Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 19, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Norman KLEJCH of Diagonal was elected president of the board of education of the Mount Ayr Community school district
in the reorganization meeting held Monday morning. He succeeds Milton HENDERSON, who had conscientiously served in that
capacity during the past year. Mr. HENDERSON, who had been a member of the board since 1954, and whose term expired September
16, was not a candidate for re-election. The oath of office was administered to Dr. Roy E. FELL and Loren IBBOTSON of
Tingley, each of whom was elected for a three-year term at the annual school election held September 9.

Craig ELLIOTT was high scoring individual in the 4-H livestock judging contest at the Saint Joseph Interstate Show,
Tuesday, Sept. 17, with a score of 410 out of a possible 450. Craig RIGGS tied for fifth place, scoring 393 points.
The Ringgold county composed of Craig ELLIOTT, David LYNCH, Craig RIGGS and Neil STANLEY, alternate, placed second with a
team scroe of 1,165 out of a possible 1,350.

The residence property of Cecil SALTZMAN, located at 102 W. Walnut Street, was sold Monday at public auction to
D. H. SNEDEKER for a consideration of $2,000.

The Mount Ayr Community Raiders opened their 1963 football campaign with a convincing 55-0 victory over the Leon
Cardinals Friday night on the local field. Much of the total yardage for the Raiders, who collected seven first downs to
Leon' five, came on long jaunts by Ricky Defenbaugh and Gene RICKER. Don GEPNER grabbed a punt and scrambled 60 yards
for the longest touchdown of the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack HARTMAN spent Thursday and Friday in Kansas City, MO as guests of the Phillips Petroleum Company.
While in the city they and other dealers and their personnel attended the Yankees-Athletics ball games and toured the
city's refinery. Mr. HARTMAN, manager of the Mount Ayr Oil Company and operator of the local Phillips 66 service
station, was awarded to the two-day, expense-paid trip to Kansas City as a reward for outstanding service rendered on
the driveways.

Three hundred men and boys attended the fall conclave of the Order of the Arrow, Lodge CHAPA97, National Brotherhood
of Scout Honor Campers, Boy Scouts of America, held September 6, 7 and 8, at Camp Wakonda near Griswold. Mount Ayr.
Troop and Post 165 were represented at the conclave by Royce NELSON, Randy SOBOTKA, Pat CARR and Tom KELLY of Redding,
all of whom were inducted as Ordeal members. Also in attendance were Earl KELLY and Wilbur LANDPHAIR and Ronnie, who
climbed a step to Brotherhood, and Doyle ANDREW and five other members of the council, who were elcted to Vigil, the
highest honor in the lodge.

New 1964 Chevrolets will be displayed Thursday, Sept. 26, in the showrooms of the Johnson-Carr Chevrolet Company in
Mount Ayr. Free coffee, doughnts and pop will be served and a 1951 Chevrolet two-door sedan will be offered as a
door prize.

New 1964 models of Dodges and Chryslers will be on display tomorrow (Friday) in the showrooms of the Main Motor
Company in Mount Ayr. Refreshments of free coffee and doughnuts will be served.

September 13, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd JOHNSON, Mount Ayr
September 16, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne COLLIER, Mount Ayr
September 17, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jack PADGITT, Kellerton

OBITUARIES in September 19, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2013

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