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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 19, 1979

Veronica Ray

Fire hit a tavern in Kellerton and a farm house north of Redding this week. Fire gutted the inside of Les and Judy's Tavern Thursday night after the place had been closed. There was smoke damage to Perry's TV shop located just north of the tavern. Jack BAILEY, who lives alone in the two-story farm house at the north edge of Redding, awoke Sunday at 3 a.m. to find the house filled with smoke and fire around the kitchen light fixture. About $10,000 damage was done to the home but no injuries were reported.

From the opening event, a kids' parade, to the dance which closed the Redding Frontier Days celebration July 144-15, it was a big success. Tracee HUTCHINSON took top prize in prettiest costume, Nicole DENNEY as Bugs Bunny in chartoon characters and Barrett THOMPSON in best decorated bicycle categories in the children's parade.

Ten candidates have been selected for the 1979 Little Princess contest at the Ringgold County Fair next week. Candidates and their sponsors are: Sharyn BASTOW, Iowa Grain Exchange; Kristene BEDIER, Campbell Feed Supply, Kellerton; Belinda CHRISTNER, Hawkeye Lumber Co.; Melanie FLETCHER, Diagonal Oil Co.; P.J. GEORGE, Kellerton Hardware; Tracy HENRY, Hy-Vee Food Store; Brandi LININGER, England Service Station of Tingley; Bobbie Jo TROSTER, Main Excavating of Mount Ayr; Heather WEEDA, Lilac's Gift Shop; and Amber WOOD, Johnson Crop Care.

Shelly SOBOTKA of Diagonal was selected as Ringgold County's representative to the Iowa Stae Fair in dress revue after judging July 11. Mari HUGHES of Mount Ayr is the county's choice in the clothing selection category. There were 44 girls who presented a "Rainbow of Fashion" style show as part of the 4-H fashion revue and clothing selection event.

The largest field of candidates ever has entered the race for Ringgold County Fair Queen for 1979. Fifteen county girls are seeking the title won last year by Sheri WOOD: Marla BROWN, Laurie CALHOUN, Brenda CHRISTNER, Lesley COLEMAN, Viola CRABTREE, Debbie DULANY, Amy FRENCH, Misty McKINNEY, Diane NIEMAN, Shelly SOBOTKA, Amy SOUTH, Linda WEEDA, Sandy WEEDA, Lori WOOD, Brenda WOOLLUMS.

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

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