Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
BEACONSFIELD, by Loretta Rotert:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
May 21 - Sue TIDMAN went to Michigan last week to celebrate her mother's 80th birthday anniverary. Her mother was
very pleased that all five of her children were able to attend the celebration.
Kate OLIVER of Woodbine ran in the high school track meet in Des Moines on Saturday. Kate is the daughter of
Larry and Evelyn OLIVER and granddaughter of Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER.
Saturday evening Don and Naomi JOHNSTON attended a reception for Rebekah McALEXANDER in the home of Doug and
Ruth McALEXANDER in Osceola. Rebekah had been home-schooled.
Dorine JONES was in Lamoni Sunday afternoon where she attended the high school commencement exercises for her granddaughter,
April MOHLER, which were held at the college. Later in the afternoon she attended the reception for both granddaughters, Amy and
April. Amy, who graduated from college, had her graduation ceremony in the morning and Dorine was unable to attend.
Eugene and Esther McALEXANDER spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Earl and Kerri McALEXANDER in Rockwell City. Saturday
evening they attended the graduation reception for their granddaughter, Brittany McALEXANDER, and on Sunday they went
to her high school graduation ceremony.
Amanda HYNEK graduated from Graceland University Sunday. Amanda is the daughter of Bill and Angie HYNEK. Several
family members attended the graduation ceremonies and they all ate together in the commons area at the college.
Ed and Loretta ROTERT, Russ, Kathy, Rene, Reese, Ridge, Rylan and Kateria Van DAELE, Tom, Leanne, Blade ROTERT,
Zack and Samantha SCHEEL and Christy, Jesse and Keyanna ROTERT all attended the graduation reception for Amanda
ROTERT Sunday morning at the home of Eddy and Shelly ROTERT in Mount Ayr. Later they attended Amanda's graduation
ceremonies at the high school.
The Farmer Song Music Fest will be held at the HYNEK Farm north of Beaconsfield near Sun Valley Lake on May 26.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007: Saturday Bill and Angie HYNEK participated in a tractor ride with a group visitng various
cemeteires. A trailer also was pulled with some people riding along. Cemeteries visited were Tedrow, Shaha, Oakland,
Caledonia and Ringgold City. They enjoyed a picnic lunch during the trip. Larry SWANK organized the trip which covered
about 50 miles.
Thursday, April 19, 2007:
Mary and Junior SWANK attended the 85th birthday anniversary for Margaret SWANK at the State Saving's Bank community room.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007: Modern Mothers Club met Wednesday evening at Breadeaux with Mary SWAN as hostess. Mary provided games for
entertainment. Lucy RICKER will have club on October 24. There will be a $5 fall or Halloween grab bag.
Thursday, May 10, 2007:
Don and Connie HUFF and Kathy and Dale GARNER drove to Omaha, NE on Saturday and attended the 89th birthday party for
his aunt, Gladys NOBLE.It was held in the Embassy SUites Hotel and was well attended by family and friends.
Thursday, October 11, 2007: Congratulations to Katie MORGAN and Matt ROUTH. They were married Sunday afternoon, Oct. 6 at the First Christian
Church in Mount Ayr. Katie MORGAN is the niece of Duane and Willa POORE of Beaconsfield, who attended the wedding.
Also congratulations to Josh and Julie WASKE, who are the parents of a new baby girl, Ella. Ella was born October 1
and weighed in at eight pounds, eight ounces. Julie and Katie's parents are Neil and Cindy MORGAN, so they are
now enjoying a new son-in-law and a beautiful baby granddaughter. Congratulations to all of them.
Candy HUFF and grandchildren, Hunter, Sabrina and Isabella, visited Friday evening with Don and Connie HUFF. They came
to wish Don a happy birthday. Saturday and Sunday Don and Connie drove to Hopeville to attend the SIEFKAS
reunion. Saturday there was a campfire with a wiener roast and chili, and on Sunday a bountiful meal was enjoyed
at noon with lots of visiting. Don is related to the family through both his paternal grandfather and grandmother.
Connie is learning that genealogy is a fascinating hobby.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 25, 2007:
Thursday Linda and Hester DERSCHIED and others of the Kellerton Coffee Club traveled to Bethany, MO where they
visited Diane and Bill COLEMAN and saw their new home. They also enjoyed brunch before coming back to Kellerton.
Saturday they attended the wedding of Lizzie JEANES and Josh HANAwALT at Watterson.
Don and Connie HUFF met his brother and wife, Darrold and LuAnn HUFF of Colorado, at the home of their sister,
Janet MERCER in Mount Ayr Thursday evening. They traveled to Lamoni where they enjoyed supper at the Quilt Country
restaurant. The rest of the evening was spent visiting after a rainy drive back to Mount Ayr. Willis and Christopher
HUFF spent the weekend with Don and Connie HUFF.
Thursday, October 11, 2007: Thursday evening the KARR family was sitting at home when they heard a whole lot of chirping outside. Danny,
Brenda and Holly went out to look. To their amazement there were hundreds of black birds (starlings) sitting on
the power lines over J-55 in every directions. What an incredible sight.
Thursday, October 25, 2007: Monday evening dinner guests in the home of Susie MOSIEr HANSEN (Shirley's niece) were
Kay MOSIER, Shirley KARR, Tim MOSIER, Danny, Brenda, Karissa and Holly KARR, Terry and Sue MOISER and family Mike and Lisa
LASSWELL and Sammy and Christ and Cheryl MOSIER and Ryan. It was a family trip they will never forget. When the KARR
family left Tuesday morning, the stars were beautiful and they saw a falling star. The KARR family returned safe and
sound Tuesday evening.
DELPHOS, by Deb Roach:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
May 21 - Mr. and Mrs. Harold STEPHENSON accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Phil STEPHENSON to Olathe, KS Thursday to attend
the funeral of the girls' cousin, Ted ROBERTSON, who had been ill for some time. A graveside service was held Thurday
afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at the Miller Cemetry east of Denver, MO.
HICKORY GROVE, by Rose James:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
May 21 - Graduation parties were the norm for the past weekend. The parents of seniors, Joe CATANZARETI, Zach LYNCH,
Brian INLOES and Brennon SHIELDS hosted a party at the Southwest Iowa REC community room Saturday evening. Relatives
of Joe and neighbors attending were Mr. and Mrs. Walt McGINNIS, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie SHIELDS, Mr. and Mrs. Rod SHIELDS and
Aaron, Neil JOHNSTON, Rose JAMES, Judy RAMSEY of Detroit, OR and Mr. and Mrs. Steve JOHNSTON and boys of Williamsburg.
KELLERTON, by Rose Merrill:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Pete and Laura LESAN attended the graduation services of grandson, David LESAN, son of Terri and Penny LESAN of Lamoni.
David graduated from Lamoni High which was held at Graceland University in Lamoni. The LESANS also attended a reception
for the graduates at 7 p.m. held at the university.
Sunday afternoon, May 27, at 2 p.m. the Kellerton Legion members will have a memorial service at the Maple Row Cemetery
in Kellerton. Matthew MUNYON will play Taps.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, October 11, 2007 Clarence (Bud) and Marlene GREIMANN traveled to Chariton last week to visit in the home of their daughter and husband,
Tom and Tracey GOODARD, and children. All enjoyed an evening meal together before the GREIMANNS returned home.
Shirley INGRAM and daughter, Tamara RUSTIN of West Des Moines, traveled to Perry to eat lunch at The Thymes Remembered
tea room on Friday, Oct. 5. Others who attended were Shirley (BENSEN) INGRAM, originally of Mount Ayr, Shirley's
daughter, Becky LANDERS of Perry, a niece, Florina MURRAY of Jewell, and Frieda INGRAM of Ames.
Perry and Sally WOOLLUMS attended a birthday dinner last Tuesday in honor of Jessie (WARD) WOOLLUMS of Mount Ayr. This was
held at the Lesanville Heritage House. The meal was catered in. Others present were Perry's sister, Reba SCHMIDT
of Williamsburg, Helen WOOLLUMS of Des Moines, son John WOOLLUMS brought his mother and Carl WOOLLUMS of Mount Ayr,
Jessie's husband. Much visiting and a walking tour helped to make this a great day.
The Kellerton cafe on the west side of main street is now open from Wednesday through Sunday. Reports are the food is
very good. (The cafe closed in the fall of 2011.)
Thursday, April 19, 2007:
Randy LYNCH came Saturday afternoon to see Liz and suggested maybe they take a ride. He wanted to go down and see
just where Ringgold City is. They drove down there and east to the blacktop on P64 and back up to the corner where you
can go south into Missouri and came by the Lotts Grove Cemetery and church and back to Mount Ayr. It was nice to see the
country but there is lots of timber in that area and Liz didn't see a tree leafed out. As they went east, they saw a dozen
big wild turkeys down in the timber on the north side of the road and as they came back, the turkeys had moved across
the road and were eating over there. They were big birds.
Congratulations are sent to Richard and Carole DAVISON who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on April 21.
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Thursday, May 31, 2007:
Saturday evening David and Nancy LYNCH and Liz drove to Indianola where they attended the wedding reception for Bradley
BUTLER's son, Joe, who was married May 11 and honeymooned in Mexico. He is the grandson of the late Bud BUTLER and
Phyllis. It was a great evening with probably 200 guests and relatives in attendance. A dance followed the buffet supper.
His brother, Dan, and wife Kim and daughters, Kelsey and Allison Elizabeth of Urbandale, and Brad's mother, Edie and
fiance of Des Moines, grandparents and Brad's friend, Alisha, were present. The bride was Leah CAMPO of Indianola.
Bradley graduated from Iowa State and is employed by a building contractor there in town. They have home at [address]
Indianola. Congratulations are sent to them.
Thursday, October 25, 2007:
The Redding Thimble Club members went to Creston Monday
for lunch at the Piza Ranch and a tour of the SWCC book store and garden. Club members who went were Annabel WALKUP, Bessie
Down REDDING Way, by Mary TROYER:
Thursday, May 10, 2007:
Vernon and Mary TROYER had gone to Stuarts Draft, VA the past week for the funeral of Rebecca HERSHBErGER, 57, daughter
of Dan and Sarah HERSHBERGER. Survivors include her 87-year-old mohter, sisters, Mary TROYER of Redding,
Clara GLICK of Rustburg, VA, Sarah of South Carolina, Miriam SCHROCK of Rutherford, TN and Rachel YODER of Harrisonburg,
VA, four brothers, Paul, Ben and Jesse of Stuarts Draft, VA and Jake of Costa Rica.
The Roger SCHROCKS and the Noah BONTRAGER families and Mrs. Toby MAST of Jamesport, Mo were at Eliz MAST'S Thursday to help with
prepartations for the wedding of Barbara and Aden which is Thursday.
The MAST sisters went to Windsor, MO last Thursday and Friday to attend the wedding of a niece, Sarah May SCHROCK and
Marie MAST of Millersburg, OH, came to her parents, Eli MASTS, Saturday evening, with plans to stay a week and also
take in the wedding of her sister, Barbara.
May 7 - Thursday, May 3, was the wedding of Aden PLANK, son of Floyd and Rhoda Ann PLANK, and Barbara MAST, daughter
of Eli and Sarah MAST. The ceremony was held in Aden'snew shop/house combined building. Dinner and supper were served
at the bride's home to over 300 guests. The girls who served were Le Anna DETWEILER and Lena KURTZ (Missouri), Karen
TROYER (Missouri), Fannie BONTRAGER (Livingston, WI), Mandy KURTZ (Jamesport, MO), Rosanna YODER (Jamesport, MO),
Katie SCHROCK (Bloomfield), Alma BURKHOLDER (Chetek, WI), Kathryn TROYER (Bloomfield), Frieda BEECHY (Jamesport, MO),
Sara Mae MILLER (Windsor, MO), Dorothy MILLER (Jamesport, MO), Carolyn KURTZ (Jamesport, MO), Martha ROPP (Jamesport,
MO), Lena YODER (local), Clara SCHROCK (Bloomfield), Ruth BORNTRAGER (local), Vera BORNTRAGER (McComb, IL), Mariam
Errand boys were Jonas BONTRAGER, Eli BONTRAGER (Jamesport, MO) and Willie PLANK. Witnesses were Sarah YODER (Canton,
MO, cousin), Allen PLANK (brother), Erma MAST (Crab Orchard, KY) and Daniel DETWEILER (cousin).
Uncles, aunts, cousins and friends attended from Bethany, Jamesport, Windsor, Harwood, Lamar, Verona and Canton, MO,
Bloomfield, Crab Orchard, KY, McComb, IL, Shipshewana, IN, Charlotte, MI, Chouteau, OK and several from Wisconsin.
It was a dreary, misty day but was enjoyed by all. Aden and Barbara PLANK moved into their living quarters where he
has his shop Friday afternoon. Marie MAST, who had come for her sister's wedding, returned to her home in Ohio
Friday. Mrs. Ada BEECHY of Flat Rock, IL, who visited with her brother, Nathan and family, traveled with her.
John MASTS and four children left for Gallipolis, OH early Monday monring, where they had formerly lived, to attend the
wedding of a friend.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007:
The Roy BONTRAGER family and Nelson and Lucy TROYER went to Bonduel, WI last week to be present at the sale that
Marvin MULLET had (Mrs. Roy's dad) of excess furniture and things that he didn't need anymore since his second
marriage in February. They came home late Saturday night with a packed-full horse trailer. The wagon and two buggies
will need to wait for their ride later on.
May 9 was the wedding of David YODER and Martha MILLER. The ceremony was held in Aden PLANK'S new shop building
with the reception at the bride's home, Levi and Rosa MILLER. Witnesses were Amanda GINGERICH (cousin of Clark, MO)
and Daniel YODER (brother), Mary Ann BONTRAGER (cousin, Jamesport, MO) and Joseph MILLER (nephew). Helpers and
servers were Lena YODER and Ruth Ann MILLER (both local), Katie YODER and Rosa MILLER (local), Edna YODER (local) and
Mandy BONTRAGER (Jamesport, MO), Lena SCHROCK and Mandy MILLER, both of LaPlata, MO, Katie SHITLER of Chariton, Mattie
HOCHSTETLER of Readstown, WI, Dena BONTRAGER (local), Malinda BONTRAGER of Jamesport, MO, Barbara PLANK (local),
Lovina BORNtRAGER of Clark, MO, Katie BEECHY and Lizzie GINGERICH, both of Clark, MO, Miriam DETWEILER (local),
LeAnna DETWEILER of Pearisburg, VA, Maudine BONTRAGER of Jamesport, MO and Mary TROYER of Bloomfield. Errand boys
were Nelson MILLER (nephew), Emanuel YODER (brother) and Alton HOCHSTETLER of Readstown, WI. Plans are to move
Martha's hosue up on the hill east of Levi MILLER'S on some land that Daniel bought for their future home.
They had a beautiful day for the wedding and many friends, uncles, aunts and cousins had come to witness their special
event. A vanload was here from Ohio plus some from Verona, Harwood, Windsor, Clark, LaPlatta, Bethany and Jamesport,
all Missouri towns, also Readstown, WI and Bloomfield and Chariton.
Nathan YODERS had the young folks for supper and singing Sunday evening.
Allen DETweILER'S boys did Reuben TROYER'S chores while they were gone. It's nice to have helpful neighbors!
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Thursday, October 25, 2007:
The MAST sisters plan to spend several days in the Kalona area with friends and cousins. Katie and Lena YODER will
take care of responsibilities in the store. Mrs. Nathan YODER'S dad, Junior MULLET of Milton, and a Miss BONTRAGER (JONAS)
of Clark MO are making wedding plans for November 1.
Thursday, October 11, 2007: They just don't get much better would be a good description for the past week. Monday found the Mighty Echoes
entertaining [at the Tingley Meal Site] and everyone looks forward to hearing them each week. Their members
included Ermil HAINLINE, Marge WERNER, Pauline MURPHY, Dave PATCH, Peggy and Elbert SKARDA and Harold BROWN.
It's always a pleasure to welcome newcomers and visitors. Several visitors, who are special snowbird and jam
friends of Muriel and Kerry CREED and Kay and Lloyd DRAKE, were present. They included Pam and Lloyd MILSAP, Elsie
and Bob BURKE, Marilyn and Eldon RAINES and Connie and Derrel. They were all part of the music jam held that
evening in the community building. All enjoyed getting to know them a bit.
Tuesday found the Kitchen Band there [Tingley Meal Site] to entertain. Organized for the longest period of time
of the site's groups, they're still entertaining and enjoyed. Members present Tuesday were Edith WOOD, Doris TODD,
Bonnie and Charlie MANDERS, Harold BROWN, Char and Chris CHRISTENSEN, Wilmina and Dave JENNINGS and Darlene and
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Thursday, October 25, 2007:
Eight in number, Edith WOOD, Melva KAUFMAN, Bob BRIANT, Harold BROWN, Bonnie and Charlie MANDERS and Wilmina and
Dave JENNINGS showed up to entertain Tuesday the Kitchen Band.
Only six members, Darlene MORGAN, Dorothy CLOUGH, Donna HEYER, Harold BROWN and Wilmina and Dave JENNINGS, showed up
to be Friday Singers Friday. Both groupls struggle with numbers but the [meal] site feels blessed to have them as a
part of the group. Two great-grandmothers and a great-grandfather met their two-week-old great-granddaughter for the first
time Friday at the meal site. That's a first. Kelle HAWKINSON brought baby Sadi to meet Pauline MURPHY and Twilla and
Keith LININGER, her great-grandparents, a great-aunt, Marge WERNER,and a cousin Sue RICHARDS, plus a host of people at the
meal site.
Saturday afternoon Liz LYNCH had a surprise visitor. Her grandson, Lucas Levi LYNCH, came from his home in Columbia, MO
to attend the wedding of his half-brother, Jeremy WEEDA [] at the Regular Baptist Church in Mount Ayr that afternoon.
The reception was held in Tingley. His half-sister, HEather HINDMAN, was also a guest at the wedding.
Thursday, May 10, 2007: Jim and Patty POLLOCK'S daughter, Leigh KELLEY, told them Friday evening she and her husband
saw a black bear and three cubs in their backyard on High Knob Mountain in Front Royale, VA.
Thursday, October 11, 2007: Jim and Carol Anne McCREARY and Barbie and Nial BELZER and family attended Jim and Sherry BRADLEY'S 45th
wedding anniversary at the fairgrounds in Afton Saturday evening.
Charles Leroy WHITE, Mount Ayr, and Elicia Marie BEENKIN, Mount Ayr, married September 4, 2007. Date marriage filed September 4, 2007.
Evan Lyle FARIS, Mount Ayr, and Betty JoAnn GRIMM, Kanawha, married Sept. 15, 2007. Date marriage filed, September 20, 2007.
William Allen ROBERTSON, Clearfield, and Stephanie Ann PURDY, Mount Ayr, married September 20, 2007. Date marriage filed, September 20, 2007.
Roger Scott BYER, Mount Ayr, and Michelle Lynn SNOOK, Mount Ayr, married September 29, 2007. Date marriage filed, October 2, 2007.
Lanny Joe KERNS, Mount Ayr, and Jennifer Ann CLINE, Mount Ayr, married September 29, 2007. Date marriage filed, October 4, 2007.
Matthew Bailey ROUTH, Mount Ayr, and Kathlyn Elizabeth MORGAN, Mount Ayr, married October 6, 2007. Date marriage filed, Oct. 10, 2007.
Joshua James HANAWALT, Mount Ayr, and Elizabeth Anne JEANES, Mount Ayr, married October 20, 2007. Date marriage filed, Oct. 22, 2007.
Alex Paul MERCER, Kellerton, and Tancia Dianne WATKINS, Des Moines, married October 20, 2007. Date marriage filed, Oct. 23, 2007.
Jeremy Dale WEEDA, Tingley, and Barbara Sue MILLER, Tingley, married October 20, 2007, Date marriage filed, Oct. 24, 2007.
Joseph John HYDE, Kellerton, and Sondra Lynn GAISER, Kellerton, married October 27, 2007. Date marriage filed, Oct. 31, 2007.
Reagan Lim SARMIENTO, Daly City CO, and Leda Louis Cgulada MADERA, Mount Ayr, married November 9, 2007. Date marriage filed, Nov. 13, 2007.
Charles Andrew GILES, Kellerton, and Jackelynn Delle McCAUGHEY, Kellerton, married November 21, 2007. Date marriage filed, Nov. 26, 2007.
~ From files of Mount Ayr Record-News
Jason and Mindy STOLTZFUS of Storm Lake are the proud parents of a new baby girl, Zariana Nichole, born Wednesday, August 22, 2907 at Saint Luke's
Regional Hospital in Sioux City. She weighed six pounds, three ounces and was 19 inches long. Zariana is welcomed home by brothers, Xander, age four, and
Zachary, age two. Grandparents are Connie and Rich STOLTZFUS of Arnolds Park and Cindy and Randy JACOBSON of Storm Lake. Great-grandmother is Wanda
McGHUEY of Mount Ayr. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, September 06, 2007.
Rylan Joe DORR was born at Bergan Mercy Medical Center in Omaha, NE on Friday, August 10, 2007. He weighed eight pounds, two ounces and was 20 and
1/2 inches long. His parents are Amy and Bryan DORR of Council Bluffs. Grandparents are Frank and Pam HUDSON of Mount Ayr, Joe and Jan DUKES of Ellston,
Jim Hynden of Holden, MO and Matt DORR of Des Moines. Great-grandparents ae Maryruth COX of Independence MO, Yvonne HYNDEN of Lamoni Ray COX of
Jacksonville, IL, Glenn and Donna NORTON of Lenox, Glen and Ruth DORR of Weslaco TX and Lela DUKES of Ellston. Rylan was welcomed home by his big
brother, Caden, age two. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, September 06, 2007.
Christina and Josh LEVY of Excelsior Springs, MO, are the proud parents of a baby boy, Jayden Lynn, who was born on Wednesday, August 29, 2007, in
Liberty MO. The little guy weigheed seven pounds, four ounces and was 20 inches long. Grand parents are Pat WERTZ of Delphos and sally LEVY of Excelsior Springs,
MO. Jayden was welcomed home by older siblings, James WELLING, age 12, and Ashton SMITH, age six, of Excelsior Springs, MO>~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, September 13, 2007.
Joshua HEIDTMAN and Ava Jolene FROST are the proud parents of a baby boy, Jazie Zeke FROST, who was born Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2007, at the Greater
Regional Medical Center in Creston. Jaize weighed seven pounds, five ounces and measured 19 3/4 inhes. Grandparents are Jacki STARK and Clyde FEEBACK
of Ellston and Doug and Joyce FROST of Kellerton. Great-grandparents are Marion and Donna STARK of Kellerton and Jenesse and Howard TULL of
Tingley. Great-grandparents are Irene TULL of Creston, Loreene REED of Kellerton and Goldie STARK of Grand River. Jaize is welcomed
home by older sibling, Jaixen, age three. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, September 27, 2007.
Randy and Kim Foster of Omaha, NE are the proud parents of a baby girl, Sanai Annabelle Foster, who was born on Monday, Sept. 10, 2007, at Lakeside Hospital
in Omaha, NE. She weighed eight pounds, two ounces and measured 22 inches.<:>Grandparents are Walt and Beverly McGinnis of Mount Ayr and Robert Foster of
Las Vegas, NE. Sanai is welcomed home by a big brother, Christian, age 11. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 04, 2007.
Steve LOWMAN Jr. and Candence DEFENDORF of South Haven, MI are the proud parents of a baby girl, Peyton Ann LOWMAN, who was born Wednesday, Sept. 12,
2007, at 9:56 p.m. at North Ottowa Hospital in Grand Haven, MI. Peyton weighed seven pounds, 13 ounces and measured 21 inches. Grandparents are Steve LOWMAN,
Sr. of Mount Ayr and Jackie and Nolan VERMILLION of Stockton, MO and Richard and Cathy DEFENDORF of New York. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, Thursday, October 04, 2007.
Chris and Tory PARKER of Creston are the new parents of a baby boy, Ryer Christopher James PARKER, who was born on Friday, October 5, 2007, at Greater
Regional Medical Center in Creston. He weighed seven pounds, three ounces and was 19 inches long. Grandparents ae Doug and Marty PARKER of WOrth, MO and
Robert and Misty WALKUP of Diagonal. Great-grandparents are Harold and Alice PARKER of Diagonal, Paul and Phyllis McKINNEY of Mount Ayr, Don and Sharon
FLETCHALL of Grant City, MO, Muriel JOHNSTON of Creston and Mary WALKUP of Clearfield. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, October 18, 2007
Julie and Joshua WASKE of Mount Ayr are the proud new parents of a baby girl, Ella Larie WASKE, who was born Monday, October 1, 2007, at 9:08 p.m.
The little miss weighed eight pounds, eight ounces and measured 20.5 inches long. Grandparents are Neil and Cindy MORGAN and Cricket WASKE, all of
Mount Ayr. Great-grandparents are Darlen MORGAN and Ronnie and JoKaye SHIELDS, all of Mount Ayr, and Joan WASKE of Ravenwood, MO. Great-great-grandfather is
Rex HUFFMAN of Fairgrove, MO. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, October 18, 2007
A baby girl was born to Michael and Bethany KNOX of Mount Ayr on Tuesday, October 30, 2007, at Mercy Hospital in
Council Bluffs. MacKenzie Nadine weighed 8.46 pounds and was 19 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are David and Phyllis MULLEN of Corning and
Stan and Dorothy KNOX of Clearfield. MacKenzie is welcomed home by big brother Tucker. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, November 08, 2007
Matt and Tami FAHNLANDER of Peoria, IL are the new parents of a son, Max Kenton FHANLANDER, who was born on Saturday, October 27, 2007, at
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, IL. The little guy weighed eight pounds, three ounces and measured 21.5 inches long. Siblings are
Noelee, who is five years, and Brady who is nearly three years. Grand parents are Kent and Debbie TRULLINGER of Tingley and Bob and JoAnn
FAHNLANDER of Royal. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, November 08, 2007
David and Jody GREENE or Mount Ayr are the proud parents of a son, Jaxson Thomas GREENE, who was born on Wednesday, October 24, 2007. Jaxson
tipped the scales at seven pounds, seven ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Siblings are Ashlie, Shelbie and Myles. Grandparents are Charlene GREENE
and Mac and Pam CROSS. Great-grandmother is Pat JOHNSON. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, November 08, 2007
Melvin and Judy DOOLITTLE have a new great-granddaughter to announce this week. Ben and Bessy HEWLETT of Osceola are the proud parents of a daughter,
Aryanna Judith, born October 26, 2007. She is welcomed home by a big brother, Wyatt Lee. Grandparents are Penni HEWLETT of Iowa City, Greg HEWLETT of
Grand River, Gloria CHAVEZ of Osceola, and Aral COSTILLO of El Salvador. Lena HEWLETT of Grand Rivers is a great-grandmother, also and there is one
great-great-grandmother, Loreen REED of Kellerton. Congratulations to all. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, November 08, 2007
Ryan and Amy BAILEY of Diagonal are the new parents of a baby daughter, Alexa Roe, who was born on Monday, November 19, 2007, at the Greater Regional
Medical Center in Creston. Alexa tipped the scales at eight pounds, three ounces and measured 20 3/4 inches. Grandparents are Bob and RaNa BAILEY
of Diagonal and Jeff and Susan DeGRENDELE of Saint Charles, MO. Great-grandparents are Jim and Snookie GEORGE and Adra BAILEY, all of Diagonal, and
Mary DeGRENDELE and Arleen and Herold WRIGHT, all of Saint Charles, MO. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, November 29, 2007
Mike and Sara GOODALE of Saint Joseph, MO are parents of a son, Jackson Cole. Jackson was born on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2007, at Heartland
Regional Medical Center in Saint Joseph, weighing in at six pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Jon and Kathy GOODALE of
Diagonal and David and Patricia RAFFEL of Parkvilee, MO. Great-grandparents are Bill and Joan GOODALE of Diagonal, Maurice and Harriet RAFFEL of
Harrisburg, PA, and Josephine FRENCH of Atlanta, GA. ~ Mount Ayr Record-News, November 29, 2007
Josh and Courtney VANDERFLUGHT are the proud parents of a baby girl, Olivia Michelle, who was born on Monday, December 3, 2007. She weighed seven pounds,
15 ounces and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Harold and Laura VANDERFLUGHT of Kellerton and Paul FINLEY of Mesa, AZ. Great-grandparents are Donald and
Hazel VANDERFLUGHT of Grand River, Dave and Doris LEEPER of Kellerton and the late Arthur and Tressa FINLEY. Olivia is welcomed home by sister, Ella Ann,
11 months. ~ MOunt Ayr Record-News, December 20, 2007
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012; updated October of 2015
