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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 17, 1940

by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

William B. HARLAN, of LaPorte City, purchased this week an interest in the LAWHEAD Drug Company, owned by Dr. C. C. LAWHEAD. Mr. HARLAN came to Mount Ayr Sunday and took over active management of the store today, besides serving as a registered pharmacist.

According to Marvin ANDERSON, four-county soils agent, farms in Ringgold county selected as Soil Conservation demonstration farms are those of Alex MOFFATT and Warren DRAKE, of Mount Ayr, and Ernest BAKER of Clearfield. These farms are set up for a period of five years as a demonstration of good land use to farmers in Ringgold County.

Elaine McGRATH began work last week as secretary in the office of Emmet R. WARIN.

The Kenneth R. Brown engineering firm, of Des Moines, has been employed by the directors of the Rideta Electric Cooperative as mapping engineer to prepare the application for the allotment of funds from the Rural Electrification Administration to build lines to service the farms of Ringgold, Decatur, Taylor and Union counties.

DELPHOS - The junior play "Second Story Peggy" will be presented October 25. The students who will take part are Rosella COCHRAN, Doris TRIMBLE, Georgia LIVESAY, Medlyn VAUGHN, Joe SEATON and Robert HARMAN, juniors; Paul RHODES, sophomore and Charles FITZGERALD, freshman.

KELLERTON - The corn show sponsored by Dr. R. W. JACKSON and Albert ALLEN was quite a success. Luther COX, of southwest of town, won first prize and Doc MUNYON won the prize for the longest ear of corn.


  • KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Robert BECK are the proud parents of a baby girl, born October 14, at the Leon hospital.

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015


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