Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 11, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Two break-ins, which occurred Saturday night or early Sunday morning in Tingley and Ellston are being investigated by
Sheriff Elbert STRANGE. Sheriff STRANGE was called Sunday to Ellston after being informed of a break-in at the elevator,
owned by Bill GREENE, which was discovered about 6:45 a.m. by Mayor Sam BRANDT. While investigating the premises of the
elevator, Sheriff STRANGE discovered several cellophane wrappers from packages of wieners. Instinctiveness prompted him
to stop in Tingley on his way to Mount Ayr and there he discovered that the Breckenridge Hardware and Grocery Store had
been entered.

Fifteen students of the Mount Ayr community high school were inducted into "Parnassus," National Honor Society
Monday, April 1, at a special assembly program. New members were Marie ANGUS, Jeani BASTOW, Martha CARR, Beverly MERRITT,
Camille LAWHEAD, Marie EURITT, Shirley SAVILLE, Cynthia KELLY, Bonnie PAIST, Sandra HUNT, Maurine ROGERS, Lynne WION,
Eugene RICKER, David BARKER and Richard STEPHENS. Twenty young men and women, who constitute the upper 20 percent of the
1963 senior class of the Mount Ayr Community high school, will be honored at the annual scholarship banquet on April 16.

Vera F. DICKENS, Ringgold county superintendent of schools for the past 30 years, was re-elect by the Ringgold County
Board of Education during a meeting of the organization held April 1. Members of the board in attendance were John D.
WARIN, chairman, Robert BECK and Vern JOHNSTON. James MOON and Carl G. RIGGS were absent. Barbara SIDDENS of Albany,
MO has signed a contract to teach vocational homemaking in the Mount Ayr Community high school next fall, the duties
of which she will assume on August 15.

Maurine ROGERS, junior in the Mount Ayr Community high school, was adjudged winner
of first place honors in the Bill Riley State Fair Talent Show presented Wednesday night of last week in Mount Ayr.
Miss ROGERS, who appeared in a vocal number, received a cash prize of $10 and a chance to appear on KRNT-TV.
BARKER, public speaking entry, and Craig ELLIOTT, freshman creed speaker, will represent the Mount Ayr chapter at
the state FFA convention to be held in Sioux City. The two voting delegates are David UMBARGER and Phillip DRAKE.
The four members and Mr. HAUPTMAN, local advisor, will leave for Sioux City on April 17 and return to Mount Ayr on
April 20.

April 03, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Max BUCK, Mount Ayr
April 04, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard CLOTHIER, Lamoni
April 05, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank BAKER, Darlington MO
April 06, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Norman SNEAD, Denver MO

OBITUARIES in April 11, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2013

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