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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, December 19, 1985

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Margaret WILKINS of Tingley will be one of 100 cooks from across the United States participating in the 32nd annual America's Bake-Off contest at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL in February. Mrs. WILKINS will be the only Iowan participating in the contest, sponsored by the Pillsbury Co. and General Electric Company.

Merritt TRIGGS of Mount Ayr was elected to his third one-year term as president of the Iowa State Fair Bord during the state agricultural meeting held in Des Moines.

Andrew Auto Supply held an open house at its new location west of the Mount Ayr post office this week and members of the Mount Ayr Resource Commission board helped with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Edna JONES of Mount Ayr was honored recently for her 25 years of service to Rideta Electric Co-op. Mrs. JONES joined Rideta Electric Co-op in October 1960 as cashier.

Jeff BURROUGHS of New Market will soon be moving to Mount Ayr to help in servicing Ringgold County Farm Bureau members with their insurance needs. BURROUGHS and his wife Jane plan to move to Mount Ayr this month. He joines Merrill PERRY as a career agent in Ringgold County.

Loren "Zeb" INNIS of Kellerton is retiring from his position as manager of the Miracle Recreation Co. manufacturing plant in Mount Ayr. The Ringgold County Industrial Development Corporation honored INNIS at a dinner last week to mark the occasion. Development president Leroy BLESSMAN congratulated INNIS on his retirement. Restaurant seating is becoming more and more a part of the plant operations here.

The grandson of a Mount Ayr woman was the offensive line coach on the Loveland high school football team from Loveland, CO, which won the state #3A football championship this year. Jeff BURKE, the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. BURKE and the grandson of Irma SMITH of Mount Ayr, is the offensive line coach for the team which had a 13-0 record and beat Grand Junction 35-23 in the state championship game.


  • December 16, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Roger TODD, Maloy

    OBITUARIES in December 19, 1985 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    no obituaries published this week

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2010

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
    Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.


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