Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 06, 2002
Ruth A. THOMAS, 76, of Spokane, WA is trying to visit the smallest incorporated town in every state. She started her
travels in 1998 and has visited 33 states. Friday she visited Beaconsfield. The Des Moines Register was in
town to interview her. Lois DAVIS, the mayor of Beaconsfield, took Mrs. THOMAS to meet all the council members Friday
evening. Raymond and Dorine JONES took Mrs. THOMAS and her bicycle and trailer to Osceola, where she stayed in a motel.
Channel 8 News was in Beaconsfield Thursday wanting to know about where Peggy WHITSON had grown up. Peggy grew up on a
farm about 2.5 miles northwest of Beaconsfield. They talked with Dorine JONES, who was mowing her lawn,and Ed ROTERT who
was mowing hay. Dorine was shown in front of the Beaconsfield Methodist Church, which Peggy attended as she was growing up.
Diane REASONER and two of her sons, Nathan and Daniel and a friend, Kayla BENDER of Mount Ayr, made a trip to see the
space launch in Florida. They were disappointed when the launch was cancelled for the day, but all enjoyed the trip.
The PIDCOCK cousins, who meet yearly, met this year in the home of Raymond and Dorine JONES, Elbert and Thelma PIDCOCK
and Yreva DAVENPORT of Clearfield were dinner guests of Raymond and Dorine.
Duane and Willa POORE attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Aimie STEPHENS to Robby LARSON on Saturday evening,
in a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the home of Joe. Donna, Katelyn and Megan WARIN. On Sunday afternoon they attended
they attended the gift opening at the LARSON'S new home in Waukee.
Marie WATSON and her family had a family reunion at the Third Rail Restaurant in Osceola. At the dinner they celebrated
Phyllis and Aobert HULETT'S (sic, should be HEWLITT) 40th wedding anniversary. Joining the group were Marie's daughter,
Holly KOLLER of Yankton, SD, and niece Lisa FRANCK, Don (sic, should be Dan) and Rhonda HARRISON and daughter Rachelle.
Marie enjoyed having so many family members together. Another daughter an her family had been visiting earlier.
Earl and Kerri McALEXANDER of Rockwell City are in Florida. They have visited the Epcot Center and Sea World. On their
excursions they have met and visited with other Mount Ayr area residents, Hugh and Jackie WHITSON, Alan SMITH, Larry and
Cathy McALEXANDER of Treynor and Susan EASON.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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