Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 19, 1987
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

T. DANIEL, a professional mime, spent a week at the Mount Ayr Community elementary school under the Iowa Arts Council's
Artist in the Schools program last week.

Friday, March 20, is Agriculture Day in the United States, the day set aside to honor the part agriculture plays in the
life of the nation. In Ringgold county, it is not hard to recognize the important part agriculture plays in the economic
well being of its people. Only 12 other counties in the state are more dependent on agriculture and there are less than 200
counties in the country which have as high a dependence on agriculture as does Ringgold county, according to figures from
the United States Department of Agriculture.

An ambulance run to Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines from Ringgold
County Hospital came to an abrupt end on an exit ramp in Des Moines Monday afternoon, injuring three people and destroying
the hospital's backup ambulance. Ethel BAGLEY, 91, of Mount Ayr was being transferred to the Des Moines hospital for
treatment of a broken right hip, with Mike McGRATH of Mount Ayr driving the ambulance
and Cathy SCHAEFER of Diagonal attending Mrs. BAGLEY. Both are hospital employees. Between 2:30 and 3 p.m. the ambulance
went out of control on a curve as the vehicle took the Keosauqua Way exit ramp from the eastbound MacVicar Freeway, hit
two bridge support pillars and rolled over.

Mount Ayr Girl Scouts joined with Girl Scouts from around the world in opening
the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Girl Scouting Thursday with a promise circle ceremony on the Ringgold county
courthouse lawn. The ceremony was held at 4 p.m. along with similar ceremonies in respective time zones round the world as
a kickoff to the anniversary celebration.

Elton WERNER was sworn in as mayor and Willis ALLEN was named to the Tingley city
council at the group's regular meeting Wednesday, March 4. WERNER was named to replace Nancy RIGGS, who resigned upon
leaving the community; and ALLEN was named to fill WERNER'S unexpired term on the council. WERNER appointed ALLEN as mayor
pro-tem at the meeting.

A check for $834.25 to be usedfor emergency food aid in Ringgold county was presented to Mary
CAVIN of the local Neighborhood Center this week, representing the county's allocation of funds from money raised during
the county CROP walkin the fall. Ringgold county raised $3,479.50 in the walk.

A battle between two bucks ended in both
of their deaths recently on the Jack MAIN farm nine miles northwest of Mount Ayr. A 10-point buck and an eight-point buck
were fighting when their antlers became entangled and the animals could not get away from each other, leading to their
deaths. Jim WERNER, a neighbor, found the two deer when he was checking cattle one morning. The MAINS are having the
two racks of antlers mounted together with a picture of the unusual event.

A Mount Ayr high school player will be
participating on the Southwestern Iowa Girls AAU basketball team which will play in the girls state 16 and under
AAU basketball tournament in Urbandale this weekend. Kim McGINNIS of Mount Ayr is among the girls from across the area
participating on the team which advanced to the state with two victories in a tournament in Creston
Sunday. McGINNIS scored 20 points against Villisca to lead the team and was the second highest scorer against Oakland
with 11 points.

Ron SICKELS of Mount Ayr bowled a 708 series as he participated in the Wednesday Night Hookers League
March 11. This is thought to be only the second ove r700 series ever bowled at Lucky Lanes.

OBITUARIES in Thursday, March 19, 1987 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Homer Willmet McCLINTOCK Carl Louis JUNKMANN
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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