Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
BEACONSFIELD, by Loretta Rotert:
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
The Beaconsfield community was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Jessica PIERSCHBACHER. Jessica is the
daughter of Curt and Sandy (SMITH) PIERSCHBACHER and granddaughter of Jim and Mary Ann SMITH. We all extend our deepest
sympathy to Jessica's family. Many area residents attended Jessica's visitation and/or funeral. The Beaconsfield
had a float in the parade at the county fair Saturday evening. Those riding on the float were Mayor Lois DAVIS, Eugene
and Esther McALEXANDER, Mike and Connie NEESSEN, Jessica NEESSEN, Chase LEVI and Olivia HENRY. Congratulations to
Amanda HYNEK who was chosen queen of the Ringgold County Fair Thursday evening.
Thursday, July 28, 2005:
There was an ice cream social at the Beaconsfield Methodist Church Saturday evening. A good crowd turned out and
enjoyed ice cream treats on the very warm summer evening. Saturday evening the HYNEK kids performed in the Pumptown
Band at the Decatur County Fair. They were the opening act for "Hannah."
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Ed and Loretta ROTERT received news Wednesday evening of the birth of a great-granddaughter, Lauren Michelle, at
Greater Community Hospital in Creston. Lauren weighed five pounds, one ounce and was 18 inches long. Parents are Jessica
ROTERT and Lucan TRIGGS. Grandparents are Eddy and helly ROTERT and Rhonda and Merle TRIGGS, all of Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 01, 2005:
Raymond JONES has returned home after spending several days in the Decatur County Hospital after breaking his leg in
a fall at his home. Michelle and Amy MOHLER visited the JONES' home during the week.
BENTON, by Mary Swank:
Thursday, January 20, 2005:
Congratulations to Mitchel SWANK and Shane SWANK who both got first place in their divisions at the wrestling tournament
at the Mount Ayr Community high school over the weekend.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 01, 2005:
Dick and Ann BAKER, Linda HALEY, Judy JACKSON and Vera HALEY attended the wedding of Jessica STRAIGHT and Cody JAY on
Saturday evening.
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
July 18 -- Harold and Jeannette WILLIAMS attended a family reunion at the Lake of the Ozarks in Osage Beach, MO over
the weekend. Thirty-five descendants of Glen and Mable HAYES were there. Cindy EARP and family and David HAYES and family
were hosts. Friday and Saturday night suppers were served and breakfast on Sunday morning. Two cousins and their wives
were also included in the gathering. Others from Iowa attending were Dennis and Ruth HAYES, Wilma HAYES, Shirley HAYES,
Garland NISSEN, Vernon HAYES and son, Bruce, and Lola and Russ WRIGHT. Several spent the night with Harold and Jeannette
and Dennis and Ruth before driving down as a caravan Friday morning and again Sunday night before returning to their
respective homes.
Hester DERSCHIED spent some time at the county fair last week. She exhibited some pictures, cookies and flowers. She
did receive some ribbons on her displays. Saturday she was on the Ellston float with Darlene REASONER, Lela DUKES,
Lucile JACKSON and Deb and Ray DERSCHEID. Elaine TUTOR attended the fair and came home with several ribbons including
five blue, two second-places and one first place, although she didn't say what she received them on. She took five
paintings and one needle-point.
Thursday, September 01, 2005:
Elain TUTOR went to Des Moines on saturday and picked up her grandchildren, Phillip and Allie TUTOR, and they
all attended the 100 year celebration of life for her uncle at the Bishop Drumm residential facility.
CALEDONIA, by Verna Martin:
Thursday, January 20, 2005:
January 17 - Boband Verna MARTIN, Peggy and Jerry OVERHOLSER, Beth ELLIOTT, Barbara CLARK and Mary DILLENBURG attended the
50th anniversary party Friday evening for Kenneth and Donna HOWELL in Des Moines. Donna and Kenneth and Verna and Bob
had a double wedding January 16, 1955. Bob and Verna MARTIN celebrated their 50th weddin anniversary Saturday afternoon
at the Southwest Iowa REC building in Mount Ayr. Hostesses were their daughters, Peggy, Barbara, Beth and families.
Peggy and Jerry OVERHOLSEr, Beth ELLIOTT and Jessica helped Bob and Verna MARTIN celebrate their anniversary Sunday with
dinner at Quilt Country in Lamoni.
DELPHOS, by June Steinman:
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
The town of Delphos entered a float in the Ringgold County Sesquicentennial parade at Mount Ayr on Saturday late afternoon.
Its theme was "Delphos Celebrates 125 Years, 1880-2005." Several of the town's people were able to attend, despite the
95-degree heat. It was a large and very good parade. There were many people sitting in their yards under shade trees all along
the streets from the elementary school to the fairgrounds.
HICKORY GROVE, by Rose James:
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
Sunday afternoon the JAMES family enjoyed a barbecue at the home of Rose JAMES. Besides her houseguests, Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin EPPERSON of Aurora, IL,
those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Larry KIMBALL of Grant City, Mo, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WHIPPLE of Lafayette, CO, Maxine
WASHBURN and Penny WASHBURN of rural Hatfield, MO, Mae SMITH of Jamesport, MO, Donnie REYNOLDS and family and Phyllis
WILLER, all of Des Moines, Vicki HARRIS of Albany, MO, Mr. and Mrs. John WASHBURN and family of northern Iowa,
Kevin JAMES, Joe CATANZARETI and Little Joe.
Thursday, July 28, 2005:
The community and especially the JAMES family were very saddened with the news that Ray WHIPPLE was killed and his wife,
Sue, critically injured in a single auto accident in western Nebraska. They had been in Iowa for a family celebration
over the weekend and were on their way home to Layfayette, CO on Tuesday of last week. His funeral is scheduled for
Wednesday of this week in Layfayette. Ray was a good-ntured person and a friend to everyone. He lived in this neighborhood
in the early 1960s with his cousins, Lester and Jessie WASHBURN, and went to high school in Mount Ayr. He was loved
by everyone and will be greatly missed.
Thursday, September 01, 2005:
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly McGINNIS and Mary Jane DENNEY attended the MAUDLIN reunion at the park in Allendale, Mo.
KELLERTON, by Rose Merrill:
Thursday, April 28, 2005:
April 25 - Our community wish Nick and Georgia CAMPBELL the very best as they have moved to Maple Ridge Assisted Living
in Mount Ayr. The Kellerton Christian Church is hosting a welcome home super on Friday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. for Rob DORY
who has returned home after his time in the service. The event will be held at the Community Center where the old school
house stood. Family and friends are very welcome.
Sandy CAMPBELL entertained on Sunday with a post-Easter dinner and in honor of Nick CAMPBELL'S 90th birthday. A delicious
meal of ham balls and beef and noodles was served.
Dee and John EURITT traveled to Davenport on April 14 to the home of Dee's son and daughter-in-law, Patrick and Kim KELLER,
to attend the funeral services of Kim's grandfather, Quad-City stock car legend, Ronnie WEEDON. The services were held on
April 15 in the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds grandstand with over 65 cars and their drivers as part of the over 1,000
people there to pay their respects. Don WHITE, Dee EURITT'S father and a long-time friend of Ronnie WEEDON and his wife,
Dee, was unable to attend his friend's services due to his having to have dialysis.
Word has been received that Kenneth VIRDEN of Everett, WA passed away April 20. He and his wife, Peggy, were former
Kellerton residents. Kenny has two sisters still living, Imogine SLEZIK of Osceola, and Annabelle FLUSHER of Salida, CO. Sympathy
is extended to his family and friends. Saturday and Sunday, Dee EURITT and Evalee and Don WHITE went to see their son and
grandson,James KELLER of Davenport, bowl in the 88th annual men's state tournament. Saturday the bowling alley was lacking
in oil on the lanes bu the alley on Sunday was much better, neither of which helped James reach his usual average of
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 14, 2005:
Last Thursday the Eldeen Club of Kellerton met for lunch at Quilt Country in Lamoni. A short business meeting
and visiting followed. Those present were Esther ALLEN, Evelyn SISSEL, Maxine PAYTON, Helen McMORIS and Geraldine
STEPHENSON. This club was established in 1920. Esther stated she joined in 1942 and when she was younger they did
sewing and visiting all afternoon. The club was named after a needle, only spelled backwards. Refreshments then closed
the day for the ladies. Dan and Paula WEBB of Kellerton attended the wedding of their son Rick and Becky GODBERSEN at
Winterset on Saturday. The WEBB'S grandson, Devin RUSSO, was the ring bearer at the wedding. Rick directs the youth in the
Methodist Church in Winterset, and Becky will be teaching kindergarten at North Polk in Des Moines this fall. The
newly wedded couple left on a honeymoon trip to Jamaica. Best wishes go out to them. Nick WEBB and Elisa JONES of
Baltimore, MD came for his brother's wedding and visited Iowa relatives for a week before returning to their homes.
Thursday, July 28, 2005:
The annual INGRAM family reunion was held July 23 at the Kellerton Community Center with 49 relatives present. Myron and
Shirley INGRAM, their three children and families attended. A great time was enjoyed on a very warm Iowa day.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 08, 2005:
The coffee group in Kellerton who gather each morning for a cup of coffee and to visit a bit, had a large attendance
on Monday. Linda SWANSON brought several Christmas Santas to share. Four of the ladies, Carol AKERS, Shirley INGRAM,
Linda SWANSON and Esther ALLEN, have December birthdays. Others present were Rose and Dean MERRILL, Betty SCOTT,
MALOY, by Liz Lynch:
Thursday, January 20, 2005:
Saturday evening Craig and kathi BRADY were pleased to have her sisters and husbands and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HAYNES,
come to their home for supper and a party to celebrate her mother's birthday. They remained overnight and had breakfast
before returning to their homes. Those having a happy time together were Janine and Paul SHIPMAN of Dexter, Lori and Nick
EVANS and Debbie and Alan MILLER of Lenox, and the honored lady and Fred, also of Lenox.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
Maloy had a float in the Sesquicentennial parade. Julie DAVISON, the mayor, got the float built with a plaque showing a list
of names of older citizens who lived in the community. Young children rode on the float. Paige and PJ LYNCH rode on the
float and Paige was one of the students from the Dance Connection chosen to perform at the fair Sunday evening. This group
will also be performing at the Iowa State Fair. Lorraine and Daughn REASONER attended funeral services for Judy JOHNSON
Friday afternoon. Judy and her parents had been Daughn's neighbors when they all lived close to Ellston.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 28, 2005:
Congratulations to Joan and Wendell JACKSON who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Saturday, July 23. Their grandson, Earl,
celebrated his fourth birthday Sunday in the home of his parents, Erin and Charyti JACKSON in Maryville, MO. A big crowd
of relatives attended. His maternal grandparents from Trenton, Mo, Joan and Wendell, his uncles, Curt and Teresa JACKSON,
Amanda and Adam and Adam's friend, Alana JOHNSON and Kevin and Melanie JACKSON with Wyatt and Hannah.
The Classy 40 group got together this Monday for lunch at the just-opened Frosty Ice Cream and Sandwich Shopp. It is in the
middle part of where the Diner was. There were 16 of us who enjoyed the good food. Jake and Geri DAILEY, Lorraine and
Daughn REASONER, Betty and Leroy BLESSMAN, Wayne and Rosetta McGEHEE, Mary McCREARY, Dorothy MAIN, Liz LYNCH, Louise
JOHNSON, Donella JOHNSON, Nina SALTZMAN, Lavena WIMER and Donna GRIEMANNN. This is the first time Liz has been able to
attend since February. It was so nice to be with the group.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, September 01, 2005:
Brian GATER'S daughter, Miranda Kay, a nine-year-old, auditioned a few weeks ago to sing the National Anthem at a ballpark
in Saint Louis, MO on Labor Day. She was chosen to do this and Brian said there is usually a crowd of about 5,000 to see
the ballgame and horse races, etc. We are very proud and happy for Miranda.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 08, 2005:
Shirley COMER called me last week that her brother Allen (Bud) COMER has passed away suddenly of a massive stroke on
Wednesday, Nov. 23. He was 71. Shirley and Dean came from Texas to Mount Ayr and spent some time with the family before
returning to Pryor, OK for the funeral On Monday. He is survived by his wife Mary and seven children and their families.
We extend sympathy to the COMER family. They lived in the Maloy neighborhood when they were in school there.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 03, 2005:
The Classy 40 got together at Smith's Sports and Spirits on Monday. There was a small group who came, Dorothy MAIN,
Liz LYNCH, Mary McCREARY, Donna GREIMAN, Jack and Gerri DAILEY, Betty and LeRoy BLESSMAN and Lorraine and Daughn
REASONER. Betty said she and LeRoy would visit in the afternoon with his sister and husband in Clearfield who are
planning to go to a warmer climet in a few days. Ione BAAL EDWARD'S son, Terry Thompson BAAL, moved Ione and
Stanley's belongings they plan to keep with them to an assisted living apartment on Higley Street in Mesa last week.
Stanley can walk with a walker some. Ione is not well but hoping to be better soon. Stanley was in and out of the
hospital and care centers 62 days so they are happy to be where they are.
Thursday, July 14, 2005:
Everyone would like to wish Laveta BROOKS and Frank HIGGINS luck as they have moved on. Laveta was able to return to her
home in Kellerton and Frank has moved to Maple Ridge Assisted Living along with his wife. Staff and residents would like
to welcome Alice MUFF to the home. Alice is the mother of Teri CAMPBEL of Mount Ayr and is making her new home in the
west hall.
Thursday, July 07, 2005:
Bertha DAILEY (Mrs. Jack), formerly of Humboldt, passed away on June 22, 2005 at Franklin, NC at the age of 87 years. Her
funeral was held Monday, June 27, at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Humboldt. Those from this area who attended her
service were Mr. and Mrs. Jake DAILEY, Mr. and Mrs. Ron LANDPHAIR, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie SHIELDS, Mr. and Mrs. Pete
SHIELDS, Rod SHIELDS and Aletha WHITTINGTON. Those who visited with the family on Sunday were Monte DAILEY, Margaret
RHODES and Jeff WOODY. On July 3 Merill McCULLOUGH was the guest of honor at an "Over the Hill" suprise 65th brithday
party in the shed at the home of Ronnie and JoKaye SHIELDS. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Gary BEAR, Nadine BALES
of Pittsburgh, CA, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon STARMER of Creston, Lori COOPER and John FRIECK of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Chad
STARMER of Adel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul CHANDLER of Sharpsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Jay MONDAY of Mount Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. Don
HENSLEY of Kansas City, MO, Larry BISHOP, Rosa and Brenna of Hobbs, NM, Wanda ADAMS and Jim CLOUGH of Kellerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney SHIELDS and Aaron, Mr. and Mrs. Pete SHIELDS and Brennon, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff WOODY and Cameron, Jaycob
WASKE and Ally, Mr. and Mrs. Jack HARTMAN, Dorothy HUGHES, Mr. and Mrs. Lee BRAND, Mr. and Mrs. Laurance BISHOP, Mrs.
Bret RUGGLES, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny HEBENSPERGER, Mr. and Mrs. Merv MARKLING< ShayeLyn and Brendan and Sondi DEAK, Dallas
and Kayla and Bill DAW.
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
Guelda BARKER spent the weekend visiting in the home of Jimand Janet KNEDLER of Topeka, KS.
Thursday, September 01, 2005:
Word has been received of the death of S. Keith STEVENS, 82, of Peoria, AZ. He died Sunday, July 31, 2005. A veteran of
World War II, he was buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona in Phoenix, AZ in a service Wednesday, Aug. 17.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 03, 2005:
Those from this area attending the annual Mount Ayrite Halloween luncheon and reunion Sunday in Des Moines were
Lowell and Janet HICKMAN, Denziland Socorro WAUGH, Helen SCHARDEIN, Doris RULE, Margaret RHODES and Milly EIGHMY.
Others in attendance were approximately 25 former Mount Ayrites from the Des Moines area, Perry, Creston and
other areas of the state.
REDDING, by Bobbi Bainum:
Thursday, January 20, 2005:
January 20 - Sympathy is extended to Dick and Cindy SNETHEN and family on the death of Beulah SNETHEN Sunday night.
Congratulations to David and Pat MAUDLIN on the birth of their third grandson, Kaden James, born Wednesday, January 12, 2005
to Paul MAUDLIN and Nicole GARR. He weighed eight pounds, four ounces and was 20 inches long.
Saturday afternoon Peggy OVERHOLSER, Barb CLARK and Beth ELLIOTT and their spouses hosted an open house for their parents',
Bob and Verna MARTINS, 50th anniversary. It was held at the Southwest Iowa REC building on Mount Ayr.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, June 30, 2005:
June 27 - Dorothy BARBER and Denzel PLATT went to a party Saturday morning celebrting the 96th birhday of
Ed VITTNE at the Creston Nursing and Rehab Center. They also attended the 55th wedding anniversary of Bessie and Eddie
AUSTIN Saturday at the Chicken Inn in Creston. Congratulations to Jeff OVERHOLSER and Brandi PAXSON who were married
Saturday evening at the Trinity Christian Church near Decatur. Their reception was held at the Diagonal community center.
Kathi, Dick and Becky BAKER and Annabel WALKUP were among the wedding guests. Congratulations to Joe and Jess SNETHEN
on the birth of their first child, a daughter born Friday in Ames. She has been named Rori Nadine and weighed five
pounds, eight ounces. She is the third grandchild for Dick and Cindy SNETHEN. Sharon and Dale WALKUP and James went
to Dubuque over the weekend to attend the 60th wedding anniversary celebation of Sharon's parents, Don and Dorothy GLEW,
from Ackley. Amy, J.P. and Alaina WHITTINGTON and Ann and Darrin SCHLAPIA from Diagonal also went.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, July 21, 2005:
July 18 -- Sympathy is extended to David and Paul MAUDLIN, Lavetta LYNCh and all of Pat MAULDIN'S family. She died
Tuesday at the hospital. Funeral services were held on Friday at Prugh-Dunfee Funeral Home
in Grant City, MO and burial was in the Redding Cemetery.
Pat fought a long and courageous battle with cancer and will be greatly missed by her family and many friends.
Congratulations to David and Samantha HOSFIELD on the birth of their baby boy. Donald Anthony was born Sunday morning
in Des Moines. Wanda and Doug HOSFIELD are the new grandparents and Betty and J.W. ROBERTSON are his great-grandparents.
The Sunshine Workers 4-H Club had a float in the Sesquicentennial parade Saturday afternoon. Former club leaders riding
on the float were Eva KNAPP, Rose JAMES and Bev McGINNIS. ~ ~ ~
Thursday, July 28, 2005:
Vera CARSON'S guests Tuesday evening were Jean HAIDSIAK, Mark WILLIAMS and Annabell WALKUP. Mark, who is in the Air
Force, was here on leave following a tour of duty in Italy.He will be stationed in Valdosta, GA next. Vera CARSON
and Annabell WALKUP attended the HAIDSIAK cousins reunion Sunday at the Blockton community hall. There were 72 family
members present.
Dr. and Mrs. David McDANIEL and Scott from Dousman, WI are visiting Gerri and Leo McDANIEL. Saturday evening, Gerry and Leo
McDANIEL, Sharon PICKEN from Iowa City, Mark and Ryan McDANIEL, Rachel and Kenny LANE and sons from Kellerton, Edna SICKELS
from Mount Ayr, and David, Brenda and Scott McDANIEL had supper at the restaurant in Allendale, MO.
Cindy and Dick SNETHEN attended the wedding of Dustin WILEY and JoQuetta BRINER Saturday in Grant
City, MO. They also served as hosts for the reception at the skating rink in Grant City.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 03, 2005:
Hostesses for the baby shower for Jordyn OVERHOLSER, daughter of Jeff and Brenda OVERHOLSER, on Sunday afternoon
were Vickie JEANES, Sharon WALKUP, Cindy SNETHEN and Bobbi BAINUM. Don and Darlene BEAR visited Jody ANGUS and family
Saturday afternoon. The BEARS went to the Kellerton United Methodist Church fall dinner Saturday and they have visited
Nora GILES who had surgery on Wednesday. They took dinner on Sunday to her and also visited Betty LONG. Jubal HUNT
celebrated his 85th birthday Sunday with a family dinner at Bobbi and Michael BAINUM'S. Opal HUNT, Carol Ann and
James KERWIN, Joyce and John HUNT of Coralville, Steven HUNT of Creston, Danny HUNT of Grant City, MO, Tim and
Cynthia HUNT of New Hampton, MO, Lisa HUNT of Grant City, MO, Tadd, April, Holly and Lacey BAINUM of Norwalk and
Joe, Gina and Maya BAINUM of Cameron, MO were guests. Becky BAKER attended "International Day" on the Iowa
Univerity campus in Iowa City on Thursday. Becky and Kathy BAKER went to the baby shower for Jordyn OVERHOLSER
Sunday afternoon at the Redding United Methodist Church. Naomi SHAFER attended the renewal of wedding vows ceremony
for Kevin SAVILLE and Kayla MATHIES Sunday at the Middle Fork Church and the reception at the Blockton hall.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 08, 2005:
December 5 - A come and go wedding shower for Mary SCHARFENKAMP BLAISURE is being planned for Sunday, Dec. 11, at 2 p.m.
at the Southwest Iowa REC building in Mount Ayr. Mary is the daughter of Bill and Kim SCHARFENKAMP and was married
to Philip BLAISURE on Oct. 22. Everyone is invited to attend.
Down REDDING WAY by Mary Troyer:
Thursday, June 09, 2005:
The young folks had gathered at Alvin BONTRAGERS Wednesday evening for a frolic. The boys dug postholes for his
shed and also a fence line. The girls worked in the garden. Snacks and volleyball were enjoyed afterwards.
Roy and Cora BONTRAGER and daughters, Dean, Mary, Lucy and Wilma, went to Utica, MN last week for the funeral
of Aunt Katie, Mrs. Amos YODER. She was only 52, died of the dreaded sickness, cancer. Their youngest son plans
to get married this week. Roy and Cora have plans to attend the wedding in Minnesota.
Thursday, July 21, 2005:
Born to Robert and Ivy DETWEILER, a son on July 13, named LeRoy. Grandparents are Robert DETWEILER, Senior of Milton
and Felty MASTS of LaPlata, MO. Eli MASTS and Allen DETWEILERS hosted a KAUFFMAN reunion last Wednesday and Thursday
with parents, Joe MASTS, in Jamesport, MO.
Thursday, July 28, 2005:
July 25 -- Nathan YODERS had a house moved in from Blockton last week on the 40-acre property they bought. Junior MULLET of
Milton was the foreman and instructor. He and his wife came Monday and left Friday. John MULLETS and children of Milton
also came along and spent their time with parents, Eli YODERS. Vernon, Mary, Aaron and Nelson TROYER and Lucy
BONTRAGER went to Loganville, WI last week for the wedding of Phillip YODEr and Delores TROYER. Florence HOCHSTETLER also
went along and visited with her two sisters, Mrs. Paul (Ruthann) and Mrs. Melvin (Katie) GRABER. LaVern DETWIELER,
Noah YODER and Joseph MILLER buggied to the Diagonal area Sunday morning and attended church there. After many headaches, trials,
errors and wrinkles to iron out, Allen DETWEILER and his flooring machine is in running order and is peeling out floor boards.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, September 01, 2005:
August 29 -- Plenty of moisture and warm days create green grass and sweat.
Timberview School will open doors August 29 and start classes. Lena YODER and Miriam Ann DETWEILER are the teachers.
Five little first graders are trying out their wings with excitement of starting school. They are Harvey MILLER (Joe's),
David DETWEILER (Allen's), Dennis and Delbert TROYER (twins, Reuben's) and Kathryn TROYER (Jonas'). Allen and Alma
DETWEILER, Junior and Becky DETWEILER and Aaron and Mary TROYER attended the funeral of Lloyd Junior STEPHENS Thursday.
We have good memories of Lloyd, who helped us in many ways the first several years we lived in this area.
Roy and Malinda YUTZY of Howe, IN signed a contract on Lydon THOMPSON'S 290 acres. Olin BONTRAGER has his farm put up
for public auction on Sept. 5. Alvin BONTRAGERS and family left for Bloomfield Monday and attended the wedding of his
sister, Magdalena and Joseph GINGERICH. From there they went to LaPlata, MO to be with her parents. The Junior KAUFFMAN
family is also in LaPlata to visit family. Noah BONTRAGER (Roy's) fell 16 feel when on a construction job. He had a concussion
and was very sore but otherwise didn't seem to be hurt. A very lucky guy. Vernon and Mary TROYER went to go to Jamesport,
MO to visit a sister, Mrs. Orley SCHROCK, who is not well. She had a liver transplant 15 years ago. Now her kidneys
aren't functioning.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 03, 2005:
Albert YODER and family and Martha MILLER went to the wedding of Katie YODER (Mary's sister) and widower Henry MAST
of Blair, WI in Jamesport, MO. Roy and Malinda YUTZY of Indiana were here last week to do extensive work on their
house on the Lyndon THOMPSON farm. The raccoons, waspsa nd bees have to find new homes. With having several frolics
last week, a lot of work was accomplished, making footers for an addition and pouring cement in a shed, also
stripping most of the inside of the house. Jonas TROYERS had the young folks Wednesday evening to do some work. The
boys dug postholes, the girls cut up seven bushels of apples. Snacks and volleyball were nejoyed afterwards.
Thursday, July 14, 2005:
Just For Fun Day was observed by the meal site Friday and fun it was. Loren DRAKE observed his 96th birthday on Friday.
Several family and friends enjoyed being present at the site to share the special day with him and Pearl MAY. This spry 96-year-old
gentleman can be seen pedaling his three-wheeler around town each day as proof he can and was enjoying being able to.
Everyone at the site joined together to sing "Bicycle Built For Two." Charlie MANDERS had a joke and expressed how much
he, along with everyone else, admired Loren. Family present included daughter and son-in-law, Lloyd and Kay DRAKE of
Tingley, grandchildren and great-grandchild, Jay and Penny INGRAM and Emma of New York, and Diane FUNK.
~ ~ ~ ~Thursday, December 08, 2005:
Sympathy is extended to Pearl MAY, who recently had a sister who passed away. Sympthy is also extended to the family
and friends of Allan (Bud) KINNEY who passed away Monday evening at the Ringgold County Hospital in Mount Ayr. A
celebration of life service was held for him Saturday morning at the community building.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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