on Wednesday.
Congratulations to Bruce and Kris QUICK, the new grandparents, Doyle and Connie RICHARDS, great-grandparents and
great-great-grandmother, Lucille MAIN.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, 2012

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