Ringgold Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 16, 1893

We learn from the Republican publication at El Dorado, Kan., that Miss Rose EPPERLY has formed a partnership in the
millinery business with Miss Nelia COWAN of that city. Her many friends in Mount Ayr will wish for her the best of
success in the new business enterprise.

M. G. MAXWELL has purchased Finner Bros.' picture gallery at Creston and will take possession in the near future.

The annual Mount Ayr school election was held on Monday, March 14, and resulted in the choice of Messrs. D. C. CURRIE
and Thos. CAMPBELL as members of the school board.

Ringgold county, Iowa, has just liquidated the last of its bonded indebtedness. The county has a magnificent court
house with all the latest improvements and the money necessary for the building of the structure occasioned only
a trifling increase in the taxation of the county, hardly perceptible by the taxpayers. Every county should have a
suitable public building for the transaction of business and we would like to see the taxpayers of little Worth
become as progressive as those of Ringgold county on the north. -- Grant City Star

The Galloway specialty company opened a week's engagment at the opera house in this city on Monday night. Their
special business is to sell electric belts which are said to be very effective in curing certain diseases.

By a recent law of the Supreme Lodge A. O. U. W., all applicants in that order after May 1st next must be under 45 and over 21 years
of age.

George HICKERSON commenced clerking last Friday in W. A. REGER'S news, book and music store.

Miss Mabel HENRY and Miss Alice BASTOW left for Burlington Tuesday to take a course of lessons in trimming in a
wholesale establishment.

F. M. JORDON, late of Middle Fork, is enjoying his new work in the Critchfield Implement store.

Sam SPURRIER is acting foreman of the News during the absence of Frank WHERERY.
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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