Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 17, 2000
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

For the first time in six years the Mount Ayr Community Raider boys basketball team has won the title of the Pride of Iowa
Conference and a large crowd was in hand Friday night to cheer the Raiders on in their key contest with Southeast Warren.
Five Raider wrestlers qualified for district tournament competition the next day at Afton and the Raiderettes took second in
the Pride of Iowa Conference despite a loss to Southeast Warren.

Ringgold county may soon have its first Academy Award winning connection. Hilary SWANK, granddaughter of James CLOUGH of
Kellerton, was nominated Monday for the "Best Actress" award for the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences -- the
Oscars. SWANK is nominated for her starring role as Brandon Teena/Teena Brandon in "Boys Don't Cry," the same role which
won her the Best Actress award in the Golden Globes awards last month. NOTE: Hilary won the Oscar!!

Nicole GOODALE and Ashley RUBY had the winning entries in the coloring contest sponsored by the Farm Service Agency in
conjunction with Farm Safety 4 Just Kids. Both girls are students at Diagonal elementary school.

A Ringgold county man was found dead when Ringgold county sheriff's department and the Ringgold county ambulance service
were called to a farm three miles south of Diagonal Monday, Feb. 14. According to county medical examiner Dr. Bruce RICKER,
Stephen GRAHAM, 44, was found dead by a fatal gunshot wound to the head. Two of GRAHAM's farm employees found GRAHAM on
his farm aroud 9 a.m. The ambulance transported GRAHAM to Ringgold County Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Ringgold
county sheriff's office, county medical examiner and Iowa Medical examiner, Dr. Francis GARRITY, are still investigating
the incident to determine the circumstances of the death.

OBITUARIES IN February 17, 2000 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Donald Vernon BARKER Georgia Letha (Van NOSTRAND) DeVRIES
Lucille H. (DAYTON) INNIS Alice Marie (LAIRD) WICKER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2010

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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