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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, May 18 & 21, 1915

by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

The town council has adopted an ordinance providing for a sewrage system for Mount Ayr and June 3 is the date set to consider bids for doing the work.

Perry HARDEN, who for several months has been employed by Leonard STEDMAN in the Delphos vicinity, will start Wednesday to Hutchinson, KS where he expects to secure employment and make his home.

A deal was made yesterday whereby Mrs. J. D. WILLEY sold the Bonton Theatre to William DOWLING and George SHEPHERD. The style of the new firm will be Dowling and Shepherd and Mr. SHEPHERD will have charge of the business.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. James WARRICK north of Mount Ayr was the scene Tuesday noon for the wedding of their daughter, May Elizabeth, to James Vernon DRAKE, of this vicinity. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. M. SHIPMAN, the ring service being used. The couple was attended by Ruth ALLEN, of Russell, and Cloyd DRAKE, brother of the groom.

Maurice TENNANT, who for several weeks has been employed in the "Palace of Sweets" as fountain expert and head waiter, resigned his position Saturday evening in order that he might better attend his school work. Maurice, in addition to the regular work, is playing a double role in the senior play, "The Thread of Destiny." Otto BEVINGTON has accepted a position in the restaurant and bakery and began work the first of the week.

Those who will take part in the Rice township Sunday school convention to be held May 23, in the Delphos Christian Church are Rev. Lloyd ELLIS, who will deliver the address; Paul WOODCOCK, William SEFRIT, Mrs. John F. FLYNN, Percy SPENCER, Louisa BLUNK, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. TENNANT, Orr FISHER, Omer VARNER, Marcene DEFENBAUGH, Arlene GEIGER, Geo. SPICER, John A. BLISS, R. C. SMITH, Lynn STEVENS, Alice ELLIOTT, Jesse GARTIN, Mrs. Thomas BALLEW and Cleo BRAMON.

KELLERTON - Teachers elected for the next year are: Professor H. L. COSNER; domestic science, Alice THAYER; primary, Lillian SKINNER; and third and fourth grades, Nina STILL. The other teachers will be hired later.

DIAGONAL - C. F. QUINN, who went to California recently, has purchased a printing plant at Sanger, and expects to return here this week to dispose of his property and household goods. He will move at once to his new home and take charge of the paper.


  • KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest VACENDER are the parents of alittle son, born to them on May 15.
  • KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Vern BECK are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine little son on their home on May 19.
  • A son was born May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. MOSIER, of Poe township.
  • DIAGONAL - A baby boy was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard WOODS on Thursday evening.
  • A son made his advent into the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. WILLIAMS on May 16, and the smile which adorns the countenance of the proprietor of the "Home of Good Shoes," is a little broader than usual. The two latest additions to the WILLIAMS family have been boys and it is predicted that taking orders for made-to-measure clothing will in time be as popular at the WILLIAMS store as taking orders for men's clothing.

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015


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