Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 16, 1953
Lindsay Ricker

A book, entitled "The God That Failed," edited by Richard Crossman, has been presented to the Mount Ayr Public Library
by Ringgold Unit No. 172 American Legion Auxiliary. The presentation was made "in memory of PFC Kenneth E. DAVENPORT,
who made the supreme sacrifice January 22, 1953, while fighting Communism in Korea - that all men may continue to
enjoy the blessings of freedom."

The Mount Ayr high school band will give a concet July 22 at the courthouse park in Mount Ayr. Included in the program are these pieces: "The Bunny Hop," "Merry
Men," "Two Little Bullfinches" with a clarinet duet by Paula WILLIAMS and Jane CARR, and "Little Rhapsody in Blue."

The Mount Ayr Vets won Thursday night at Clearfield by a 7 to 3 score and then came out on the short end of a 9 to
7 score Sunday against the strong St.Joseph Red Sox. The Mount Ayr batters kept up a steady bombardment and connected for
15 hits in the Clearfield game. BARNHOUSE pitched splendid ball in the first and last four innings but eased up in the

Appointment of Ernest (Sandy) STRINGHAM of Mount Ayr as Ringgold county chairman of the Iowa Motor Truck Association
has been announced by L. E. CROWLEY, executive secretary of the state organization. As the county's chairman, he will
advise the state association on problems affecting local truckers, and will also help keep owners informed of problems
and programs of the state organization in serving the motor transportation industry.

County Attorney Grant L. HAYES and George BALDNER, members of the local Golf and Country Club, won the "Speck
Tournament," which was held Sunday morning on the Mount Ayr course, following the men's golf breakfast. They scored
forty points, and each was awarded a golf ball as a prize.

Coming at Mount Ayr: Dr. Wm. E. SHEPARD, Optometrist and refracting eye specialist, will conduct eye examinations
from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. July 22 at Hotel Mount Ayr.

July 09, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Horta ROACH, Grant City MO
July 14, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth FOUNTAIN, Clearfield
July 15, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Leland LOGHRY, Essex
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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