Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 19, 1956
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Ringgold County Sportsmen's Club was the name adopted for a new organization effected Monday night in Mount Ayr at a
meeting of men interested in promoting wildlife conservation and sporting facilities within the borders of Ringgold
county. Twenty-three men were in attendance.

The Pollard Grocery Store in Kellerton is attractive in appearance and provides the utmost in shopping conveniences
with the completion of an extensive remodeling program and the installation of several pieces of new equipment. More
than 300 square feet of sales floor have been added to the Royal Blue Food Store, which is owned and operated by

Janice TODD, who will graduate this spring from Mount Ayr high school, was among a group of 50 Iowa high school graduates
selected today frm 144 applicants in statewide competition as winners of three-years nurses' scholarships awarded annually
by the Iowa division of the American Cancer Society. She will attend the Iowa Methodist School of Nursing at Des Moines.
Miss TODD is a daughter of Mrs. H. P. TODD of this city.

Stanton E. TENNANT, publisher of the Colfax Tribune, was elected president of the Iowa Press Association Friday at
its 41st annual convention at Hotel Fort Des Moines.

A. L. (Bert) KELLEY of Clarinda, a former resident of Mount Ayr, was elected president of the Tom Griffith Chapter of
Independent Telephone Pioneers at the 60th annual convention of the Iowa Independent Telephone Association in Des Moines
last week.

On April 10, final returns of the 1956 Easter Seal Sale for crippled children were tallied. A total of $502.35 was
collected by the sale sponsor, the Mount Ayr V.F.W. Auxiliary, under the direction of its past president, Mrs. Harry
GUNTER and the entire amount has been turned over to the Iowa State Easter Seal Fund.

Lee CAMPBELL, speech instructor in the Mount Ayr schools, was elected president of the Ringgold county Education Association,
during its regular dinner meeting held Wednesday evening of last week in the L.D.S. Church in Mount Ayr.

April 11, a son, Carlin Cedric, to Dr. and Mrs. Chas. W. LAWHEAD, Mount Ayr
April 13, a daughter, Betty Diann, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald STEPHENSON, Hatfield MO
April 16, a son, Alvin Ray, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald JOHNSTON, Mount Ayr
April 18, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Bervin JAMES, Worth MO

OBITUARIES in April 19, 1956 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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